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Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

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Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

So...Mollie hates her infant car-seat. Everytime we put her in it, she screams. If we are in the car driving, she's ok. But....if we are in a restaurant, or shopping, she wants out immediately.

She is 4 months next week. I like the carrier because I don't have to deal with a coat, etc. Should I just move her into a regular carseat? Or listen to the screaming until she reaches the weight limit on the infant seat?

Posted 12/31/06 11:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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my princess

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

no I woudn't move her to the big carseat. My son was in the infant until he was a year old.

If she doesn't cry in the car it is probably that she does not want to be contained when out and about.

Posted 12/31/06 11:09 AM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

We had the same problem. Little by little, things got better and DS didn't mind it. I used to dread going anywhere, but now at 7 months he's still in it and is fine.

Posted 12/31/06 11:09 AM


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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

During Hannah's first couple of weeks she LOVED it...actually it was one of the few places she'd sleep. Now we put her in it and she screams...she does calm down in the car though. If she falls asleep in the car, she usually sleeps long enough for me to get through whatever it is I'm doing, but I'm not always so lucky.

I don't know what it is either. I was thinking maybe the restraints are too tight or need to be adjusted for her shoulder height.

Posted 12/31/06 11:14 AM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

If shes that unhappy I would move her into the bigger carseat, Julia was in one by 5 months.

Posted 12/31/06 11:14 AM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

what about using the stroller when out and about?

could she be uncomfortable in it? hot or cold or maybe something is irritating her?

what about something that hangs from the handle to entertain her?

Posted 12/31/06 11:20 AM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by btrflygrl

what about using the stroller when out and about?

could she be uncomfortable in it? hot or cold or maybe something is irritating her?

what about something that hangs from the handle to entertain her?

We can use the stroller when out...but then I have to take her out of the infant seat and put her in a coat or something to get from the car to wherever. She does have some things to play with, but she's not interested in them.

If she falls asleep in the car, she's ok...but as soon as she wakes up, she is like, get me out of this thing!

Message edited 12/31/2006 11:28:32 AM.

Posted 12/31/06 11:28 AM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

I would not change the car seat, especially if she is not screaming in the car.

I would just put a coat on her if you anticipate going somewhere you may need the regular stroller.

Posted 12/31/06 11:44 AM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

do you think it's a boredom thing?

is she nosey and can't see what's going on?

could it be a discomfort thing, like painful physically for her to be in that position?

Posted 12/31/06 12:20 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

If she wants out, take her out of the carseat! I am definitely in the minority, but I never use the carseat in the stroller. James likes being free. I look around and I am the only mommy whose kid isn't still locked in the carseat while in the stroller! It might be a little less convenient, but if your child ends up happier, let her free!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/31/06 4:05 PM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

I wouldn't change the carseat. The infant seat is safer than a convertible seat, so keep them in there as long as possible. With my kids, safety always overrides comfort or convenience.

Posted 1/1/07 3:33 PM

I love my DS!!!

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

DS whines sometimes when we first strap him into the carseat. Once he's in the car and it's in motion then he's fine.

Posted 1/1/07 4:23 PM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by GoldenRod

I wouldn't change the carseat. The infant seat is safer than a convertible seat, so keep them in there as long as possible. With my kids, safety always overrides comfort or convenience.

Chat Icon I dont think thats true....

You can put your baby in the convertible carseat when there an infant so how does it make it less safe then the infant seat?? Those convertable carseats are VERY safe! I wouldn't put my daughter in it when she was 5 months if it wasn't.

Posted 1/1/07 4:26 PM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by MelTodd604

Posted by GoldenRod

I wouldn't change the carseat. The infant seat is safer than a convertible seat, so keep them in there as long as possible. With my kids, safety always overrides comfort or convenience.

Chat Icon I dont think thats true....

You can put your baby in the convertible carseat when there an infant so how does it make it less safe then the infant seat?? Those convertable carseats are VERY safe! I wouldn't put my daughter in it when she was 5 months if it wasn't.

I actually only found this one site with a comparison between the infant-only and convertible seats. Everyone says that the primary factor is keeping the baby rear-facing as long as possible.
Buying a car seat for a newborn or older infant
You have a choice of two basic styles for an infant who weighs less than 20 lbs. and is less than a year old: infant car seats (considered the safest by experts) and infant-toddler car seats, which are discussed in this article. For more details on this essential child safety item, read our articles on the basics of car seats and how to install a car seat. Or talk to other parents on our Car Safety Tips bulletin board.

Posted 1/1/07 9:56 PM

Love my boys...

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by GoldenRod
Everyone says that the primary factor is keeping the baby rear-facing as long as possible.

My convertible seat rear-faces as well.

