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my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
did you have mixed emotions?
I always wanted and still want 2-3 children. I have always wanted a house full of kids. As the time approaches and we are starting to think about # 2 I feel a little sad. I also feel guilty that I won't devote all of me to Antonio anymore.
I liked hanging out the two of us during those summer days when I had off. I sometimes feel like a new baby would take that away.
I love him so much I can't imagine loving another being as much. I am sure that will change, but at this moment can't. Sometimes I even get sentimental thinking about it.
Don't know if this post makes sense I am much better at expressing myself orally
Posted 12/1/06 4:50 PM |
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Member since 6/06 4563 total posts
Name: Fabulous
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
TOTALLY normal and I think the main reason I waited until DS was 3 to even begin really thinking about having #2.
Posted 12/1/06 4:51 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Well, I didn't at the time, but I do now in some ways.
I never worry about not having enough 1 on 1 time with Katherine since really in any family, only the oldest child gets that luxury anyhow--I guess the younger ones are always screwed then!! So, I never really took that into account.
I do however truly believe that the new baby won't be as good as Katherine is. I don't mean good, behavior wise, because she's a real pain in the a$$ a lot of the time But "good" as in such a character or so much fun or so cute--there's just no way! My DH and I always joke around that the new baby is going to be a piece of garbage compared to Katherine---that is so mean, but we're totally only joking!!
Anyway, not that I know personally, but from what I've heard you love the 2nd baby just as much and value their qualities (different as they may be) equally. I still believe (as the oldest in my family) though, that I am much better than my sister!
Posted 12/1/06 4:56 PM |
Love my son!

Member since 6/05 1468 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I think your feelings are totally normal - they are the same exact reasons why Michael is still an only child...
Posted 12/1/06 5:02 PM |
my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06 7396 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
i probably shouldn't say this out loud but i felt like this up until the day i delivered my second. i asked myself all the time was there room for me to love another! but of coarse there was. love multiplies never divides!
Posted 12/1/06 6:39 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I have those same feelings right now and #2 was a surprise.
I know in time in will all work out and we will just have more love to give.
I do feel badly sometimes since DD was only 6 months old when i got pg again that i somehow "robbed" her of precious mommy/daddy time.
Posted 12/1/06 6:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I still feel this way and don't know if I can have anymore for this reason.
Posted 12/1/06 7:01 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I felt the same way - even after I had Maddie. I hated that he would never get the attention he had and that she would never get as much attention as he once did.
My take on it is that you have a second baby for your first. Someone to experience the same family fun & madness, someone to grow up with, someone so they don't feel so alone, someone who will be there after their parents are gone.
Not to mention it takes the focus off of the first one - because let's face it we're all crazy about our children and no one should grow up with that much pressure. Baby #2 alleviated new mom psychosis.
While they may poke the baby or tell Daddy to return the baby, I think they'll appreciate it in the long run.
(and this is someone who is battling with one of her sisters)
Message edited 12/1/2006 7:22:19 PM.
Posted 12/1/06 7:21 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Posted by Stefanie
I still feel this way and don't know if I can have anymore for this reason.
This is exactly how I feel...
I say I want more kids (2 more)... but I just dont see when Im gonna feel like having more....
My cousin just had a little baby girl... and when we went to see her after she was born- and then again on Thanksgiving- it was so wierd for me...
While I usually cant wait to get my hands on a little bity baby- and never wanna share w/ anyone-
I couldnt be bothered... I just had no interest (I know I sound horrible )
I so have no desire- and just the thought of leaving Ryan to be in the hospital to have the baby- makes me sad...
I just keep telling myself- Ill know when Im ready- and these thoughts are just my way of telling myself- im not ready now...
I truely believe its all normal... and when baby #2 does come along- Ill feel a whole new level of love- watching the love between siblings
Posted 12/3/06 5:36 PM |
where's winter?

Member since 11/05 2209 total posts
Message edited 2/9/2007 7:51:08 PM.
Posted 12/3/06 6:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Posted by sweetness
I have those same feelings right now and #2 was a surprise.
I know in time in will all work out and we will just have more love to give.
I do feel badly sometimes since DD was only 6 months old when i got pg again that i somehow "robbed" her of precious mommy/daddy time.
I feel the same way and was DS was six months as well.. When I watch my DS I feel bad that we won't have this time together again and the second won't have the amount of time I had with DS with no one around. Our occational naps together, laughs, it makes me a little sad. I'm an only child and always wanted four but now that I have such a wonderful DS, I'd be fine with just him. I guess it will be fine - I'm just scared is all. A sibling is good for him, it's not all about me.
Message edited 12/3/2006 10:30:16 PM.
Posted 12/3/06 10:29 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
This is why I plan to wait at least 2 years before TTC again. I really want to enjoy the time I have with DD and don't want another child to "steal" that time away right now.
Posted 12/3/06 11:21 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I couldnt be bothered... I just had no interest (I know I sound horrible )
I so have no desire- and just the thought of leaving Ryan to be in the hospital to have the baby- makes me sad...
I feel the SAME WAY!!
Posted 12/4/06 1:45 AM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Posted by Stefanie
I couldnt be bothered... I just had no interest (I know I sound horrible )
I so have no desire- and just the thought of leaving Ryan to be in the hospital to have the baby- makes me sad...
I feel the SAME WAY!!
sometimes I secretly wish the new baby is born a toddler
I feel better I am not the only one
Posted 12/4/06 9:27 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I FEEL THE SAME EXACT WAY. Alex is my girl... my first... I went through EVERYTHING with her, there and back again from extreme colic to the most "spirited" baby in all of daycare. I can't imagine sharing my time with her with another baby, and I can't imagine having another with all the personality that she has. I know I complain about it, but I wouldn't want it any other way! I don't know, I think it's that we both went through everything for the first time together that it created this incredible bond between me and her and I know that with the next, it won't be quite the same because it won't be as overwhelming and I won't have as many "new" experiences... does that make sense?
Posted 12/4/06 9:37 AM |
Love my Babes

