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Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Can you tell I am getting very close to actively TTC??!
I'd like opinions here and please give me honest opinions. I know you can never PLAN per se... but I am of the mindset that when you start TTC, you need to be prepared for it to happen on the first try. Having said that, here is my question.
We originally were going to start TTC this summer, I pushed it back to Dec due to work issues. I find, that I really don't want to wait anymore. I want a freakin baby.
Anyway-- so we were still under the Dec timeframe, and we have a 8 day vacay planned in Jamaica. Originally I thought, if the timing lines up-- perfect to kickoff TTC.
Here's the thing, I really don't want to wait til then. But, I am torn because I kinda don't want to be pg on the trip so I can drink and have my drunk cigarettes... as well as do some of the fun activities that would probably not be advisable if I was pg. Also, if GOD FORBID something happened-- who knows what the health care is like there, even though the resort has a full time doc/nurse.
i am thinking that we can "see what happens" til Dec... and then really start paying attention then if nothing has happened-- but I am still faced with the dilemma that if I do get pg quickly (god willing), I will not be able to full enjoy the vacation that will be my *last real vacation* for a while (most likely).
Posted 8/6/07 12:47 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Even though it may not happen, I would be prepared for the fact that you could very well get pregnant on the first month of trying-I did, and so did a lot of other girls on here.
If you really want to enjoy your vacation worry free, etc. I would wait. However, I know the itch-we were not planning to TTC until Feb '07. We had a night of "let's just see what happens, I'm sure nothing will come of it anyway" in Nov '06 and baby is coming next week.
Posted 8/6/07 12:53 PM |
Member since 5/07 1532 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
#1 - Yay for Jamaica - I would like to go there one day! #2 - I am a little bitter so please don't think I am a negative Nancy because I really am not. I was in the same situation as you - planned on trying later in the summer, but got the itch, started earlier and got pregnant first month out. Wound up miscarrying and was put in a situation where I had to wait to get my period, then wait another cycle, and then can start trying. Now I am slightly "off schedule" which sounds nuts to me and to probably others, but I am a planner.
#3 I tried to plan, wound up not planning, and then got sucker-punched by "someone else's " plan .
My advice - follow your heart. If you get pregnant now - you'd probably be in your second trimester - the best time to travel!
If you don't, you have lots of time to practice and something to look forward to!
Your words are my thoughts - I don't verbalize them on here but I understand your plight (you seem like a planner too! )
If you are ready, go for it. If you want to wait - go for it.
Either way - tons of dust for you!!
Posted 8/6/07 12:58 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Knowing what I know now, I would start trying sooner rather than later. As someone who has been ttc for 4 months, I only wish I started earlier instead of waiting for everything to be "perfect." What if you waited a month, then you would only be like 3 months if, god willing, you were so lucky to get pg on the first try. (I wish I had such problems!)
Posted 8/6/07 12:59 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07 806 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Posted by Chai77
Knowing what I know now, I would start trying sooner rather than later. As someone who has been ttc for 4 months, I only wish I started earlier instead of waiting for everything to be "perfect." What if you waited a month, then you would only be like 3 months if, god willing, you were so lucky to get pg on the first try. (I wish I had such problems!)
ITA! I am also in the 4th month of trying. You know the saying, "make plans and god laughs". I think that can happen when TTC. If you feel ready now, go for it!
Posted 8/6/07 1:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 1050 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I am a planner too, I started temping a year ago, have a daycare picked out and even bought a diaper bag already.. We were going to wait until probably this month to start ttc becasue i had just started a new job and wanted to wait until FMLA would kick in for me. but since i started reading on these boards that it might not happen the first month, we started ttc 2 months ago. and now i am hoping 3rd months a charm. But I would say why not start now you never know whats going to happen.
to you
Posted 8/6/07 1:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 542 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Hmmm. I, too, am a planner and we also scheduled our last major trip for a while at the time we planned to TTC. While I was ready a few months earlier, we did maintain our original plan. It worked out for me in that it took just a few months to get pregnant but as a number of ladies have mentioned, that's not always the case.
Would you be willing to look at Jamaica as your babymoon and perhaps do a short getaway to kick off TTC where you can drink and have drunk cigarettes to get that last horrah in?
Posted 8/6/07 1:37 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Posted by babyhopeful
Would you be willing to look at Jamaica as your babymoon and perhaps do a short getaway to kick off TTC where you can drink and have drunk cigarettes to get that last horrah in?
this is the thing, we have been fortunate enough to travel a lot this year... We were in Europe in May and have had several weekend getaways... For this trip in Dec, my SIL & BIL will be joining us for part of the trip... So, I don't want to be left out of anything, etc. We are also going away again in April with my parents-- so I thought that would be a "babymoon".
