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Migrant facilities

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Migrant facilities

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Posted 3/24/21 1:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

They’re hiding the fact that Biden’s policy is absolute shit for everyone who is a stakeholder.

Posted 3/24/21 2:12 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

Posted 3/24/21 2:32 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

While I do agree with u that this is not a new problem and that it has been happening forever, we cannot deny that during Biden’s presidency there have been a steady and rapid increase on the amount of people trying to cross the border, the amount of migrating people is like no other before and it’s getting to the point where we simply can’t ignore it, downplay it, or just label it as an old problem anymore. The words of the president and his administration like Mayorkas, whether directly or indirectly, have encouraged people to leave their countries and cross the border at any cost. Other presidents are starting to talk against it like Obrador (Mexico), even southern Dem representatives! It’s not the massive numbers that is really the concern, it’s the danger that this means to the people crossing. Do u know how much they have to pay “coyotes” to cross the border? Thousands of dollars. These are people that for the most part can’t even support their families but now they have to worry about paying rediculous amounts of money to these scrumbags and if they don’t have the whole amount, these coyotes take it against their family members that are left behind and kill them! That’s one concern, they also have to worry about surviving the journey which is a long, and dangerous one where they’re are risking their own lives. Recently there was a truck (I believe it was a truck) found that was trying to cross people and because of the lack of air, small space, and amount of people, some of them died. What about families that just don’t have enough to pay for all their family members and have to send their children, having no other option but trusting their children to strangers? Do u know the immense danger these children face? Also what’s with the administration telling the border patrol officers to not talk about what’s going there to anybody? I absolutely believe in immigration, in the American dream because I know people that risk so much to leave everything they know behind do it because they have the thrive to work for a better life for them and for their families, and these are the kind of people that deserve to come and live rightfully in this country. I think our immigration laws should be broader to include and give the opportunity to those with good and honest intentions without letting the bad seeds (people that do not have good intentions and are not interested in being good contributors of society) squeeze their way through the cracks in the system. Having said that, Biden has to start providing better care and shelter right now to people at the border instead of having hundreds of them in small areas. He has to stop blaming others and he must get things under control with this crisis because this situation is just gonna get worse and by not acknowledging this problem or delaying doing something about it, he’s putting lives in danger.

Posted 3/24/21 5:52 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

While I do agree with u that this is not a new problem and that it has been happening forever, we cannot deny that during Biden’s presidency there have been a steady and rapid increase on the amount of people trying to cross the border, the amount of migrating people is like no other before and it’s getting to the point where we simply can’t ignore it, downplay it, or just label it as an old problem anymore. The words of the president and his administration like Mayorkas, whether directly or indirectly, have encouraged people to leave their countries and cross the border at any cost. Other presidents are starting to talk against it like Obrador (Mexico), even southern Dem representatives! It’s not the massive numbers that is really the concern, it’s the danger that this means to the people crossing. Do u know how much they have to pay “coyotes” to cross the border? Thousands of dollars. These are people that for the most part can’t even support their families but now they have to worry about paying rediculous amounts of money to these scrumbags and if they don’t have the whole amount, these coyotes take it against their family members that are left behind and kill them! That’s one concern, they also have to worry about surviving the journey which is a long, and dangerous one where they’re are risking their own lives. Recently there was a truck (I believe it was a truck) found that was trying to cross people and because of the lack of air, small space, and amount of people, some of them died. What about families that just don’t have enough to pay for all their family members and have to send their children, having no other option but trusting their children to strangers? Do u know the immense danger these children face? Also what’s with the administration telling the border patrol officers to not talk about what’s going there to anybody? I absolutely believe in immigration, in the American dream because I know people that risk so much to leave everything they know behind do it because they have the thrive to work for a better life for them and for their families, and these are the kind of people that deserve to come and live rightfully in this country. I think our immigration laws should be broader to include and give the opportunity to those with good and honest intentions without letting the bad seeds (people that do not have good intentions and are not interested in being good contributors of society) squeeze their way through the cracks in the system. Having said that, Biden has to start providing better care and shelter right now to people at the border instead of having hundreds of them in small areas. He has to stop blaming others and he must get things under control with this crisis because this situation is just gonna get worse and by not acknowledging this problem or delaying doing something about it, he’s putting lives in danger.

