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Meet The Teacher Night

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Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Meet The Teacher Night

I'm trying to get my packet together to hand out to the parents. Just wondering what info you include in yours if you give one out. I include:
HW policy
B-Day policy
Class rules
Info on Reading/Writing Workshop
Info on Guided Reading/Ind. Reading
(We use a balanced literacy approach)
Ways for parents to help at home
Blank permission slips (incase they ever lose one, I give out a generic)

Posted 9/16/07 1:29 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Meet The Teacher Night

I teach middle school, so my answers might be totally different. If I remember correctly, I think you teach elementary.

Most of the info you listed I give out in my back to school letter on the first day of school.

I generally give out a small packet from the nysed website that talks about the math assessment. I also have available individual grades and if any homework assignments are already missing.

Posted 9/16/07 2:37 PM

Be happy

Member since 5/06

1359 total posts


Re: Meet The Teacher Night

Posted by cj7305

I'm trying to get my packet together to hand out to the parents. Just wondering what info you include in yours if you give one out. I include:
HW policy
B-Day policy
Class rules
Info on Reading/Writing Workshop
Info on Guided Reading/Ind. Reading
(We use a balanced literacy approach)
Ways for parents to help at home
Blank permission slips (incase they ever lose one, I give out a generic)

I give out a lot of the same:
*Workshop info
*Assessment info
*Field trip info
*Info on our routines
*Hw info
*SS curriculum
*Math info
I also include info on the ELA exam (from a PP I made), and a sheet on how to support literacy at home.

Posted 9/16/07 4:28 PM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: Meet The Teacher Night

I teach Middle School and we just hand out the same rules and regs sheet that we give out to the students on the first day of school. Each department has different rules and grading policies and such, so we just go over these in detail with the parents.

We only see each set of parents for 7 minutes - they follow their child's schedule and go to each class.

Posted 9/16/07 4:35 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Meet The Teacher Night

Our school privdoes a copy of the curriculum (office makes the copies, we just hand out.

Also, we do a Power Point presentation and show it on the TV screen in the classroom... basically a road map of what we tell them. i've also seen teachers print out the power point. defiintely helped new teachers feel less nervous because it was "scripted" in advance.

Also, we talk about any special events (we're 5th grade, so we wquickly talk about moving up and some field trips and other special events) and any procedural things.

Mainly be sure to indicate how you prefer to be contacted: e-mail, phone, etc. Make sure that it doesn't become conference time...YOU lead this... if they have questions, they need to wait until after or make an appointment to see you another time.

Message edited 9/17/2007 3:58:33 PM.

Posted 9/17/07 3:57 PM

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