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Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

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Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

10164 total posts

True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

On the morning of March 23rd, I started having some very light contractions. I would not tell anyone, because I didn't want to jinx it....from the time I got pregnant, I called March 23rd as the day I would have the due date was April 3rd based on size, and April 8th based on date of conception, so people were telling me that there was no way I was having the baby on March 23rd (little did they know my determination---I called all 3 of my childrens birthdays..I'm not actually freaks me out a little!!)

Anyway, around 2:30, I start to bleed. I didn't freak out because I knew it was my bloody show, and that I was having a baby. I called the dr, and they told me to come in. When I got there, the dr said I am sure it is just from your internal on Monday (2 days prior) and he told me that most likely I wasn't in labor. I told him that we would see about thatChat Icon He checked me, and I was 3-4 cm (was only almost 2 on Monday) and I was thin. He put me on the monitor and I was having steady contractions, they just weren't strong. He said to head to the hospital, that we were having a baby!

We went home first to get our stuff and see our other 2 sons. When we got home, they were lying on the couch, and my oldest said, "Where's the babyChat Icon ...haha, if only it were that easy!

We got to the hospital a little after 6....I was still having really small contractions, but kept on dilating...the dr broke my water, and said we would take it from there...when he came back, I was 6-7 cm, and told that if I wanted the epi, it was now or never....the same thing happened with ds#2...i was having the easiest contractions, not pain....but had to decide on the epi...i asked the dr what I should do...he said, well, you're not in pain, I think you can do it without it....I asked for a few minutes to decide, and as soon as he left, I told the nurse I wanted the epi...I was too nervous not to get it!

Everything was pretty uneventful after that...contractions were still short and not very intense, but they did what they had to do....around 8:30, my mom and husband were in the room, and we tried to guess what time the baby would be born...i said 9:47...

Around 9:30, I was told that I was going to start pushing soon. After the dr and nurse were ready, they said, okay, we're gonna start pushing....breath in, and push....well with that first push....out came our beautiful baby boyChat Icon Chat Icon I remember hearing okay push....and the literally feeling the head and seeing my beautiful was surreal!!!

Then I heard the nurse say 9:47...i asked her to repeat what time he was born, and she said 9:47...haha, totally freaked myself out again!!!

Our little munchkin was 8 lbs 4 oz and 21 in, and more than perfect. He did not have a name until the next morning....without further ado...he is Kyle Nicholas, along with his two big brothers, who are absolutely in love with him, Derek and Chase.

Posted 4/7/11 9:39 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd


Posted 4/10/11 7:17 AM

Have faith. Believe. Dream.

Member since 8/10

2356 total posts


Re: Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

I loved reading your story! It's so amazing how right on you were with the date and time. You need to go play the lotto!Chat Icon Congratulations!!!

Posted 4/10/11 6:50 PM

Baby brother coming soon!

Member since 3/10

2288 total posts


Re: Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

Congratulations!! I can't believe you called the date and time, that's crazy! What a great birth :)

Posted 4/11/11 1:32 PM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

3504 total posts


Re: Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

Congratulations! How cool that you knew the date and time he would be born! Talk about mother's intuition!!!

Posted 4/12/11 3:00 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Kyle Nicholas---March 23rd

What a great story!!! Congratulations! Also love his name -- you made a GREAT choice!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/12/11 4:22 PM
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