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Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? How many teeth? Are they walking yet? Naps - how many times a day? Bedtime vs wake-up time? Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? And anything else you want to add!!!!
Posted 9/6/07 6:59 AM |
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07 790 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? He is great How many teeth? 9 teeth Are they walking yet? yes-running Naps - how many times a day? depends on day 1-2 Bedtime vs wake-up time? goes to bed at 8 wakes up around 7:30 Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? No bottles 3 sippy cups of milk a day around 18-20 oz. Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? He loves all food.
Posted 9/6/07 7:16 AM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing??--she's great! How many teeth?--4...almost 5 (I can see it starting to pop through) Are they walking yet? No..but loves to stand and walk if you hold her hands. Naps - how many times a day?--usually 2 Bedtime vs wake-up time?--bedtime around 7-7:30...wake up is about 6:30 am. Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz?--2 8oz bottles a day. Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it?--All table food since about 10 months..she loves just about everything! And anything else you want to add!!!!--Having a birthday party this weekend
Posted 9/6/07 9:13 AM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? He is doing great How many teeth? a lot (I have not counted in awhile) Are they walking yet? No not yet. He is crawling like crazy and walks holding on & pushing something Naps - how many times a day? depends on day 1-2 Bedtime vs wake-up time? It depends but usually goes to bed between 9 - 10 wakes up anytime between 5 - 8 Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? 2 8 oz bottles of milk a day, usually drinks the Gerber Splashers during the day. Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? He loves all food and has since he was 11 months old
Posted 9/6/07 9:16 AM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
What age is DC?? Does DC have any obsessions and funny personality traits yet?
Posted 9/6/07 9:24 AM |
My Children

Member since 5/05 7905 total posts
Name: MaMa
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
What age is DC?? Almosy 13 months old Does DC have any obsessions and funny personality traits yet? He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Little Einsteins. He loves to smile and jump up and down on his knees.
Posted 9/6/07 9:25 AM |
Love my life!!

Member since 11/05 3125 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? Wonderful!
How many teeth? 7
Are they walking yet? She has been walking for almost three months now
Naps - how many times a day? Only 1
Bedtime vs wake-up time? 8:30-7:30
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? 2 8oz bottle
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? She eats both, but has been very picky lately
And anything else you want to add!!!! Since she is so moblie she's got bumps and bruises all over. She's a little clutsy
She is almost 13 months
Her obsession is taking the cell phone and putting to her ear and then have a full blown coversation with no one. Its the funniest thing.
Message edited 9/6/2007 9:29:36 AM.
Posted 9/6/07 9:26 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
Age: Almost 1 year old!!
How is everyone's DC doing? Great lately..very happy How many teeth? 4, almost 5 Are they walking yet? Since just before 10 months old Naps - how many times a day? 1 nap/day from around 10am-1pm Bedtime vs wake-up time? Bed at 6:30, wake up 6:30 Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? Prob 24 ounces of milk/day, trying to cut that back now Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? He eats mostly table food, but we still do baby jars of fruit
Additional info: He just started "dancing" and will bop up and down to music and he tries to sing. He says dada, mama, baba and "good". We don't know where he got that one from!
Posted 9/6/07 10:03 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? Great, Molly is so happy and active.
How many teeth? 6 with 2 coming in very soon. Are they walking yet? Nope, not even cruising yet.
Naps - how many times a day? 1x a day
Bedtime vs wake-up time? She goes down about 7:30 and gets up about 7am. She still wakes during the night.
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? 2x a day...about 6 oz each.
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? She still eats baby fruits and veggies but the rest is table food. She doesn't like any of the "Graduate" type meals.
She talks quite a bit. She has a bunch of words such as thank you, hi, doggie, daddy, mommy. She will also say "hi daddy" and "hi doggie"
ETA: DD is 1 year old.
Message edited 9/6/2007 10:12:09 AM.
Posted 9/6/07 10:11 AM |
Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05 2241 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? She is great, getting big
How many teeth? 8 Total Are they walking yet? She is taking lots of steps, about 15 before she hits the floor
Naps - how many times a day? 1 -2
Bedtime vs wake-up time? Bedtime 7:00-7:30 wakes up at 6:00 - 6:30
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? She has about 5 a day, 4 - 5 oz each, sometimes a little less. Water too in between meals.
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? Loves table food, giving me trouble with baby food, unless it is cubed and she can feed herself !
good Post!!
Posted 9/6/07 11:02 AM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? Ella's great. She's so much fun at this age (14 months)
How many teeth? 7 - 4 up, 3 down
Are they walking yet? non-stop
Naps - how many times a day? 1-2, usually 2
Bedtime vs wake-up time? bedtime around 7:30-8pm, wakes up around 7:30-8:30am
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? no bottles, 3-4 sippy cups
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? Table food all the way. I stopped making her baby food around 9 months
She's quite the character with her routines, and getting her point across to us, and she understands everything. She likes to have her milk while she sits in her little rocking chair and makes me hold the cup! She also insists that we pet our cat regularly and will drag our hands over to him. She started giving kisses (not blowing kisses which she's been doing forever) but now she'll come over to you and plant a kiss on your cheek/lips - its adorable.
