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He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Ok, so I am only working 2 days this summer because I am due soon so it didn't make sense to find a new job right before I am due, thus leaving me plenty of free time to watch stupid tv lol. Anyhow... I am watching the Kardashians and one of the younger girls is upset that her father will not let her wear makeup... she is in the 6th grade wearing lipstick and eyeliner. I find that this is way too young to be wearing that type of makeup... I'll be honest, I rarely wear makeup myself. She also dresses like a skank. Her mother and sisters are all on her side thinking that this is ok and that the father is being stupid and "old fashioned" I don't think that is old fashioned at all.
Is it me? Is this the norm now, if you are the mother of an 11 yr old is this ok to you? I am not trying to put you down or start anything, I don't have teenage children (or any until next month) so really have no clue so that is why I am asking.
TIA for your input
Posted 7/1/10 10:16 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
In middle school I was allowed to wear eyeliner. In high school I was allowed to wear mascara.
I'm sure I'll regret saying this but if every single one of her friends is wearing more than eyeliner in middle school, I may let it go - but even then I'm not sure.
I'm sure we've all heard of the dreaded rainbow parties that middle schoolers are doing...
Posted 7/1/10 10:26 AM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Posted by nrthshgrl
I'm sure we've all heard of the dreaded rainbow parties that middle schoolers are doing...
I'm under a rock.. please enlighten me.
And.. I'm kinda glad I don't have a girl right now. Although it is possible Robbie or No will ask to wear makeup in middle school...
Posted 7/1/10 10:48 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Posted by rojerono
Posted by nrthshgrl
I'm sure we've all heard of the dreaded rainbow parties that middle schoolers are doing...
I'm under a rock.. please enlighten me.
And.. I'm kinda glad I don't have a girl right now. Although it is possible Robbie or No will ask to wear makeup in middle school...
I'm sure it's an urban legend more than anything else but it has to do with each girl wearing a different shade of lipstick & performing oral sex on one guy. The end result is a rainbow.
However, what isn't an urban legend per my friend who is a middle school teacher is kids in middle school are having sex & oral sex. off to lock up my daughter & son...
Posted 7/1/10 10:52 AM |
He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
I worked at the Seaford Cinema when I was in high school and my manager went into the mens room, just to go to the bathroom, and saw what they call the "Seaford Train" It was a line of middle school boys with their pants down and a line of girls on their knees going down on them, then they move on to the next guy. I almost puked when I heard about it. Apparently it was a huge issue in Seaford Middle School at the time (2002-2003), our other manager was from Seaford and was in the PTA and they had a huge meeting, then Massapequa had a huge parents meeting after finding out what was going on in Seaford. Gross
Posted 7/1/10 11:44 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Posted by 2boys4me
I worked at the Seaford Cinema when I was in high school and my manager went into the mens room, just to go to the bathroom, and saw what they call the "Seaford Train" It was a line of middle school boys with their pants down and a line of girls on their knees going down on them, then they move on to the next guy. I almost puked when I heard about it. Apparently it was a huge issue in Seaford Middle School at the time (2002-2003), our other manager was from Seaford and was in the PTA and they had a huge meeting, then Massapequa had a huge parents meeting after finding out what was going on in Seaford. Gross
Ok I take it back. Make up - not a problem. Oral sex - a problem.
Posted 7/1/10 12:44 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1280 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
My dd started wearing it at the end of 6th grade. A little mascara. She is also a Jan. baby so she was on the older age. She is now 14 and She can wear any makeup she wants. As for the bj's thats been very common among middle school girls. Don't ask me why. I am hoping my daughter is not one of them.
Posted 7/1/10 1:17 PM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
This thread is making me sick ! My dd is going to middle school ,and I hope I taught her well
As for make -up I will propably let her wear eye shaddow
Posted 7/1/10 1:47 PM |
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Posted by nrthshgrl
Posted by rojerono
Posted by nrthshgrl
I'm sure we've all heard of the dreaded rainbow parties that middle schoolers are doing...
I'm under a rock.. please enlighten me.
And.. I'm kinda glad I don't have a girl right now. Although it is possible Robbie or No will ask to wear makeup in middle school...
I'm sure it's an urban legend more than anything else but it has to do with each girl wearing a different shade of lipstick & performing oral sex on one guy. The end result is a rainbow.
However, what isn't an urban legend per my friend who is a middle school teacher is kids in middle school are having sex & oral sex. off to lock up my daughter & son...
This is not an urban legend unfortunately... DH is a high school teacher and you wouldn't believe the stories he tells me. Kids apparantly tell their guidance counselors EVERYTHING there and it makes me sick what is going on.
Posted 7/1/10 2:48 PM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Middle school teacher-- some wear makeup some don't not a huge deal. By 9th most wearing makeup. The rainbow parties that Barb spoke of, not a lie. Oral sex is HUGE in middle school. Too many girls in my school dress way too sexy and wear too much makeup, but when you meet their moms they looks exactly the same.
Posted 7/1/10 6:03 PM |
Love these kids!

Member since 10/05 4708 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
Its crazy! I have heard these stories. As far as the make up, my bff's dd is in 7th and wears make up. I thought a good idea was to take her to mac or something and have them show her how to do it so its very subtle and won't look trashy.
Posted 7/1/10 9:54 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
I started wearing eyeliner and lipgloss in 7th or 8th grade. Not alot, I was a tomboy! If it is within reason, I have to choose my battles.
Posted 7/1/10 10:19 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
My girls are allowed to wear makeup for special occassions and will be allowed to wear makeup next year when the enter 6th grade...
Not a ton mind you but a little bit and I want to teach them less is more...
Although, I have to admit, my 11 year old can apply liquid eyeliner better than I can....
Posted 7/1/10 11:38 PM |

Member since 11/05 5666 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Middle School girls wearing makeup!!?
My daughter wears only a little lip gloss sometimes and that's it -- and she's going into 8th grade. For special occasions she's worn a little eyeshadow and mascara -- but I think that was like twice.
She hasn't really asked to yet so I'm not pushing it. The only thing she really does do is get her eyebrows waxed regularly.
I can't even think about the sex thing.
Message edited 7/2/2010 12:28:48 AM.
Posted 7/2/10 12:26 AM |