I agree with you regarding the dangers of crossing. But imagine what life and dangers are like if they stay that the better option is to try to get to the border of the US?
What about the US' responsibility to the destabilization of Central America? The US is responsible in helping to create what these migrants are fleeing from.
In his address today, I didn't hear Biden blaming anyone for the crisis at the border and I didn't hear him state unwillingness to address it. The ARP even included language that would allow people to seek asylum without being at the border which was a prerequisite.
It's also not surprising that crossing and attempted crossing numbers would go out with anyone but Trump in office. He criminalized asylum seekers. Of course more people are going to come to the border once the administration that persecuted them is gone.
He's been in office, what 59 days? and you're questioning why there are not more facilities and shelter?
I hope the next 59 days bring more to alleviating the border issue but I believe it will take more then days or months to develop an infrastructure to deal with the immigration problem.

Posted 3/24/21 6:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

A candidate that repeatedly talked about transparency during his campaign seems to be doing everything except that. I’m just curious what they are hiding. I remember trump getting nonstop coverage for ‘cages’ yet this seems to be swept under the rug.

Posted 3/24/21 7:19 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

A candidate that repeatedly talked about transparency during his campaign seems to be doing everything except that. I’m just curious what they are hiding. I remember trump getting nonstop coverage for ‘cages’ yet this seems to be swept under the rug.

Of course not, they dont want the Democrats looking bad.
So Harris is now in charge of this. Let's see what she does!

Posted 3/24/21 7:29 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Migrant facilities

During fiscal year 2019, under the Trump administration, total apprehensions increased 31 percent during the same period, a bigger jump than we’re seeing now. We’re comparing fiscal year 2021 to 2019 because the pandemic changed the pattern in 2020. In 2018, the increase is about 25 percent from February to March — somewhat smaller but still pronounced.

Posted 3/25/21 10:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by DancinBarefoot

During fiscal year 2019, under the Trump administration, total apprehensions increased 31 percent during the same period, a bigger jump than we’re seeing now. We’re comparing fiscal year 2021 to 2019 because the pandemic changed the pattern in 2020. In 2018, the increase is about 25 percent from February to March — somewhat smaller but still pronounced.

I’m more concerned with these facilities themselves. Trump was bashed for ‘cages’

Yet this is ok? We are denied access to these facilities. We are getting leaked footage and it’s horrifying. What else are they hiding? We’re locked up and showing proof of vaccinations or Covid tests to attend events yet these people are packed liked sardines and then let out into our country.

Posted 3/26/21 12:37 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Looks like the Biden Administration has NO plan put in place for these people...FiguresChat Icon

Posted 3/26/21 11:44 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Migrant facilities

What are they supposed to do with all these people?

Posted 3/27/21 12:05 PM


Member since 4/09

3287 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by LittleDiva

How does everyone feel about the ‘no cameras’ and hand picked location? Sounds like they are hiding something.

Expand on the story.
It's a humanitarian crisis that didn't start in Nov. 2020 or Jan 2021.
The crisis at the border as to how to deal with the migrants has been ignored for a few years.
I would like to see more done for the migrants and the children crossing the border.
I would like to see better facilities but as long as basic needs are getting met like food and shelter...there is not much that can be done on a short term basis.

