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My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I just got my diaper bag today. Its a messenger bag and it's not quite at big as I expected but maybe I am wrong in feeling like I need a giant diaper bag. So I was wondering if some mom's could give me an idea of what I'll be carrying around.
Posted 9/1/05 10:24 PM |
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Member since 5/05 1134 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
you mean besides the house????
I have Wipes Diapers, extra change of clothes, extra juice and disposable sippy cup, toys, extra bunky's ,bibs. diaper creame, changing pad, and then my stuff my wallet
Posted 9/1/05 10:27 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
Posted by Jillysmom
you mean besides the house????
I have Wipes Diapers, extra change of clothes, extra juice and disposable sippy cup, toys, extra bunky's ,bibs. diaper creame, changing pad, and then my stuff my wallet
I just don't know if this will be big enough. It's the "large" messenger bag. This is the dimensions 9.1"h x 13.0"w x 3.7"dImage Attachment(s):
Message edited 9/1/2005 10:39:37 PM.
Posted 9/1/05 10:37 PM |
I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05 6905 total posts
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I have 2 bags. One for a couple hours and one for a day trip. Depending where I am going I pack:
Diapers Wipes Favorite toy Balmex Changing Pad Plastic bag Noisy toy My wallet stuff Bib Burp cloth Hat Sunblock I usually keep her bottles in a seperate bag that I have an ice pack for, unless I am going right to someones house that I can put it in their fridge
Posted 9/1/05 11:21 PM |
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I used to carry a few extra outfits and also a can of formula just in case also socks or booties shout wipes
Message edited 9/1/2005 11:31:10 PM.
Posted 9/1/05 11:29 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
About 4 diapers balmex wipes burpie cloth extra clothes bib formula and bottle my wallet, cell phone & lip gloss
Posted 9/2/05 12:14 AM |
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Member since 5/05 2598 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I use 3 bags (my purse, diaper bag and bottle bag), but for the diaper bag I have: Diapers (4-5) Wipes Favorite toy(s) Desitin Changing Pad Plastic bags for dirty diapers Bib(s) Burp cloth Lightweight blanket Hat Sunblock Change of clothes Socks
Posted 9/2/05 10:05 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
Change of clothes (onsies and outfit) 4-5 Diapers Wipes Desitin Changing Pad Plastic bags for dirty diapers small bottle of hand sanitzer infant tylenol baby lotion 1-2 Bibs Burp cloth blanket 2-3 bottles w/water container w/powdered formula
If we are going to a place where I'll have access to a refridgerator then I'll use ready to feed formula.
Posted 9/2/05 10:17 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
Unless I'm going somewhere for a long period of time, I pretty much just use the diaper bag I got for free from the hospital. I have 3 other ones that are much bigger, but I just don't need all the space. I change her before we head out shopping or for a walk or whatever and then we're not usually gone for more than 3 hours, so this is more than enough.
1 Change of clothes (onsies, pants & socks) 2-3 Diapers Wipes (one of those travel containers that's thin) Changing Pad and 1 of the disposable ones by Huggies to put on the surface of the changing table in store bathrooms Plastic bags for dirty diapers (I use those ones that are rolled up in the small blue plastic container) small bottle of hand sanitzer (which is attached on the outside where the similac logo thing was) infant tylenol 2 bibs 2 Burp cloths 1 recieving blanket 1 bottle and 1 8 oz. can of RTF formula 2 small toys that are on links to attach to her stroller
My wallet, keys, cell phone, gum and tissues are in the small zipper part in the front.
I always put a hat on her before we leave and I also apply the sunscreen at home.
Posted 9/2/05 10:36 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
Thanks everyone! I think I'll use your lists and test it out to see how everything fits before I decide to keep it or not. I think it will work though.
Posted 9/2/05 11:40 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 528 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
diapers wipes trial size powder and lotion desitin change of clothes socks some bibs and toys if gone long, two jars of food and some puffs and a juice bottle and one of those kits, nail clipper and all that baby tylonel for teething
Posted 9/2/05 12:27 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
Usually it depends on how long I'll be out for. Diapers, wipes, a toy or two, a changing pad, desitin, a change of clothes or two, an extra blanket, a bottle, formula, and a burp cloth. If it's going to be a long trip out, I usually bring extra of everything, plus tylenol and a thermometer, just in case.
Message edited 9/2/2005 2:12:26 PM.
Posted 9/2/05 2:11 PM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I feel like my whole house! diapers wipes butt paste clean clothes a sweatshirt socks toys veggie puffs food disposable bowl and spoon purrell bleach wipes (for high chairs and such) high chair/grocery cart cover disposable placemats small garbage bags for stinky diapers
Posted 9/2/05 9:39 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Mom's...What's in your Diaper Bag
I always have: Diapers 2 or 3 swimmies (just in case) desitine Motrin Wipes some snacks extra sippy cup extra clothes a pair of pj's bibs pacifiers thermometer aquaphore Vaseline bags for dirty diapers purell toys a bathing suit changing pad baby fork and spoon
I think thats it
Posted 9/6/05 2:57 PM |