Member since 8/05 5889 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I just found out that i am PG with # 2 and last night and today i have been feeling a little Down about this. Im worried that i wont be able to do all the nice things i do with DD now b/c i financial reasons, and that i wont be able to spend time wiht her. She is 6, so its been her and I for all this time, im excited, but still not fully adjusted about having another one. I hope this feeling goes away and gets replaced with excitement. Hopefully after we tell DD that she is going to be a sister.
Posted 12/4/06 10:11 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I think I am more concerned about having enough quality time with 2 kids especially becuase I work full time and time is very precious as it is. However DD is almost 2 and she is now asking for a brother or sister! LOL I think of the positives and how we will be more of a family with 2 kids and all the shared experiences.
Posted 12/4/06 10:28 AM |
Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I have twins so I can understand all your fears about not having enough quality time with two around. I worry about that all the time. However, my big fear when we think about having another one is will that one feel alone because their brothers are the same age and they will be younger? So that might cause me not to have another.
Posted 12/4/06 11:00 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I am currently prego with babyb #2 and I think about that all the time I wonder how I am going to balance the time with marissa and make sure she gets the attentioon she deserves then I think well when baby #2 is born he/she will be sleeping alot so I will still have the time with my DD and I can make her feel very important with helping me feed baby #2 and bathing baby #2 and all that stuff plus I figure I will leave baby #2 home with DH and do things with my DD and vice versa my husband will do things with her as well so we can each have o ur one on one time with her. I am sure it will all work out in the end
Posted 12/4/06 11:09 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 2223 total posts
Name: Ellie
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I totally did. I didn't expect to get PG with #2 on the first shot and so the feelings were multiplied when I found out I was preggo.
Posted 12/4/06 11:36 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I guess I'm the only one that never worried about how to split my time with Nate and #2. I've always known that I wanted a big family. I love Nate with all my heart but I don't think he'll miss out on anything by having siblings. I've never felt like I needed to spend every waking moment of my time with Nate. I think it's important to spend time with others and on his own.
Posted 12/4/06 11:51 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Posted by steph4777
I guess I'm the only one that never worried about how to split my time with Nate and #2. I've always known that I wanted a big family. I love Nate with all my heart but I don't think he'll miss out on anything by having siblings. I've never felt like I needed to spend every waking moment of my time with Nate. I think it's important to spend time with others and on his own.
I feel the same way as you! I came from a big family (eldest of 6!) and each of us is so different and my mom woudln't have had it any other way...
I can't wait to have more babies (2 more i think) to give Johnny some playmates, lol..I love him more than life and do wonder sometimes how could i possibly love another child as much??! But i know i someone else said, love multiplies, not divides!
Posted 12/4/06 12:36 PM |
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
I thought it about but never dwelled on it. When I found out I was pg with #2 my concerns were whose schedule was I going to go by, the new baby or have the new baby go by Luka's. Or how will I put them to bed. I am so excited to go through all those firsts again with another child and I think you just have to take the plunge sometimes, especially if you know you want more children. I am the oldest of 5, my brother and I are 5 years apart and that is my closest age sibiling and I always wished we were closer in age and I didnt want that for my children
Posted 12/4/06 1:11 PM |
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
The only issue I have is not wanting to be Preggo again. I know that I will love #2 just as much as Ryan and know that I will find the time and love for him/her, I have no problem with that end.... I just wish I could skip the whole 9 months and have the baby. I HATED being pregnant.
Posted 12/4/06 1:13 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Moms..when thinking about baby #2...
Posted by aja
Posted by Stefanie
I couldnt be bothered... I just had no interest (I know I sound horrible )
I so have no desire- and just the thought of leaving Ryan to be in the hospital to have the baby- makes me sad...
I feel the SAME WAY!!
sometimes I secretly wish the new baby is born a toddler
I feel better I am not the only one
Ohhhh same here- If I could give RJ an older sibling- or even one that is the same age as him- I would!
I just love seeing him playing with other children!
Posted 12/4/06 3:45 PM |