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Would you get the lap done?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes 14 87.50%
No 2 12.50%

Lap Poll

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Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Lap Poll

Would you get a lap done if you had no indication of endo? My doc wants to do it as part of a new regime of diagnostic testing and I am pretty up in the air about it. Would you do it? and why?

Posted 11/14/05 8:22 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lap Poll

are there any risks involved??
Do people go without symptoms if you have endo??

Posted 11/14/05 8:39 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Lap Poll

Its surgery so there are risks involved but nothing to major. Apprently there could be other abnormalities that could be causing us to not get and stay preggo which would have no syomptoms.
I am so confused. It's a simple procedure, but its still surgery.
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Posted 11/14/05 8:50 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Lap Poll

Can it identify any other problems besides endo? If so, I would say in your case that I would do it, only because of what you've been through the last few months.

Message edited 11/14/2005 8:51:23 PM.

Posted 11/14/05 8:50 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: Lap Poll

Posted by MrsJ

Can it identify any other problems besides endo? If so, I would say in your case that I would do it, only because of what you've been through the last few months.

it believe it will enable them to see a lot more...

Deb, I had 2 laps done, they weren't bad at all. Sure, I was sore, and I also had a minor incident b/c I had a reaction to the catheter and couldn't pee after Chat Icon , but I'm glad I had them done.

Posted 11/14/05 9:05 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Lap Poll

Posted by LisaW

Posted by MrsJ

Can it identify any other problems besides endo? If so, I would say in your case that I would do it, only because of what you've been through the last few months.

it believe it will enable them to see a lot more...

Deb, I had 2 laps done, they weren't bad at all. Sure, I was sore, and I also had a minor incident b/c I had a reaction to the catheter and couldn't pee after Chat Icon , but I'm glad I had them done.

Lisa, did they discover anything new from the either of them?
I know the smart choice is yes to do it. However, there is something about having surgery for no "apparent" reason that just makes me ever so hesitant.

Posted 11/14/05 9:08 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lap Poll

beside having endo...what else can they determine??

Posted 11/14/05 9:10 PM

Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Lap Poll

Posted by DebG

Lisa, did they discover anything new from the either of them?
I know the smart choice is yes to do it. However, there is something about having surgery for no "apparent" reason that just makes me ever so hesitant.

Well, we knew from the HSG that my tubes were blocked. But there was no way to know how bad they were without going in...

They didn't find endo or anything, but my tubes and fimbria were so badly damaged, one side worse than the other. The first lap they tried to save one side, the second they had to close it off anyway.

Posted 11/14/05 9:20 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Lap Poll

Thanks Lisa

Diane I know that it can help diagnose intrapelvic adhesions or tubal disease and make sure that everything is where it should be and working as it should.

Posted 11/14/05 9:29 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Lap Poll

I would say then go for it, it cant hurt to see if there is anything else. I hope for your sake there is nothing else.
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Posted 11/14/05 9:31 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lap Poll

I voted yes bc there are many other things they can find with a lap that they wouldn't be able to find otherwise. My sister had adhesions so badly that her organs were sticking together and they were able to find that through a lap. IMO, you have nothing to lose. GL and Baby Dust! Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/05 9:39 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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The cure IS worse!

Re: Lap Poll

wahhh wahhh wahhhh
but its surgery
waaahhh wahhh wahh
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Posted 11/14/05 9:48 PM

Delay is not denial

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Re: Lap Poll

Deb, I am in your shoes. I don't have signs of endo, but I never had a lap. However, the more stories I hear the more I believe it should part of the diagnostic protocol.

I heard endo can cause uterine contractions because of prostaglandins. This can cause implantation not to occur, or miscarriage. It can alter your immune system as well.

A woman I knew, had 6 IUI's all failed. She switched Re's. The next RE, did a Lap, and she had so much endo. The RE said there was no way she was going to get pregnant. They removed the endo...and hopefully she will have success.

I am going to switch Re's and a lap is probably going to be one of my next steps.

Posted 11/15/05 8:37 AM

1 year already!!

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Re: Lap Poll

Deb - I know it's surgery but I think you should do it and see if there are any other reasons why these m/c happen to you

I'm not looking forward to it either but I think it's going to be recommended for me at my RE visit next week. Something has to be going on that my ovaries don't respond to meds at all.

Good luck Deb! And remember we're all here for you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 8:45 AM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Lap Poll

Deb...I had a lap done in August...I had no signs of endo. My doctor just wanted a closer more detail look of my insides because it was always hard to see my ovaries on the sono's. What they did find during the that I have no right's basically deflated (don't know why). Which...makes sense because with the sono's...they were never able to see the right side. From my HSG test, they knew there was no tube on the right side, so it was consistant...right side is nothing, so I'm only working with my left side. I had always been regular...and never knew of any problems. I also had an IVP where they look for the kidneys...and there is no kidney on my right side either!

Anyway...the procedure itself wasn't so bad...I don't remember anything except staring at the light Chat Icon The recovery was fine...I had my surgery on Monday afternoon...Tuesday, I just layed on the couch all day and by Wednesday I was moving around. By Thursday, I was back to normal.

If you have any questions....FM me.

Posted 11/15/05 10:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Lap Poll

Deb - I agree with what everyone has basicaly said here

I know the thought of invasive surgery that is not "required" is an unsettling thought BUT in the case of lap, its really not a bad procedure at all (as you and I have talked, you know I had it done last December to diagnose/remove my endo)

I do think also that even the slight chance of the doctors perhaps uncovering something during the procdure is worth any "risk" of surgery (a minimal risk at that). Perhaps outside of endo, they will uncover some reason why you are able to get PG but not stay PG .. (something fixable that perhaps can HELP you in in your efforts to TTC) To me , the chances of your doctors making a better diagnosis of your issues is a plus and far outweighs not having the proceudre done and still being left with unexplained infertility issues.

Just speaking from my own experience with endo... I obviousy had endo for a LONG time but only became symptomatic the few months prior to my procedure. But mind you, endo does not always present itself in symptoms -- in fact I've read that often the worse cases of endo presents NO symptoms at all! So while its unlikely you have endo, you really never KNOW until they are able to look around during the lap procuedure.

I know this is a tough choice, but being competely honest here - if I were in your shoes, I would def. have the lap done.

GOOD LUCK and Fm me anytime! Chat Icon

Message edited 11/15/2005 10:20:32 AM.

Posted 11/15/05 10:18 AM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05

18602 total posts

The cure IS worse!

Re: Lap Poll

thanks ladies.
I guess I should listen to the 92%
WOW! You have all helped solidify my decision. If we can, we are going to do it next week (pending a BFP or BFN) that way I have all of t-weekend to recoup.
If not (timing just doesnt work or whatever) I will get it done in Feb.
I appreciate the help and advice ladies.

Posted 11/15/05 6:15 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Lap Poll

I would do it.... You need all the answers you can get , meaning if its clear or not, YOU KNOW and I think that will help you!!

I was actually sked today if I ever had one because two of my CD3 sonos in the past showed uterine contractions they felt were somewhat questionable, although could be 100% normal. And I had no idea why a Lap would have been suggested until reading this post.

Good luck Deb, you've been thru the ringer lately, whats one more test right? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/05 6:35 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Lap Poll

I just wanted to wish you luck...I know you have been through some rough times lately, but maybe this will give you some answersChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/05 8:02 AM

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