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Mirena users - I have a question for you

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Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Mirena users - I have a question for you

I am having so much trouble getting my insurance to cover the actual UID device - they will cover the doctor visits for insertion and removal and any check ups I would need 100%, but not the device, which could cost me upwards of $300-$400..... Chat Icon They did say that if my doc wrote a Rx for it and I could get a pharmacy to order it, I would only have to pay a $50 co-pay. However, no pharmacy will order it!! I tried CVS, Eckerd, and 3 independent, local pharmacy's. All said the same thing, they won't order it for one reason or another.

Can you just tell me how you went about getting the Mirena? Is there something I am missing? Did you get it from a pharmacy? Did you have to pay for it? I'm beginning to think my insurance s<cks..... How can they cover insertion and removal and not the device! Dumb Azzes!!

You can FM if you want! Thanks!

Message edited 7/10/2006 10:42:45 AM.

Posted 7/10/06 10:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Mirena users - I have a question for you

Thanks Michele, I just got off the phone with my docs office, they are so great in helping... I did call Mirena myself and they will order the device after my doc's office faxes over the Rx. Then Mirena said they would deal with my insurance company and then contact me for any remaining $$ owed. I just think its so stupid, like I'm going to pick up the device and insert it myself??

I'll let you know what happens. Anyone else want to share their experiences??

Posted 7/10/06 10:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Mirena users - I have a question for you

Waiting for me? Chat Icon

My Dr office took care of everything. All's I had to do was call Mirena to pay over the phone for the copay. Mirena shipped directly to the Dr for insertion. I paid 20 for the device, insertion and the first 6 week checkup.

Posted 7/10/06 10:56 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Mirena users - I have a question for you

Posted by Nancy

Waiting for me? Chat Icon

My Dr office took care of everything. All's I had to do was call Mirena to pay over the phone for the copay. Mirena shipped directly to the Dr for insertion. I paid 20 for the device, insertion and the first 6 week checkup.

Yes, thanks Nancy Chat Icon . Well, after 12 phone calls this morning back and forth, my doc's office will be ordering it and I will wait for Mirena to call and tell me what I owe. seems like my insurance won't cover the device, but we'll see. I guess $300 for 5 years of BC isn't bad considering I used to pay $35 a month for the pill way back when!

Posted 7/10/06 10:59 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Mirena users - I have a question for you

I have United Healthcare and they just charged me $40 copay for the office visit because voluntary sterilization is covered under my insurance. Is that listed on yours? If so it should be covered.

Posted 7/10/06 4:38 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Mirena users - I have a question for you

My old insurance covered the whole thing for $ new insurance won't cover it and by the time it would have been done I would have been out almost $600.

I know, its nuts that they won't cover it when the cost of having a baby is sooooooooo much more money.

I think I still would have paid for it though even if it wasn't covered. No more kids for me!!!!!! (No matter how much Neil begs Chat Icon )

Posted 7/11/06 9:17 AM

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