McCartney and Mills Call a Truce
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Member since 6/06 11378 total posts
Name: Qiana
McCartney and Mills Call a Truce
For $200 million, she can play nice. Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills have, according to one British tab, buried what had been a very sharp hatchet, and even had a ten-minute "summit" last Friday at a London eatery. The couple have, it seems, come to their senses and decided that their three-year-old, Beatrice, should come first, and will be celebrating Sir Paul's 65th birthday in June together.
Meanwhile, sources say that McCartney has forked over around $2 million to Mills to help her pay debts, and that she'll end up getting $200 million out of his billion-dollar-plus fortune in the final settlement. Photogs spotted the ex-couple actually smiling in each other's presence with little Beatrice around, a far cry from the rancor and bitter name-calling that had been the norm in months past.
Message edited 5/21/2007 9:46:54 AM.
Posted 5/21/07 9:44 AM |
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