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Maine Coon Cat?

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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Maine Coon Cat?

Anyone have one? (if you do - post pics!)

Our cats are 6 yrs old but in the future I may get one...are they any different to take care of than "normal" cats? I know they have longer fur...

thanks !

Posted 6/22/07 2:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 2/06

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Re: Maine Coon Cat?

someone at the vet suggested that Maggie - my new kitty - might be part Main coon

she has long hair- but not fur like my persian

my persain cost a decent amout to get grommed- but there is nothing like the softness of the fur- it's crazy

Posted 6/22/07 3:43 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

525 total posts


Re: Maine Coon Cat?

Our oldest cat is a maine coon (maybe a mix?) They get bigger (my co-workers have referred to him as a Puma) but I love him to pieces. Their hair is longer and it is prone to matting, so you have to brush them pretty often.

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Message edited 6/22/2007 5:53:15 PM.

Posted 6/22/07 5:49 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Maine Coon Cat?

My sister has a female one...she is pretty small as far as Maine Coons go. My sister got tired of all the hair around the house and the cat was getting so many fur balls that she had her shaved. the cat looks happier and I know my sister is!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/07 6:05 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Maine Coon Cat?

OMG Meghan he is SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/22/07 7:24 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Maine Coon Cat?

My MIL has one - I don't have a pic. The only thing is that she is hypersensitive -- when my MIL goes away, she won't eat; she stresses a lot-- but that may be Katie and not the breed. She is a gorgeous cat.

Posted 6/26/07 3:31 PM

Summer is coming soon

Member since 1/07

3991 total posts


Re: Maine Coon Cat?

I have a cat that i think might be part maine coon. She is tha best cat i have had so far!

The amout on hair is amazing though.

Posted 6/27/07 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1068 total posts


Re: Maine Coon Cat?

This is my Maine Coon, Henry, when he was 3 years old. He's gained some weight since then - a little too much Chat Icon We got him from the ASPCA in Manhattan. He's such a cute cat.

I think they really do have a different temperament than most cats. He's very devoted to me, but just puts up with DH. He follows me everywhere and if I close the door, he sits outside and waits for me. He'll never sit on my lap, but he'll always sit right next to me. At night, he likes to try to sleep on my pillow, but he has a big rearend, so it's not entirely working out Chat Icon

The hair isn't too bad, but you do have to watch out for matting.

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Message edited 6/27/2007 8:49:46 PM.

Posted 6/27/07 8:48 PM

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