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Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags UPDATED ! they arrived!
Well JuJuBE mom's you sucked me in my smaller sized Vera's aren't going to cut it with a newborn.
So I think I'm going to order a packbe (since I love backpacks! and that it converts) and either a Be All of Be Small...
I don't know if I want the be all or the be small though, any opinions...
I'm a pretty light packer because I'm never really that far from my car where I have extra diapers and whatnot.
So if you can offer any input please do!
Message edited 10/24/2007 4:15:09 PM.
Posted 10/20/07 11:29 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
I have a be small and it's more than enough room.
I can fit 4 diapers, a pack of wipes, a bottle, a change of clothes for DS, extra bibs and burp cloths, my wallet, cell phone, keys, a lip gloss, and hairbrush in there.
I got it when I wanted something more "purse like" and less diaper baggy.
I love mine.
Posted 10/20/07 11:34 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
I have both the Be Small and the Packabe. I love them both! I like the Be Small for short outings and the Packabe for when we will be out all day. I bottle feed and I find that the Be Small doesn't have enough room for the bottles if I need to bring more than one.
Posted 10/21/07 10:14 AM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
Posted by Summerrluvv
I have both the Be Small and the Packabe. I love them both! I like the Be Small for short outings and the Packabe for when we will be out all day.
ITA! Also, check out the Mini-Be -- it's a backpack about the size of a BeSmall. It has the bottle pockets on the outside, so it can fit more. Altough, I've found the BeSmall to be fine even with a sippy inside.
Let us know what you choose!
Posted 10/21/07 10:24 AM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
Ok, so I ended up ordering the Be All and a few of the add ons. I am still so torn on if I made the right decision or not but I like that the bottle pockets are on the outside and I can put a bottled water in one and a bottle in the other. I'm torn on bottles anyway since I breastfeed but exclusively pumped so I still have bottles and sometimes my isis in there. I also don't carry around much for my son he's about 2 1/2 so I figure I can always downsize. I also love my little mommy planner so I wanted room for that..
Do you guys have any pictures of you carrying your bags to compare size wise? I just pray it's not too big when I get it. I ended up ordering the pink flowered print (I forget the name) after being torn on the blue flowers, and the purple... but I like that it is girly and I wear alot of green...
I'm so nervous..... and excitied to get it..
I'm half tempted to add the be small to my order and just return one but I think Dh would kill me if he saw the grand total.
I'm totally getting a packabe for the spring summer, when we take the boat out and spend all our time outdoors...
Posted 10/21/07 10:35 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
Posted 10/22/07 3:38 AM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
If you go on the JJB website there are a bunch of pics of the bags IRL. Just click on the IRL link.
I have a pic of my sister carrying my pack a be...I told her I was sending it into the JJB site
Posted 10/22/07 8:52 AM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
I ended up ordering the be all and the be small hopefully they will be here by the end of the week :) One of them has to be returned ASAP! But atleast I can make a judgement call seeing them both in person!
Thanks for your help ladies!
Posted 10/22/07 8:23 PM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
You are going to love them all.
Posted 10/22/07 8:23 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
I love my BeSmall, but it might be too small if you have to carry bottles. I carry a sippy and snacks for DS and it fits those fine. I kind of want a MiniBe or a BeSpicy, but that's totally irrational, because between the Packabe and the BeSmall I really do have all I need.
Posted 10/22/07 8:37 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
these look awesome...what would you recommend for an everyday bag?
Posted 10/22/07 8:59 PM |

Member since 5/05 2536 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags
I ended up ordering the Paci Pod, Be ALL, Wardrobe Station, Mess Shuttle and the Be Small.
They already came!! I ordered on Monday from (awesome customer service)
I think the Be Small is a tad to small for a newborn. I wish it wasen't but I feel it is and I like a small bag.
So I'm returning the Be Small and the mess shuttle since my Be all came with one anyway and will wait til the spring when we have less to carry and get a Be Small in a new spring pattern...
Thanks everyone.
I ordered the perky perennials and I love it! It looks alot better in person then on the site
Posted 10/24/07 4:14 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags UPDATED ! they arrived!
Yeah!! So excited for you. I started using my BeSmall when DS was about 9 months old, so I can't comment on the newborn phase. Try packing it up, though, you may be suprised at how much it holds. I find that it's great for shopping trips.
Posted 10/24/07 5:54 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Ju-Ju-Be Diaper bags UPDATED ! they arrived!
Posted by JenBenMen
these look awesome...what would you recommend for an everyday bag?
I love my BeSmall. It fits everything I need -- snack, sippy, change of clothes, burp rag, wet ones, hand sterilizer, light blanket, cell phone, keys, small wallet and a small teething toy. It's pretty amazing.
My Packabe is also great. I use it when I need to bring more food or toys out with me. I love being able to put it on my back and have 2 hands free.
Posted 10/24/07 6:21 PM |