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maybe I'm weird, but . . .

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

297 total posts


maybe I'm weird, but . . .

I just found something that makes me LMAO . . .

Its one of those cards with sound that Hallmark makes. But instead of playing a song, it has a sound bite from an old SNL sketch.

Does anyone remember Roseanne Roseannadanna?? (picture below)

She was a character Gilda Radner played, with a huge frizzy wig, always chewing gum, on Weekend Update.

The front of the card has a picture of her and says "So. . . "

Inside it says, "How are things with you?" but you hear this . . .

I'm depressed
I gained weight
my face broke out
I'm nauseous
I'm constipated
my feet swelled
my gums are bleedin'
my sinuses are clogged
I got heartburn
I'm cranky
and I have gas . . .

Its way funnier to hear it than to read it, and its not technically a "pregnancy card," but I had to send it to a friend who is also pregnant.

And I wish I could share it with all of you 'cause that is totally my life right now!!!!
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Posted 5/27/07 1:33 PM
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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: maybe I'm weird, but . . .

I remember that exact skit!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/27/07 1:37 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: maybe I'm weird, but . . .

I like that!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/27/07 2:25 PM


Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Re: maybe I'm weird, but . . .

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Posted 5/27/07 3:39 PM

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