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Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

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Member since 3/06

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Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

I am 31 weeks and still only feel the baby in my lower baby. A recent sonogram confirmed that the baby is head down, but I thought I would be feeling kicks in my upper belly. Do I just feel the arms moving around?

How about you guys?

Posted 8/7/07 4:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

I still feel him mainly on the right side (occassionally on the left) and mostly on the bottom, but lately I've been feeling him on the top as well...

Posted 8/7/07 4:56 PM

Listen close....

Member since 8/07

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

I only feel her on my right side and above my pubic bone.....never any movement on my left. I'm not sure if shes head down yet...i'll be having a sono soon to check.

Posted 8/7/07 4:58 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

yep - i also mainly feel him/her on the right side too.

Posted 8/7/07 4:59 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

i feel/see him rolling around from the right to left all the time, but he seems to prefer the right side overall. he is head down, and when he presses down against my cervix i feel it in my va-jay-jay Chat Icon

at times i feel random movements in my lower and mid belly, which i think are from his arms and hands.

and then i feel his little feet kicking at my ribs; i think he hangs his toes over my ribs too sometimes - which hurts!

Posted 8/7/07 5:05 PM

Fitness Junkie!

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

My baby is head down, mostly w/his butt leaning to my right side and I feel him mostly in my upper belly. Yesterday the sono tech confirmed that it was his knees and feet...banging the left and right side of my upper belly.

I also feel him very low, I'm assuming that is arms. And I feel his hiccups very low, like his head is hitting my butt! Occassionally I'll feel his feet move to the hiccups high in my belly also.

Posted 8/7/07 5:18 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

Last sono from a while ago said she was head down. I feel her everywhere though. When she is active, it's all over although her movements are getting slower and more distinct, weird actually. At night though I noticed my belly is much bigger on the right.

Posted 8/7/07 6:10 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

i feel him a lot on the sides and now its more towards the top

Posted 8/7/07 10:18 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

I feel the baby all over. I feel tons of movement around my belly button and above it. I also feel a lot in my lower tummy. It used to only be in my lower stomach, but now baby is all over the place. I love watching my stomach dance!

Posted 8/7/07 11:02 PM

My 3 Blessings

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

last sono baby was breech, but I feel most movement right below the rib cage, sometimes I feel him all over though. I feel nothing mid belly, but maybe thats cuz my placenta is anterior, not sure....

Posted 8/8/07 9:38 AM

Loud is fun!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies around 30 weeks - where do you feel your baby move?

I feel her hiccup in my pelvis area - she's head down. then her kicks in my right ribs. I will be 33 wks tomorrow.

Posted 8/8/07 9:38 AM

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