I am so excited for 1 year I have been fighting really hard against the Brookhaven Lateral Project (BLP). As of the 17th I have just found out we won, they have withdrawn their application from the FERC and it's over. I cannot tell you the relief. This has consumed my life for 1 year. Files and boxes of information, long meetings with elected officials , writing more letters then I have ever cared to and a WHOLE lot of walking and getting the word out.
It felt so great to be so involved in my community and what was happening in my neighbor and the schools in Commack, Happauge and Sachem. I loved that but it took so much time away from my daughter.
I never even heard of, maybe because I live in Nassau
Good job though!!!! That sounds like it was a disaster waiting to happen on so many levels!
Thank you it was you don't put a gas pipeline like that on the evacuation route for 3 elementary schools let alone less than 200 feet from them but one of the most heavily fined companies because of their shoddy work!!