Moms with kids that have special needs
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/07 799 total posts
Name: pimpette
Moms with kids that have special needs
Hello all, I'm currently pregnant with dc # 2 and I was told that my numbers were elevated for down syndrome and a few other things. I am currently waiting for my afp test results and most likely will need an amino. My questions is did any of you moms know before hand that your precious dc had a defect via sonogram or with further testing? And what testing did u have to pinpoint any abnormalities? Thx from a worried mommy
Posted 4/21/12 8:22 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 1528 total posts
Name: Now!
Re: Moms with kids that have special needs
I was at risk too and they can tell from the sonograms that baby was developing normally (although they couldn't guarantee it ) the screening tests are often false. please try not to worry until there is something to worry about -easier said then done I know. i had lots of sonograms to monitor babies progress. I choose not to do an amnio but everyone I know who has is happy they did it.
Posted 4/21/12 8:26 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/11 660 total posts
Re: Moms with kids that have special needs
I don't have personal experience with this, but I do know several women who had false positives with this stuff and everything was fine.
Posted 4/21/12 8:27 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 4/07 799 total posts
Name: pimpette
Re: Moms with kids that have special needs
Thank you for all your responses! Can you get a false positive with an Amnio? I will be opting for it if can be close to accurate. I know the afp test can give false positives. Thanks again
Posted 4/21/12 8:31 PM |
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