So, I will test Wed-Fri since those will be CD 28 and 30. I have no symptoms of anything. No PMS... No preggo symptoms. NOTHING.
We are going to visit friends in Sacramento this weekend and we leave Friday night. I just need to know one way or the other before we leave and I am afraid I am going to be Debbie Downer all weekend if I get yet another BFN.
I just really want some good news!!
We were at a wedding this past weekend and everyone was either pregnant or had a baby and I felt so left out... Even worse are the people who joke with you about "it's about time you guys join the baby club!" and stuff like that. So frustrating and you just want to yell at them "WE ARE TRYING!!!"
I had an 18 year old girl at work joke with me that the reason I am still not preggo is that god knows I will beat my kids. *** is wrong with her?
I told her the first time was ok because she was playing around but three or more times is really hurting my feelings.
I told her the other day that I get very sensitive on the whole TTC because I am trying to get pregnant and she said she was sorry. I also heard other employees at work said that she upset me to the point that I started to cry.