Posted 1/1/07 10:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Have you tried putting some toys on it? I used to have something that hung on it which played music. That kept him entertained for a little bit. Maybe she is just bored?

Posted 1/1/07 10:07 PM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by MelTodd604

Posted by GoldenRod

I wouldn't change the carseat. The infant seat is safer than a convertible seat, so keep them in there as long as possible. With my kids, safety always overrides comfort or convenience.

Chat Icon I dont think thats true....

You can put your baby in the convertible carseat when there an infant so how does it make it less safe then the infant seat?? Those convertable carseats are VERY safe! I wouldn't put my daughter in it when she was 5 months if it wasn't.

I actually only found this one site with a comparison between the infant-only and convertible seats. Everyone says that the primary factor is keeping the baby rear-facing as long as possible.
Buying a car seat for a newborn or older infant
You have a choice of two basic styles for an infant who weighs less than 20 lbs. and is less than a year old: infant car seats (considered the safest by experts) and infant-toddler car seats, which are discussed in this article. For more details on this essential child safety item, read our articles on the basics of car seats and how to install a car seat. Or talk to other parents on our Car Safety Tips bulletin board.

No, I get what your saying....

But you said that the infant seats are safer, and the article said both the infant and convertable seats are safe! Its just that the convertable seats face foward at a year old, my DD was in the convertable carseat at 5 months cause she was just to heavy for the infant one and I couldnt carry her anymore in the carseat, but she wasn't facing foward untill a year. J

ust because they are in the convertable carseat doesn't mean they are facing foward.

I dont know, everyone is intitled to do there own thing.....

Posted 1/1/07 10:11 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

My DD went through the same thing. It gradually got better and now she is OK with it. But I found distracting her with toys hanging from the handle bar and I broght toys with us that she could hold. I tried to keep her moving as much as possible too.

Posted 1/1/07 10:15 PM

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by MelTodd604

No, I get what your saying....

But you said that the infant seats are safer, and the article said both the infant and convertable seats are safe! Its just that the convertable seats face foward at a year old, my DD was in the convertable carseat at 5 months cause she was just to heavy for the infant one and I couldnt carry her anymore in the carseat, but she wasn't facing foward untill a year. J

ust because they are in the convertable carseat doesn't mean they are facing foward.

I dont know, everyone is intitled to do there own thing.....

If a baby is too heavy for an infant carrier, then by all means, the convertible is much safer. After going through a bunch of car safety websites, I couldn't really find anything else that said that infant seats are safer than convertibles (as long as the baby is within the right weight range for the seat).

I think that as long as the baby is within the weight parameters of a seat, and they are rear facing for at least a year, then pretty much any car seat is safe.

I didn't mean to say you were being unsafe with your child, I just read the one site which made the statement about infant seats, but I haven't been able to find a 2nd one that says the same thing.

Posted 1/2/07 9:01 AM

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Message edited 2/9/2007 9:01:49 PM.

Posted 1/2/07 9:27 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

No don't move her into a regular car seat. She's too small for one, it's a hazard. Liam is going to be 5 mos tomorrow. He went through a week or 2 in October of crying when he was put in the carseat too. I attached hanging toys onto the handle for him to watch and play with - at first he just watched them, now he plays with them. It distracted him. Chat Icon

Now he goes to sleep the second we put him into the carrier - so there is a light at the end of the tunnel Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 12:45 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by MelTodd604

No, I get what your saying....

But you said that the infant seats are safer, and the article said both the infant and convertable seats are safe! Its just that the convertable seats face foward at a year old, my DD was in the convertable carseat at 5 months cause she was just to heavy for the infant one and I couldnt carry her anymore in the carseat, but she wasn't facing foward untill a year. J

ust because they are in the convertable carseat doesn't mean they are facing foward.

I dont know, everyone is intitled to do there own thing.....

If a baby is too heavy for an infant carrier, then by all means, the convertible is much safer. After going through a bunch of car safety websites, I couldn't really find anything else that said that infant seats are safer than convertibles (as long as the baby is within the right weight range for the seat).

I think that as long as the baby is within the weight parameters of a seat, and they are rear facing for at least a year, then pretty much any car seat is safe.

I didn't mean to say you were being unsafe with your child, I just read the one site which made the statement about infant seats, but I haven't been able to find a 2nd one that says the same thing.

Oh I know you didn't mean it that way!Chat Icon

I was just trying to say that infants can also go into the convertable seats if the mom's are having problems with them in the infant seats thats all. Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/07 12:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/06

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Re: Mollie hates her carseat....what to do?

She is waaaaay to little for the big seat, stick it out, believe it or not, life is sooooo much easier with that big clunky carrier!!

Posted 1/2/07 1:01 PM

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