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Moms of 1 year and younger

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Moms of 1 year and younger

If your DC does not walk yet, do you put shoes on them as a part of their outift?

I have cute little Keds sneakers for her but I usually only put them on her when she wears jeans. I will probably put sandals on her in the summer..

but, does she need shoes EVERY DAY?

Message edited 5/18/2007 11:56:28 PM.

Posted 5/18/07 11:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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They get so big, so fast :(

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

we have these really cute sneakers from Target that I put on her for certain outfits but generally she only wears socks.

Posted 5/18/07 11:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I put shoes on DS every once in a while- he has really cute Timbs and in the winter I bought Uggs- they were warm and so I felt justified in spending the $50 bucks for them LOL! I don't put any shoes that are heavy or constricting. I prefer Trumpette socks.

Posted 5/19/07 12:39 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I have the Target brand of Robeez for my son, but that's it. I've read that it's better for their foot development to not wear shoes until they learn to walk.

My daughter who is 2 only wears shoes when we're going outside. In the house she usually wears only socks.

Posted 5/19/07 6:38 AM

Train Ride

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I have been putting Robeez on my DS for the past two months since he is outside in the walker a lot and he was getting his socks so dirty.

I never put DS in shoes or crib shoes

Posted 5/19/07 7:02 AM

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I try but she kicks them off!

Posted 5/19/07 9:38 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

When DD wasn't walking she either had no socks or just socks, when the weather got colder she only had on Robeez when we went outside.

DD started crusing around 9 months old, i still don't put shoes on her in the house-barefoot or grippy socks.

Now that's it's warmer I bought her 2 pairs of PEdipeds (they have durable very very soft soles) to wear outside.

I am a firm believer that barefoot is best at all times til at least age 2.

Posted 5/19/07 10:26 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

At home, DD is bare foot or in socks. I never have shoes on her at home. If we go out, I do put shoes on her. She does not walk yet, and actually with shoes, they are so heavy on her feet, she hates them!

Posted 5/19/07 10:41 AM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

DD will be 1 in a few weeks...she never wears shoes. I did buy her a few cutesy pairs to dress up her outfit but she manages to kick off every style we have tried, incl the Robeez. So, she is always just barefoot or in socks...except on Easter when she had dress shoes on... I have read that barefoot is best whenthey are first learning to walk anyway...I just worry that once she learns to walk and has to wear shoes (like outside) that sh wont want to because shes not used to the feeling of shoes. She hates them and like I said, manages to pull them off within minutes. Oh well....

Posted 5/19/07 10:44 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I put shoes on only i it goes with a nice outfit.

Posted 5/19/07 10:51 AM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

DS always has on sneakers/shoes with his outfits....I must have bought every type of Puma in his sizeChat Icon
For the summer, I bought him sandals so his feeties dont sweatChat Icon

At home, he is either in socks or barefoot

Message edited 5/19/2007 8:18:04 PM.

Posted 5/19/07 1:00 PM

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Member since 8/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

They do not need to be wearing shoes if they're not walking yet. DD is barefoot at home. I put socks and shoes on most of the time if we're going out but not all the time. If it's warm and she's not getting out of the stroller sometimes I'll leave her barefoot. I'm enjoying the last bit of it while it lasts before shoes become an everyday necessity.

Posted 5/19/07 7:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

she's usually barefoot at home but I put shoes on her if we're going out. She LOVES to walk (with help), so I know her feet will be touching the floor and I think shoes "finish" the outfit.

she's this close ---><--- to walking on her own, but she's being lazy / cautious.

Posted 5/19/07 10:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

Hannah's always in socks or barefoot. I was given a pair of Robeez as a gift, but I haven't put them on her yet.

Posted 5/19/07 10:25 PM

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I used to only put socks and crib shoes if it was cold out. Now, he has been wearing his Robeez, even in the house sometimes. he is always in the walker and between my moms house and home with all the foot traffic, I don't want him stepping on anything. Also, now when he is out, he wants to try and walk on the floor with our help, so I make sure to put the Robeez on him.

At home he is always barefoot, unless in the walker.

Posted 5/19/07 10:31 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

i put them on DD but not all the time. if we are going somewhere i like to but not usually if we are in the house.

Posted 5/19/07 11:56 PM

My Everything

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

I never did. I always kept my DD barefoot until she was walking.

Posted 5/20/07 12:18 AM

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Re: Moms of 1 year and younger

Only recently did I buy a pair of sandals, because DH said she looked silly barefoot if we went out somewhere.'s either socks if the outfit goes with socks, or sandals if the outfit requires to be barefoot (like capris and dresses).

Posted 5/20/07 6:49 AM

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