Anyway-- nothing is happening TODAY.. so, I just need to see what happens. My itch waxes and wanes-- it's waxing now, obviously.
Posted 8/6/07 2:14 PM |
So in love!

Member since 6/06 4378 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I am in a very similar situation - we are going to Italy in Sept. and the baby itch has gotten much stronger in the last several months - I started thinking, what I get PG first try and then I can't enjoy wine in Italy! Well, we still haven't started officially yet - but I decided if I am PG (although unlikely now that its getting closer) - then I'll still enjoy Italy, just w/o the drinking (although they say you can have a little alcholol at the beginning before you share the bloodstream with the baby). Anyway, my thinking is you don't know how long its going to take and to start and see what happens. Regardless of waht you decide -
Posted 8/6/07 3:53 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/06 1050 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I say . . . if you are ready and want to ttc more than anything else... dont let your trip stop you! Our first month of trying we were in St. Lucia during the 2ww. I didnt there there was a good chance I was preg. b/c we only did it once, but there was no way I was risking it... I didnt drink and dont feel like I "missed out" on anything!! We got bfp last week and I still dont feel like I cant participate in activities.. you can still be active especially in the beginning. Im going away again in 2 weeks and am still going to be in the water and doing excusions as I normally would be doing! Honesly you will be so happy to be ttc and maybe getting a bfp... you are not going to be upset about giving up some drinks, trust me! Good luck with you decision and let us know!
Posted 8/6/07 4:49 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
randi, i would just throw caution to the wind and go with your heart on this one. i hear you about wanting to time everything perfectly, but TTC is just one of those things that is never going to be completely in your control. so if you're feeling it, i say go for it! if you end up pregnant in jamaica, then it was meant for you to do your trip a little differently... if not, then you'll have your last hoorah and get pregnant after you get back. either way, you can't go wrong.
Posted 8/6/07 7:30 PM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Posted by randella
Anyway-- so we were still under the Dec timeframe, and we have a 8 day vacay planned in Jamaica. Originally I thought, if the timing lines up-- perfect to kickoff TTC.
Here's the thing, I really don't want to wait til then. But, I am torn because I kinda don't want to be pg on the trip so I can drink and have my drunk cigarettes... as well as do some of the fun activities that would probably not be advisable if I was pg. Also, if GOD FORBID something happened-- who knows what the health care is like there, even though the resort has a full time doc/nurse.
i am thinking that we can "see what happens" til Dec... and then really start paying attention then if nothing has happened-- but I am still faced with the dilemma that if I do get pg quickly (god willing), I will not be able to full enjoy the vacation that will be my *last real vacation* for a while (most likely).
Sounds to me like as much as you want a baby - enjoying Jamaica is more important.
It's that old question of "how do you know you're ready to start trying?" The true answer to the question is . . . when you no longer have to ask if you're ready. I just don't think you're quite there.
Posted 8/6/07 7:41 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Posted by DancinBarefoot
Sounds to me like as much as you want a baby - enjoying Jamaica is more important.
It's that old question of "how do you know you're ready to start trying?" The true answer to the question is . . . when you no longer have to ask if you're ready. I just don't think you're quite there.
That is not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that I have something planned, that we are spending a decent amount of money on. I would hate to either be in a postion where I couldn't go, the trip could get ruined due to some emergency or whatever... or I just would not have as good a time. We are traveling with another couple that we talked into joining us as well.
If my work situation or the trip were different, I'd be totally ready.
I like to plan and ensure, to the best of my ability/control (which I know I don't have much), that things have the best possible outcome.
In the end, I need to do what feels right for me and DH-- just wanted other opinions on what people would do in a similar situation.
Posted 8/6/07 8:42 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Im a planner too. DH and I have a family function coming up in FL which we decided to turn into a mini-vacation. We rarely travel long distances so rather than stay over for 2 nights, we decided to make it 3.
I told DH to get cancellation insurance because it is very likely that we may not go for 2 reasons 1) I may have to do IUIs at that time or 2) G-d willing I will be PG and for some reason may be advised not to fly. He didnt get the insurance and honestly, I am not searching the west coast of FL for an RE who will do an IUI for me. We COULD lose money.
The bottom line is that TTC comes first for me, especially at this stage of the game. But I sort of agree with Darlene, if your heart is set on this trip and you feel like you would be missing out on a good time, then a couple of months will not make a difference.
Posted 8/6/07 9:01 PM |
lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05 7401 total posts
Name: Julianne
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I agree with Goldi, if you have your heart set on this trip and have planned what you want to do, then go with that. Spend your time until then preparing, charting, etc.
