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Mean Girls

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Member since 6/05

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Mean Girls

do you think women ever really grow out of the "mean girl" phase (or at least stop having to deal with them at some point)? these 4 women who sit next to me all are supposedly "BFF". and yet my first wk of work i noticed when one leaves they RIP each other to SHREDS beyond belief. today one even accidentally IMd one girl talking about her TO her by accident! its crazy bc theyre SOOOO nice to each others faces (like believably so). i keep my distance but i wonder, is this rare or is this kind of common? just makes you wonder who's being nice to you and talking about you behind your back...

Posted 1/20/06 10:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Re: Mean Girls

NO. I think mean girls remain mean girls forever. I'm serious. They just grow up from mean girls to catty b*tches!!

Posted 1/20/06 10:10 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Mean Girls

its so eighth grade! there's one ring leader (who i swear is going straight to hell) and one who's so naive to it all. i could cry for her with the names ive heard them call her.

Posted 1/20/06 10:12 PM

I'm 2!

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Re: Mean Girls

Posted by MrsTC

NO. I think mean girls remain mean girls forever. I'm serious. They just grow up from mean girls to catty b*tches!!


Posted 1/20/06 10:12 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Mean Girls

I think people like that never grow out of it because it's easier to put down people than look at themselves.

I never really think that anyone is talking about me behind my back. It amazes me when people say things like "I was talking to x about you & blah blah blah...." I don't think of myself as that important of a topic.

Posted 1/20/06 10:18 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

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Re: Mean Girls

YES!! there are 3 "friends" that i work with that constantly do this...i'm like, how are you still friends?

Posted 1/20/06 10:21 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Mean Girls

Posted by nrthshgrl

I think people like that never grow out of it because it's easier to put down people than look at themselves.

I never really think that anyone is talking about me behind my back. It amazes me when people say things like "I was talking to x about you & blah blah blah...." I don't think of myself as that important of a topic.

yeah but you know what? i dont think of myself as an impt topic and im sure these girls dont either and yet they bash each other like crazy! kind of creeps me out!

i definitely agree with it being easier to put others down than looking at themselves. the girl they're the worst to is a happy newlywed and the other ones have all sorts of other issues so they take it out on her.

Posted 1/20/06 10:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mean Girls

It is so funny to read this because I was just talking about this at dinner....and Yes I believe that they do exist still and have seen it first hand!

Posted 1/20/06 11:18 PM

To a healthy 2013

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Re: Mean Girls

i believe that too I think once girls act mean to you in school they act like Bitches when they get older because its the way they can be if they wanted to change they can but some of them dont because they are brought up that way!

Posted 1/20/06 11:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mean Girls

It's sad really......Some of them probably have no clue that they are viewed this way. It just shows they are insecure in who they are.

Posted 1/20/06 11:32 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Mean Girls

Yep - women are bit ches for the rest of their lives! I work with a group of about 6 of them - they are sickeningly close - I mean some of them live together, they each lunch together, IM and call each other all day.....I talked to one today and she was ripping on one of them that got away with doing something she should have at work.

Honestly I think its funny. I am sure they talk about me all the time for various reasons but I could care less. Its all very funny to me.

Posted 1/21/06 12:01 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mean Girls

When my grandmother was in her 90s, she still had "friends" who acted that way! So, no, women never grow out of the b*tchy, catty stage.

Posted 1/21/06 8:51 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Mean Girls

Yes, I know fo a few "mean girls" or as I like to call them PLASTICS. They're not teenagers, and it's sad to to see women like that catty,materialistic, always trying to fit into the mold of "prefection"whatever that is. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/06 9:45 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Mean Girls

Posted by missus-hbradio

Honestly I think its funny. I am sure they talk about me all the time for various reasons but I could care less. Its all very funny to me.

Actually i feel this way too. i admit it is sometimes a source of entertainment for me and the guy who sits next to me bc its so outrageous. and we always joke with ea other and try to figure out what their nicknames for us are. to my face they call me "little one" which is quite odd since i'm the same age as two of them and senior to them (by quite a few levels) but whatever Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/06 10:30 AM

Fall Is Here

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mean Girls

"little one"

OMG....some poeple are just soooo shallow!!! LoL Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I would say Hi there "tiny ones!"

Posted 1/21/06 10:49 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Mean Girls

IMO...they aren't real friends...

Mean people can be mean and grow out of it, being mean can come and go, being mean can be created...

IMO all of us hae it in us...

But when it comes to our friends...well, in the case of your co-workers....IMO that just isn't being friends with someone...

But who are we to judge, it is obviously working for them. I just know that isn't they type of friendship that can work for me. I had a friend who used to rip another apart...It ultimately only made her look sad and catty...And i can't be friendly with someone like her meanness drove me away.

Message edited 1/21/2006 11:46:01 AM.

Posted 1/21/06 11:43 AM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mean Girls

I work with mostly women. I have to say, it still shocks me to this day how much it feels like high school. I have a hard time figuring out who is really friends with who. There is a lot of back stabbing that goes on. It makes me so sad.

Posted 1/21/06 11:46 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Mean Girls

Posted by LadyLainez

"little one"

OMG....some poeple are just soooo shallow!!! LoL Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I would say Hi there "tiny ones!"

seriously, im like *** am i 5yrs old?! condescending much? i can only imagine what my other nicknames are Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/06 12:03 PM

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