Labor Old Wive's tales...
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Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Labor Old Wive's tales...
I've been told that most women labor like their mothers did. For those who have experienced it, was it like your mother experienced?
Also, I heard that if you don't have bad menstrual cramps, your labor won't be bad. But if you do have bad cramps, then your labor is more intense. Was your labor on par with your cramps?
Wishful thinking on my part...I don't have bad cramps at all and my mother had me (her firstborn) within 4 hours. Her water broke, then contractions started and I was born 4 hours later.
Posted 9/15/06 11:19 AM |
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Re: Labor Old Wive's tales...
Ours were very different.
For her first baby, she called my father crying because she lost her mucus plug & thought she was losing the baby. She was overdue at the time. In a panic state, they drove to the hospital where they followed the sign that said "Deliveries" and wound up a loading dock. She was knocked completely out.
For her second & third delivery, she was knocked out again & delivered 2 twins breech after hours of labor.
I never had bad menstrual cramps before. Labor was a piece of cake. They may have started out as crampy, but my contractions were not on par with menstrual cramps. I was just better prepared to be in pain.
Posted 9/15/06 11:25 AM |
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Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Labor Old Wive's tales...
I think the laboring like your mother part is true. I had an almost three day induction... my mother labored with me for three days - back in the days where c-sections weren't handed out like candy. She eventually gave birth vaginally but I had a c-section (he would have never came out vaginally).
As for the cramps part - when I was younger I used to get bad cramps but as I got older that went away and I barely got cramps anymore. But I was induced and they say labor pains are worse when you are induced.
Posted 9/15/06 11:41 AM |
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Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: Labor Old Wive's tales...
Definitely delivered just like my mom. However don't think the cramping thing is true b/c I never had bad menstral cramps, but boy my contractions were ridiculous!
Posted 9/15/06 12:15 PM |
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