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Looking for a little feeding support.

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Looking for a little feeding support.

I took Talia to the dr. today for her 6 month check up (she is 6.5 months). Everything is good, her development is right on target, she is gaining weight, etc...

The only thing the dr. was NOT happy about is the fact that she is not eating solids. She just refuses...and I don't know what to do about it.

I have tried cereal, veggies (orange only), and just about every fruit - her mouth WILL NOT open and I can't force feed her.

The Ped. recommended I make some of my own food - but I am not sure how that will help? She doesn't eat ANYTHING.

Any ideas on how I can get her to eat?

Posted 3/31/06 2:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

239 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

Did you try feeding her with your finger instead of a spoon.

I try to make most of Michaels food,
the Dr probably said that bc it will taste better.

I really don't know many tricks,
Michael sometimes wont open his mouth and wants the spoon, so I give him the spoon and he gets some food in and when he is not paying attention and opens up, I get some in there and if he is Hungry he then will want the food, just needed to taste it first.

good luck.
Michael isnt eating much of the veggies yet, but I keep trying.
he love his fruits especially apple sauce with apricots and pears

Posted 3/31/06 2:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

I just wanted to send you some support and let you know that your baby is FINE!!! I did not even start cereal until Molly was almost 6 months old, and even then I only offered her cereal once a day or so until she was 7 months old. Maybe your baby is just not ready to eat solids. Remember her main nutrion source is formula or BM. Solids at this age are just for playing and experience.
get yourself The Super Baby Food book. It is great! You can literally just take a banana and mush it up with a fork. You can boil some string beans and puree them. It is SOO simplet to make your own food. I made almost all of Molly's. She never liked jar foods.

Posted 3/31/06 3:30 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

If this helps at all, I STARTED Joseph on food at about 8months - granted it was too late. I think if you keep offering her different options, she'll eventually take one.

eta. My sister swears to start on avocados because it has many of the same properties as breast milk (I have no idea what that would be, but both her kids & mine went to town on them).

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Message edited 3/31/2006 3:34:49 PM.

Posted 3/31/06 3:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

Molly LOVED avocados.

Posted 3/31/06 3:43 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

Honestly Jen there is no rule that says a baby has to start eating solids at 6 months. I know plenty of moms out here that don't even start any kind of solids until 9m to a year.
My friend had the same problem with her daughter and now at a year old she is still just eating baby food. She has no interest in table foods yet. I think its really a developmental milestone and every baby is going to reach them at different times.
Miranda is by no means a champion eater. Some days she eats some days she refuses and her menu is very limited.
You can't force her to eat and if she's drinking formula that is still her main source of nutrition so I wouldn't let your doctor make you worry over this at all.
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Posted 3/31/06 5:31 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

Personally I don't think you can get her to eat. You should simply continue to offer a variety of options and one day she'll be interested.

My daughter ate almost nothing until 9 months, when we began to try finger foods. She took to finger foods very quickly and even now (at a year) only rarely lets me give her food on a spoon. Yet, she'll self feed grapes, beans, peas, bread, crackers, cheese, etc...

There is a great book called Child of Mine that might be helpful to you as well.

Good luck!!!

Posted 3/31/06 6:46 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Looking for a little feeding support.

Thanks Ladies.

I am not worried that she is not eating - I feel that when she is ready she will do it. She is happy, and healthy, and getting plenty of nutrition from her formula.

I do mash up bananas for her - I will try avacado and start making some other things for her - maybe she will like what I make better.

Thanks for the advice.

Posted 3/31/06 6:49 PM

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