While I do agree with u that this is not a new problem and that it has been happening forever, we cannot deny that during Biden’s presidency there have been a steady and rapid increase on the amount of people trying to cross the border, the amount of migrating people is like no other before and it’s getting to the point where we simply can’t ignore it, downplay it, or just label it as an old problem anymore. The words of the president and his administration like Mayorkas, whether directly or indirectly, have encouraged people to leave their countries and cross the border at any cost. Other presidents are starting to talk against it like Obrador (Mexico), even southern Dem representatives! It’s not the massive numbers that is really the concern, it’s the danger that this means to the people crossing. Do u know how much they have to pay “coyotes” to cross the border? Thousands of dollars. These are people that for the most part can’t even support their families but now they have to worry about paying rediculous amounts of money to these scrumbags and if they don’t have the whole amount, these coyotes take it against their family members that are left behind and kill them! That’s one concern, they also have to worry about surviving the journey which is a long, and dangerous one where they’re are risking their own lives. Recently there was a truck (I believe it was a truck) found that was trying to cross people and because of the lack of air, small space, and amount of people, some of them died. What about families that just don’t have enough to pay for all their family members and have to send their children, having no other option but trusting their children to strangers? Do u know the immense danger these children face? Also what’s with the administration telling the border patrol officers to not talk about what’s going there to anybody? I absolutely believe in immigration, in the American dream because I know people that risk so much to leave everything they know behind do it because they have the thrive to work for a better life for them and for their families, and these are the kind of people that deserve to come and live rightfully in this country. I think our immigration laws should be broader to include and give the opportunity to those with good and honest intentions without letting the bad seeds (people that do not have good intentions and are not interested in being good contributors of society) squeeze their way through the cracks in the system. Having said that, Biden has to start providing better care and shelter right now to people at the border instead of having hundreds of them in small areas. He has to stop blaming others and he must get things under control with this crisis because this situation is just gonna get worse and by not acknowledging this problem or delaying doing something about it, he’s putting lives in danger.

Quote your source.

Your post is factually untrue.

Posted 3/27/21 11:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by Mrs213

What are they supposed to do with all these people?

Should have had a plan before he welcomed them. Remember his campaign promises?

Maybe before he repealed so many of trumps immigration reforms he should have had a plan?

Maybe don’t let them in if they aren’t from Mexico? Aren’t you supposed to go to the next closest country if you are seeking asylum?

They better figure it out. Those photos of children are heartbreaking. The cartels are now profiting off this. It’s a big mess.

Posted 3/28/21 10:15 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Mrs213

What are they supposed to do with all these people?

Should have had a plan before he welcomed them. Remember his campaign promises?

Maybe before he repealed so many of trumps immigration reforms he should have had a plan?

Maybe don’t let them in if they aren’t from Mexico? Aren’t you supposed to go to the next closest country if you are seeking asylum?

They better figure it out. Those photos of children are heartbreaking. The cartels are now profiting off this. It’s a big mess.

Exactly!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/21 1:22 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Migrant facilities

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by Mrs213

What are they supposed to do with all these people?

Should have had a plan before he welcomed them. Remember his campaign promises?

Maybe before he repealed so many of trumps immigration reforms he should have had a plan?

Maybe don’t let them in if they aren’t from Mexico? Aren’t you supposed to go to the next closest country if you are seeking asylum?

They better figure it out. Those photos of children are heartbreaking. The cartels are now profiting off this. It’s a big mess.

You mean like reuniting minor children to their parents that they were removed from? Because Biden stopped building the wall Trump started and promised to get Mexico to pay for but didn't?

Trump's actions have also caused some of that build up at the border. This is a result of his policy, "metering"

Biden has continued Trump's policy known as "expulsion" which Border Patrol arrests anyone crossing illegally and brings them back to Mexico.

Biden has continued Trump's ban on temporary work visas.

Biden does have a plan and an outline.
White House Immigration Reform.

It's surprising that NOW the pictures of children are heartbreaking. Not the ones where you watched children ripped from their parents because of Trump's separation policy.

Cartels have always been profiting from the use of humans. Trafficking didn't start in the last couple of months. It's a huge issue world wide - not just at our borders. Why not outrage over what they do in Moldova with all the children, babies and young women trafficked there? Some of what is done is so disturbing.

Message edited 3/29/2021 3:22:24 PM.

Posted 3/29/21 1:46 PM

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