Posted 9/6/07 11:22 AM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? GREAT! How many teeth? almost 6 Are they walking yet? cruising Naps - how many times a day?usually1 long or two short Bedtime vs wake-up time?630pm-7pm to about 515am -6am Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? about 20 Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? HATES baby food only wnats teh real deal And anything else you want to add!!!!She is just amazing more and more each day.She says Hi to everyone and says hi when she means bye too. She will clap, do so big, wave and blow a kiss( puts herhand to her mouth ) whenyou ask her too! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/6/07 11:29 AM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
Age 15 months How is everyone's DC doing?? Doing great
How many teeth? Still just four but 6 coming in all at once now
Are they walking yet? yes but late walker, just started this month
Naps - how many times a day? Just switched to 1 this week that lasts 2 hours.
Bedtime vs wake-up time? In bed b4 8pm b/w 7:30 and 8 and waking time is influx a little. Most days she wakes 7:30, some fantastic days she'll sleep til 8 or 8:30 and then some 6:something days
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? 3 8oz bottles a day
All table food but very picky eater so really limited menu
She's such a ham. She has to make eye contact and get a smile or attn from everyone in the room wherever we are. She's also a dancing fool. So much fun at this age too! She waves, says a handful of words including hi, up, no, dada, puppy, pop and duck. She also does a handful of signs mostly related to eating and drinking.
Posted 9/6/07 2:28 PM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? Great. Just starting having tantrums otherwise very happy.
How many teeth? 9
Are they walking yet? Start walking this month
Naps - how many times a day? one nap from 12-2:30
Bedtime vs wake-up time? 7:30 - 7:00
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? 3 8oz sippy cups of Milk
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? All table food. Pretty much likes everything except peas.
DD is 12 months
She is crazy about her red buggy and wants to be outside all the time!
Message edited 9/6/2007 2:39:05 PM.
Posted 9/6/07 2:38 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
What age is DC?? She's 12mths old now How is everyone's DC doing?? Generally a happy baby but we're having teething issues now How many teeth? Only 2 still! Are they walking yet? She started walking about a week before 11mths Naps - how many times a day? Only 1, goes down around noon and sleeps about 1.5-2hrs occasionally she'll shock me with a 2.5-3hr nap! Bedtime vs wake-up time? She's a very good sleeper <knocking on wood> she goes to bed about 8:30pm and wakes up b/w 7:45 -8am and very rarely will wake (if she does she cries for about a minute then goes back to sleep) Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? I'm in the process of weaning her off BF and getting her to drink soy milk (allergic to dairy) I still nurse in the morning, to get her to nap and before bed. During the day she sips on soy milk. She probably only gets about 1-2oz right now Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? Wasn't really a big fan of baby food so we've been on table food since about 10mths. Occasionally I'll still give her oatmeal cereal in the morning mixed in with apple sauce. Does DC have any obsessions and funny personality traits yet? She's obsessed with collecting leaves and attempting to eat them. With fall coming she's going to really keep me on my toes!
Message edited 9/6/2007 4:46:04 PM.
Posted 9/6/07 4:45 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
Ok, so DD turned 16 months today, but I still want to play!!
How is everyone's DC doing?? Good as could be. She's into everything, climbs all over, and is such a little devil girl.
How many teeth? 14, with two canine eye teeth on top coming through any day now
Are they walking yet? running too!
Naps - 1 a day, for 3+ hours.
Bedtime vs wake-up time? To bed at 8:30, waking between 7:30 and 9.
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? no bottle since 12 months old, but does take a sippy with each meal, gets about 18 oz of milk a day.
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? All table food and she will eat any and everything. she's got a great appetite, right now she is eating much more than my 3-year old son!
Posted 9/6/07 5:42 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
How is everyone's DC doing?? Very good!
How many teeth? 9!!! FINALLY we have some teeth!
Are they walking yet? Yup! And Running, oy!
Naps - how many times a day? Once a day for 1.5-2.5 hours
Bedtime vs wake-up time? Bedtime 7:30ish, wake-up time 7:30-8amish
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? Soymilk, she drinks 6oz. twice a day. We were off bottles, but have had a recent set back. Ugh. I don't even want to go into it.
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? She's been on tablefood entirely since 8 months, and the ways he scarfs it down, well, I'd say she loves it!
Other stuff? Hmmm, well, she's a complete ham and likes to put on what we call "The Ava Show" for people so she can get a laugh Basically, she's just as happy as can be and really fantastic!
ETA: Ava will be 15 months next week
Message edited 9/6/2007 7:48:32 PM.
Posted 9/6/07 7:46 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
DS is just over 13 months
How is everyone's DC doing?? He is great!!!
How many teeth? 9 and maybe #10 is about to show
Are they walking yet? yes, really well since right after his first birthday
Naps - how many times a day? mostly 2 a day but sometimes only 1
Bedtime vs wake-up time? 8:30 to 7 but the last few days he has been getting up at 6-6:30
Bottles of milk, how many a day? How many oz? three bottles of milk aday =ing 18 oz. - the doctor did not push the sippy cup since DS loves the bottle. I'm thinking of switching his afternoon bottle to a sippy cup this weekend, and seeing how things go.
Table food vs. Baby food, lovin' it or hates it? Loves food, any kind!!!!
And anything else you want to add!!!! DS is obsessed with cell phone/cordless phones!!! He just points and points to them until you let him hold it! He also really likes Elmo. Elmo's eyes are prefect for putting in DS's mouth.
Message edited 9/6/2007 9:43:03 PM.
Posted 9/6/07 9:34 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: moms of 12/13/14 month olds???
thanks for playing everyone!!!!!
Posted 9/6/07 9:44 PM |