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Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

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Member since 2/07

15928 total posts


Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

Examples of a "Halfway Harry"...

Puts out the garbage..but doesnt put in new garbage bag..

Brings up the laundry but leaves it in the kitchen....or takes the laundry to be bought to laundry room and leaves it in the kitchen...

loads dishwasher but doesnt think to run it...

rakes leaves in front yard into nice big pile which is then left for children and the wind to throw around yard again...

buys big piles of dirt to fill in landscaping and then leaves piles of dirt all over yard so now I have dirt piles as well as holes..

Oh and this is the best part..he tells me to write him a list of such things...and then he crosses them off the list!!!! I try telling him that you cant cross them off the list until they are done and he says he likes to cross them off his list as he gets to them!!!

Posted 3/25/07 12:15 PM
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Mrs. Patticakes

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

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Posted 3/25/07 1:18 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

Occasionallly, but he does get around to it.

I never understand why he doesn't just finish then and there, but at least he does at some point.

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Posted 3/25/07 1:20 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

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I can relate!!

Posted 3/25/07 1:37 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

So - there IS a name for this condition!!!!

And - I'm NOT the only one with this condition living in my very own home!!!!

Halfway Harry - I love it - just one look at the baby's room will answer your question - with the baby due in 9 days no less!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/07 1:42 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

Chat Icon So funny...I could have written this!

Posted 3/25/07 1:45 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

Time to start putting two items on the list

1) Start requested task
2) Complete requested task

Posted 3/25/07 1:49 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

I can totally relate....especially w/ the garbage bag & laundry, although most of the time he's pretty good.

It gets like this though at times Chat Icon

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Posted 3/25/07 2:04 PM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

I can completely relate!!!!

DH tells me "I dusted the bedroom today" and I happen to go in there later and it's completely dusty. So I ask him "what exactly did you dust?" and he says "your dresser." Ok, that's great - but there is also an armoire, 2 nightstands, a floor and a big leather chair that could have been wiped down too - but thanks for wiping down the top of one dresser.

Posted 3/25/07 2:12 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Mini Vent... Any1 elses DH a "Halfway Harry"?

I know I am not PG but I browse this board and saw this topic...this is so funny Chat Icon because just yesterday my DH went out and raked the leaves in the yard but did not pick them up. He went out this morning and did some electrical work at someone's house, and when he came home, he asked me if I picked up the piles in the yard Chat Icon NO. I was busy doing my OWN stuff...not that I am not willing to help but talk about a half-a$$ed job! Does this all the time. He is out there now picking them up Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/07 2:17 PM
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