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LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I just got such a nasty e-mail from a parent about hw. I give a grade out of 4, and most will get 100% as long as work is shown and they tried. I do not go over hw in class, though, because it's 35 min periods and I have to get to a Do now, class notes, in-class examples, and group work. I use an assessment tool in class and assess the kids 3 times per period (pre, mid and post), and I use that data to determine whether or not they understood the lesson. I personally do not feel spending 10 mins going over HW does much. Over the last 5 years of teaching, i determined it was not helpful for the kids, but this parent's e-mail stated that is was my "responsibility as a teacher" to check her child's homework and correct it every single day. I'm a little upset over this and not sure how other teachers go about checking HW
Posted 2/12/18 7:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I'll start by saying I've been out of teaching for a few years. I do agree that it takes way too long to go over all of the hw. I did always make a key and put that up for a minute or two so the kids could quickly check their work, I would highlight anything I thought they might need and they could ask questions. If they needed more than that they need to come to extra help.
Posted 2/12/18 8:20 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7625 total posts
Name: Momma <3
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I teach science. I assign HW probably 3-4 times a week. I only go over HW if a lot of students express that they had a hard time on it. I typically collect all HW and grade for correctness. I format the HW so that it is relatively easy to grade. When I feel overwhelmed with grading, I will go over it or simply give a completion grade, but that is only like 5% of the time. I like giving as much feedback as possible and collecting as much data so I can see where they are struggling.
Posted 2/14/18 1:36 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
Lower elementary here so it's a bit different, but I spot check for certain answers and if I notice a trend (many got #2 wrong) I'll address it. But to go over every answer...not enough time.
Posted 2/15/18 5:46 AM |
Roll Tide!

Member since 8/08 3169 total posts
Name: Christine
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I taught HS Algebra for 12 years. When I assigned HW I also sent home the answers. The rule was if you got the wrong answer 2x you could ask me to go over it in class. This way I was only going over HW that they really needed help with. I created a packet for each unit with problems and answers and the day of the unit test I collected it. That way they had the HW in one place to study from. Plus if they "forgot" their HW one night they still had a chance to get it done before I graded it. I graded the HW, added in the test grade and they got the whole thing back like that.
Posted 2/17/18 10:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/12 1013 total posts
math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I teach fourth grade but I put the answer key under the document camera and the kids take about two minutes to check their work. If there are any discrepancies, we go over them. If I notice that many students struggled on a particular concept, then I will thoroughly go over it whole class.
Posted 3/1/18 9:57 PM |
Love Being A Mommy!

Member since 6/06 5804 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: math teachers- do you go over hw every day?
I teach 4th and agree that especially with only a 40 minute period there is not always time to go over homework. I will try and bring it home most times to check it but there are times I just don't get to it. I like the idea of putting it on the board for them to check.
Posted 3/2/18 10:02 PM |