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Looking for some suggestions....

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Member since 2/08

1108 total posts


Looking for some suggestions....

I am looking for some advice... I have a friend who is CF but not by choice. Lots of fertility issues. She was basically just told that unless they are going to look into adoption, there were no other options. She is having a REALLY hard time with all of this. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any CF support groups that I can direct her to? She asked, but I live OOS and really have no idea what's on the Island in that regard. She has been on LIF in the past but was discouraged by the constant bickering between parents/ non-parents Chat Icon IDK... Anything you could suggest would be helpful. Thanks....

Posted 3/24/12 11:50 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

858 total posts


Re: Looking for some suggestions....

Many of the big RE groups are affiliated with or can recommend social workers. That said, there's a big difference between coping through the stress of active IF treatments and adjusting to post-IF life without children. I don't know of anyone who specializes in the latter.

You could search the IF board or post your question there, as well.

Posted 3/24/12 12:01 PM

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