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Member since 4/07 3915 total posts
moms with winter kids..
what did/will you do for DC 1st birthday? I dont want to spend thousands on a party any ideas for a cheap place in suffolk?
Posted 8/5/08 9:29 AM |
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Member since 6/07 2024 total posts
Re: moms with winter kids..
My dd's is in March and I think I will be having it a month late so it will be nicer weather. We will be having it at our house though.
Posted 8/5/08 9:32 AM |
Big sister to be!

Member since 11/05 2174 total posts
Re: moms with winter kids..
DD was born in December. We will be having her 1st b-day in Jan at a restaurant.
Posted 8/5/08 9:34 AM |
He's here!
Member since 12/06 9289 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: moms with winter kids..
We will be having it at our house and limit the number of people we invite.
Posted 8/5/08 9:34 AM |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: moms with winter kids..
Posted by niikki-8-18-06
We will be having it at our house and limit the number of people we invite.
I think we are going to do the same. We just had his christening at a restaurant and although it was great for a christening, I don't want that type of atmosphere for a bday party (personal preference), esp. since there will be alot of 1-2 year olds attending. We also tossed around the idea of a fire house, but decided we will just have it at our house and have less people. We will also have a clown or character coming.
Posted 8/5/08 10:06 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: moms with winter kids..
DS was born in Jan. I just did immediate family in our home. We had it catered. About 15 People.
Posted 8/5/08 10:16 AM |
06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Re: moms with winter kids..
DD first b-day will be nothing more than family at home (we can't afford anything more than that). I am planning a HUGE birthday bash for her 5th birthday b/c it is the same day her daddy turns 50. I am planning a surprise party for DH under the guise of her 5th birthday. I have a double sided invitation planned in my head (one side for her, one side for him). I already started saving up for it!
Posted 8/5/08 11:12 PM |
Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05 1292 total posts
Name: a
Re: moms with winter kids..
DS was Jan 3rd and we had the party a week or 2 later. 2 small parties actually in our apt. It was low key.
Posted 8/5/08 11:20 PM |
Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
Re: moms with winter kids..
DD's b-day is February 10 and we had a Valentine themed party in a restaurant. Favors and centerpieces were from the dollar section of Target and the balloons were from party city. Very low key. Not thousands of dollars.
Posted 8/5/08 11:50 PM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: moms with winter kids..
My oldest son is a December baby and when he was little I use to have the parties at a place but it does get very costly so when I stopped I just keep it simple a couple of friends and his cousins, aunt, and grandma and we do it at our house.
Posted 8/5/08 11:53 PM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: moms with winter kids..
Posted by niikki-8-18-06
We will be having it at our house and limit the number of people we invite.
Same here. I figure the first few birthday parties are really more for us than for him anyway.
Posted 8/5/08 11:55 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: moms with winter kids..
Jacob's birthday is the end of November. We had it in our house and catered in Italian food from a local restaurant.
Posted 8/6/08 5:41 AM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: moms with winter kids..
Are you thinking along the lines of a family party or a kids party?
Posted 8/6/08 7:17 AM |
Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07 5191 total posts
Name: mich
Re: moms with winter kids..
We are dec. we are renting a hall, getting an inside bouncer and bringing a ball pit etc...pinata, some games, very kid centered for the 1st bday
Posted 8/6/08 7:37 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: moms with winter kids..
DSs birthday is early December, and we will have a small party at home, mostly family and our friends, maybe a couple children he has met. I figure in a couple years he'll want kids at his party and it will be different, and maybe that's when I'll splurge on the performers. He won't know the difference now.
It works for us actually since we usually have a get together for friends around then, after Thanksgiving and before Christmas really kicks in and people are busy.
Posted 8/6/08 9:00 AM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 3/08 23 total posts
Name: Carlota
Re: moms with winter kids..
Jake is also a December baby and so is my DH I really don't now what I am going to do most likely something small at home. I hate the fact that my DS is so close to all of the Holiday's. I personally think that his 1st Birthday will be small and quite at home and as special as can be.
I would love to hear from some December mommies and how there babies are doing.
Posted 8/16/08 8:57 PM |