Having said that, coming for a fellow neurotic planner, I put TTC first...I want this badly and don't want to keep waiting any longer than nature makes me. We got lucky and were PG the first month trying but m/c. Since then we've been trying without luck. I booked a summer vacation for last month and we went. But, I also had travel insurance, just in case. If I was blessed and got PG before that trip, I would have had no hesitations canceling, or if I was PG and still able to travel, I wouldn't have minded missing any kind of activity or drink. I'd give the world for it...
Posted 8/6/07 9:31 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I think that if you don't already, you should purchase trip insurance, so you're covered just in case. I can tell you from experience that traveliing pregnant is fine. DH and I went on a cruise when I was 5 months preggo and I had a good time. Honestly, did I have as much fun as I would of if I wasn't pregnant... no. I do enjoy drinking and I missed smoking, but it was still nice to get away and relax. I'm not going to tell you what to do, that's a decision only you can make. But in fairness consider this, you may not enjoy the trip as much but you will never regret being pregnant.
Posted 8/6/07 9:57 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I see everyone's points.. I mean, I kinda wish it would happen before then-- at least that is what my heart is telling me... but I like to rationalize and plan everything out. I told DH the other day that I want to see what happens and then really start trying in Dec.
I made an appt with my gyno today to talk about planning for TTC and I am reading my copy of TCOYF. I definitely need to spend some time keeping track and learning my cycles.. so, we shall see what nature has in store for me. I am only off the pill for 2 weeks anyway.
I think purchasing trip insurance is a great idea... Really, I am not concerned about not getting drunk. I really don't drink that much and when I do I always regret it... I just want to be able to feel good, relax and have a stress-free good time.
Posted 8/6/07 10:14 PM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I would be prepared to get pregnant if you're going to "see what happens". Let's say you get pregnant in October or November and then you get morning sickness. That would really suck on your trip.
These are things you have to consider.
If you thoroughly want to enjoy your vacation, ala booze smoking and smoking , not to mention things like jet skiing and so on, I would wait.
If it's more important for you to start TTC now, then that is your answer.
Posted 8/6/07 11:23 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Well, I will share my story...DH and I decided to start to try in November 2006. I got PG on the first try. We had already planned a cruise for March 2007. I had a difficult pregnancy and we had to cancell the trip. Was I sad that we could not go away? Yes, but I now have my baby and would not change the fact that we could not go away.
We have not gone anywhere since our honeymoon and it is almost 2 years. Was I sad we did not get to have a last vacation or a babymoon, yeah, but we will still go away. We are thinking of taking a long wekend for the 2 of us in November 2007. My parents have already offered to watch the baby. In March 2008 I hope to go away with my DH and baby on vaction. He will be 7-8 months old at that point.
Having said all of the above, you never know when it will happen, how your pregnancy will be, or what life holds in store for you. Vacations will be there in the future. So will alcohol. Nine months is not that long...I can remember hosting Thanksgiving and wondering if it was the month.
Posted 8/7/07 10:18 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Oh about trip insurance -- we had to use it. I had pregnancy complications and that was the ONLY way they would give us the money back. If you (hopefully) have a regular pregnancy you will NOT get a refund.
Posted 8/7/07 10:20 AM |
Love my little man

Member since 8/05 16290 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
thanks girls... Honestly, I know what I WANT to do... just worried that it may not be the right decision.
I want to be pregnant... but I still need time to really prep for it. I go the doc in two weeks-- I'll see what she says, perhaps she can give me some professional advice based on my exam.
Posted 8/7/07 10:38 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
I am also one that loves to really enjoy myself while on vacation (i.e. drinking, watersports, etc.). With that being said, I think that if I were ready to TTC, then go for it. I think you'll still have a great time in Jamaica if you end up being pg. It'll be relaxing and fun with DH and SIL & BIL around. If it were me, I'd go for it, but obviously, its a decision you would need to be comfortable with. Good luck!
Posted 8/7/07 10:39 AM |
Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05 2174 total posts
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
Randi - we were considering waiting until after the cruise we took in June. But, then we were like - the cruise is only 1 week of our lives, if we waited until after the cruise and then had problems trying, I would definitley regret not trying earlier. I ended up being 9 wks pg on the cruise, and yeah, it was not as fun as I am sure it would have been had I not been pg....but, I am so glad we didn't wait.
Posted 8/7/07 11:06 AM |

Member since 6/07 2618 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: last post of the day... I swear! But this one is long.
We're totally in the same boat- except our "begin" date was going to be in March. Now every time DH sees a baby, he coos and makes googly eyes and says "Should we really wait? Things are so good now!" It's really cute but I REALLY wanna go on that last vacation with him and kick things off then. ARG! It's so crazy.
Posted 8/8/07 12:47 AM |