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Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

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Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I am seeing a lot of people with children around this age getting PG or are talking about TTC very soon...

I know I had Bella 10 months ago, but I feel like I was JUST PG and the thought of getting PG, having a newborn, and going through all of that again scares the bejesus outta me bodily, monetarily, career-wise, etc.

Am I alone in wanting to have my children like 3-4 (more on the 4 side) years apart?? Or is it not fair to have them spread out that far...I come from a family of 6 with four us grouped within 6 years Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 11:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

Well, Jenna will be 2 in September and I JUST started to get the baby itch-i'd like my kids 3-4 yrs apart as well.

Posted 7/13/06 11:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I feel the SAME way. I really can't imagine being PG or having a newborn anytime soon. I want my DD to be about 4 years old when I have another. I think it'll be easier for me when she's in school full-time to have a newborn. I give women A LOT of credit who have their kids close together!

Posted 7/13/06 12:20 PM

My Everything

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I have the itch but we aren't trying. I want to try a few months after she is 2 so that they will be 3 years apart and going to pre school a couple of days a week before I have a new baby tot ake care of.

Posted 7/13/06 12:28 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I am not saying it's not doable, and it might be even smarter to have them 2 years-ish apart, i just am now in the actual position and it FREAKS me out...

Posted 7/13/06 12:48 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

When I was pg w/ Joseph we had planned to try to get pg again when he turned 1 so they'd be 2 yrs apart. NOW - the thought of that terrifies me!!!!!!!! Could be the fact that he doesn't sleep thru the night yetChat Icon but honestly - the more days that go by...the more I am so utterly content just to have him that we may not even try for #2. IF we do it probably won't be for another year or so. Although I TOTALLY miss being pregnant!

Posted 7/13/06 1:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

DS si a bit older, but definitely have the itch.

I think that 2 years might be too little for me (since I would have to get started tonight! LOL) and I worry about having a newborn and toddler, so I'm shooting for 2 1/2-3 - not too much later - b/c if I want a 3rd or (gulp) a 4th! my age would come into the picture

I just try to think about how much things changed in the last 9 months and think about how much he will change and grow in another 9 months - being preggo is a long time!! LOL

Posted 7/13/06 1:09 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I am preggo now and honestly I am very happy that we waited. Damien and this baby will be three years apart. I too couldn't imagine having two so small so close together.

Posted 7/13/06 1:10 PM

My Girls!

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I didn't get the itch until Delaney was 15 months old and then I said ok it's time - but keep in mind, I have the biological clock against me. I wanted to be under 35 before I had my second. I turned 36 the day Peyton was born. I think 2 years apart is perfect because they are old enough to help out, etc. You should do it when it's good for you guys and day care's a small fortune w/2 LOL

Posted 7/13/06 1:18 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

Claire is 19 months old now and we are just now thinking about TTC again. For us 2 is the final number so we sort of want our family to be complete and move on from there. Also we have a lot of family help for babysitting and figured it made sense to have another one sooner while our parents are still in good health and willing to help. However since my DD is not the easiest toddler I am fearful of handling two!

Posted 7/13/06 1:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I waited 3 years to get pregnant w/ the twins. Do I have the itch. Sure! Anytime I see a baby I want another one. Will I...NO!

Posted 7/13/06 2:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

Nate just turned 13 months. DH and I actually talked about TTC #2 yesterday. When he gets his bar results in Oct, if they are positive I'll stop taking the pill. If it happens by the end of the year Nate would be around 28 months.

We want 3 or 4 kids, so I think 2-3 yrs apart is a good spacing. I definitely don't want kids more that 3 yrs apart.

ETA: My mom had us spread apart. I'm 29, brother #1 is 24 and brother #2 is 20. I guess it was good bc by she never had more than one kid in college at the same time.

Message edited 7/13/2006 2:15:14 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 2:06 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I just don't know which is better. I want 2 and only 2 (although if #2 was a girl, DH would love a #3) but I would be happy with one. I was expecting fertility issues with my first and getting PG so fast was a huge surprise, so #2 could be an issue, I don't know...

I would be happy with TTC when she is 3 and then having them 4 years apart I think...hmmmmmmmmmmm

Posted 7/13/06 2:45 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I got the itch to TTC again when Andrew was 3 months old Chat Icon Thankfully my DH had more sense and we agreed to wait until Andrew was 1 (I got PG again when he was 15 months old). In the end, I have 2 kids now that are exactly 2 years apart (well, 3 days shy). And it's a lot of work and requires a lot of patience. If I had to do it all over again, I would wait and have them with AT LEAST 3 years between them. But I also treasure every moment, they are the two best kids ever!

Posted 7/13/06 4:56 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I could have so written this post, I just feel as though Bryan requires so much of my time already that hter is no time left to spare I cant imagine being preggo and having to take care of myself for the unborn baby as well as Bryan. Plus the money is another issue evn though 2 isnt that much more $$ there is always those thinkgs that just come up. Im probably going to wait 3-4 yrs as well- when Bryan is old enought to understand and "maybe" be able to help mommy a little with a new baby

Posted 7/13/06 7:12 PM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

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Re: Mom's with Baby's from 9-12 months...

I have an incompetent cervix so the next time I get preggo I will have to have surgery at 12 weeks to put the cerclage in, then I will be on complete STRICT bedrest until 37 weeks.. With 3 different dr visits a week, internals every weekChat Icon shots of progesterone every weekChat Icon I just can't imagine taking care of Gia and giving her the attention she needs, I do have some family here but I don't have my parents...

Posted 7/13/06 8:29 PM

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