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Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

Emily is 5 months old and I know a lot of moms have babies around the same age as she is ... and also all of you wonderful BTDT moms...

What do/did your babies play with at that age? I'm trying to give her "variety" -- for some reason I'm thinking maybe she'll get bored of the same toys over and over again -- which is maybe me just obsessing too much -- but I want to give her options and different experiences because we've been spending a lot of time playing with her lately.

Right now her favorites include:
Tummy Time Play Mat
Discovery Ball
Me in the Mirror
Swirling Saucer by FP
as well as lots of little toys like linkadoos, Sassy rattles, tactile ball, teethers, etc.

We don't have any of the big ones like Jumparoo and Exercaucer -- and I'm not sure if we are going to get them although I'm leaning more towards the Jumparoo then then Exercauser.

Just looking for all of your suggestions/past experiences.

Posted 3/12/06 9:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

It sounds like you have a good assortment of toys. We have about the same variety and switch on and off through out the day of toys. I also try to alternate the rattles and handheld toys every couple days.

Honestly, we had the Jumperoo with Gabriella and while she loved it, I found out later that when we visited the IL's who had an exersaucer, she liked it better. Just more to see and do. I'd say if space is an issue, the exersaucer may be the way to go. We got one for Gianni and he LOVES it. He likes the Jumperoo, but he loves the exersaucer.

Gabriella was more the type of baby to look around and find something to entertain her, while Gianni is more the type to have to be in to something and holding something and examining it closely. Therefore, I find myself giving him more rattles and such. My point being, it just depends on the baby.

Posted 3/12/06 11:28 PM

My Everything

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Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...


Those are the most popular two. Lots of times I will lay her on the couch next to me and she'll play with wrist wrattles, peek a blocks, teethers, etc. I try to talk with her while she does that.

I let her watch Einstein videos too but usually when I have to get something done that will take a little time or I just need some down time from being a mommy.

Posted 3/12/06 11:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

Julianna absolutely LOVES the jumperoo.
She also plays on the floor mat and her exersaucer. She also likes the peek a blocks, teethers and rattles.

Posted 3/13/06 8:54 AM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

What is the swirling saucer?

We actually have both the intellitainer and the jumperoo. So far he prefers the intellitainer. There's more to look at, touch, listen too. However, the jumperoo gives him more exercise. My sister has 7 month old twin boys and one jumped so much yesterday he just konked out while standing in it!

Posted 3/13/06 8:56 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

Posted by Melbernai

I'm trying to give her "variety" -- for some reason I'm thinking maybe she'll get bored of the same toys over and over again -- which is maybe me just obsessing too much -- but I want to give her options and different experiences because we've been spending a lot of time playing with her lately.

I just wanted to say you are obsessing too much. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon No matter how many toys you have she is going to get bored occassionally, and thats a good thing! It gives her a chance to be creative. Sounds to me like she has an amazing variety of toys already, so you don't have to worry that she is being short changed on stimulation. Buy more if it sounds fun to you, but don't think that she truly needs to have everything that exists!

Posted 3/13/06 9:00 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Moms of 4-6 mo old babies...

I'm an insane shopaholic when it comes to Alex so we have virtually everything. Alex seems to prefer her exersaucer, rattle toys and gymini. But, really, we were joking about it last night because she started playing furiously with a bag of pretzels and hubby turned to me and said, now remind me, why did you spend hundreds on toys??? She's playing with a $1 bag of pretzels!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Don't worry too much about playing with her. EVERYTHING in this world is new to her and is a toy to her... she's getting enough stimulation just by looking at your face! Chat Icon

Posted 3/13/06 9:03 AM

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