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Name: Qiana
Miley Cyrus' home life
Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus, 14, is the newest teen phenom, but her parents, Billy Ray and Leticia ("Tish"), are making sure the fame and success won't go to her head. More than aware of the harsh side effects of stardom, Billy Ray and Tish are trying to keep their daughter as grounded as possible, they tell People magazine in its latest cover story, often using the troubles of Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton as cautionary tales. Says Tish:
I'm like, 'Paris is in jail, Miley! It's so scary as a mom to see all these kids who are so whacked now. I don't want to be too much and have her rebel. Not that we think she's going to do that, but Miley does have a very explosive personality, which scares me a little. So far, though, Miley's still the same little girl they know and love, Billy Ray says. The biggest phenomenon in all this is that the kid's been able to keep her head on her shoulders. She hasn't flipped out. I'm going to knock on wood. I pray every day she can stay on that path.
At home, Miley maintains as much of a normal life as she can. She still has her share of chores to do around the house, which includes loading the dishwasher every night, and she's not exempt from punishment either - computer privileges are revoked when she's grounded. She still gets allowance ($300 per month) and doesn't have any credit cards, especially after purchasing a Prada bag without asking her parents.
On Sundays, she attends church with the rest of her family, which includes, brother Braison, 13, and sister Noah, 7, Tish's children from a previous relationship, Brandi, 20, Trace, 18 - whom Billy Ray adopted - and Christopher Cody, 15, Billy Ray's son from a previous relationship. But knowing how stressful her life can be, her parents have given Miley a private section of their new L.A. home where she can "chill out" if Miley promises to live at home until she's 20.
While many teenagers can't wait to move out, Miley doesn't anticipate that to be true for herself any time soon as she the singer/actress is just too close to her family, especially dad, who is "best friends" with all of his kids. We're really close. I feel like I can tell my dad anything. When we come home, we forget that we even work together and just hang out. Speaking of work, Billy Ray normally wakes Miley up at 7:15 with a cup of Ovaltine before driving to the Hannah Montana set for their 8:30 call time, but one day, Billy Ray was nowhere to be found in the house. Miley called him, who was surprised to learn she wasn't with Tish. He insists he didn't forget her, but just thought she hitched a ride with mom. When Miley threatened to make him "look like an idiot" in front of the cast and crew, Billy Ray responded with,
Well, I don't need your help!
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