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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
OK... Which one and kind?
I registered for the AngelCare Monitor , BUT Does it go off at all on accieent? That might give me a heart attack? And Is it good as a sound monitor?
would a Video be better?
Posted 1/20/07 2:53 PM |
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Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
yes yes and yes. I love my angel care and if you set it right you shouldnt have false alarms- I think I had two in 3 years-- soo worth it.
And the sound monitor on it is great.
But I also had a video monitor which I also loved. ( Although the sound on it stopped working after about 6 months.)So I would have to do both.
PS- My favorite thing about the angel care is that you can set it to give off a ticking sound with every movement (each breathe from the baby). When I would wake up in the middle of the night I didnt have to open my eyes to check on him. I could just listen for the tick and go right back to sleep. It is my all time favorite thing I ever had.
ETA: I loved having both, but if I HAD to pick one I would pick the angelcare hands down.
Message edited 1/20/2007 2:59:30 PM.
Posted 1/20/07 2:58 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
honestly, I have just a sound one. Our room is right across the hall from hers, so I even leave the volume down because now we let her CIO. But in the beginning she was co-sleeping, then when in her crib, we used it and I'd wake up at every sound she made.
It's the mommy instinct
Posted 1/20/07 3:20 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
Posted by btrflygrl
honestly, I have just a sound one. Our room is right across the hall from hers, so I even leave the volume down because now we let her CIO. But in the beginning she was co-sleeping, then when in her crib, we used it and I'd wake up at every sound she made.
It's the mommy instinct
See our Room is pretty far away from the babies..thats my concern. I would here her/him crying....But not anything else...
And I plan to only have the baby in our room for a short period.
Posted 1/20/07 3:32 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
Angelcare all the way- what good is the video when you are sleeping at night???
I never had a false alarm until Ry got older and moving to the bottom of his crib(and at that point- he was no longer in the high age risk for sids, and I prob shouldnt of even been using it then)
Posted 1/20/07 3:43 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
I have the Anglecare and the Video Monitor and I couldn't live without either one.
Posted 1/20/07 4:43 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
I have sound only but I wish I would have had a video monitor...
Posted 1/20/07 5:08 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
We have the angelcare without the sound, so I can't vouch for the sound monitor quality. We love the angelcare, though. We had a few false alarms, more with DS than DD, but it was still worth it. We didn't bother getting a video monitor because we figured that by the time we were able to focus our eyes and see the monitor in the middle of the night, we could have checked in on them anyway.
Posted 1/21/07 8:43 AM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
I love our video monitor. I can hear her breathe on it. Couldn't live without it!
Posted 1/21/07 11:02 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
i love love love our video monitor - we can see whether or not he's fallen asleep yet and it's a lifesaver when he is sick. Our room is downstairs and DS is up so I could def. not do without it.
oh and it's the summer(?) video monitor. It was like $169 but totally worth it.
Message edited 1/21/2007 7:30:49 PM.
Posted 1/21/07 7:30 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
I have the angelcare and so far so good last night it gave us a false alarm- i'm not sure why- maybe when she gets in a very deep sleep I have to put the sensitivity up- either way- it's rare that we get false alarms (although last night it was insane that I just woke up and ran into her room like a crazy person).
Posted 1/21/07 8:14 PM |
Member since 6/05 3273 total posts
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
Another vote for Angelcare. We have had 2 false alarms in almost 3 years.
I will say I would forget to turn it off sometimes before I took him out of the crib and the alarm would go off and scare the heck out of me.
Posted 1/21/07 8:17 PM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I hated the Angelcare monitor. The sound quality was very poor, and the volume had to be almost all the way up to hear anything. Also, there are only 2 channels on mine (not sure if others have more than that). Also, I heard all of the noise from the room, which kept me up all night. I ended up with the Sony BabyCall, which has multiple channels to get clearer reception, and it has a sound activation mode, so it is quiet as long as DD is not crying or making other noise. Occasionally it picks up the music that I have playing in her room, but not too often. I do wish I had a video monitor, and I still may get one as she gets more mobile so I can make sure she isn't trying to climb out of the crib in the morning.
Posted 1/22/07 12:28 PM |
Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05 5857 total posts
Name: Lois
Re: Monitors-HELP (angelcare,sound,video???)
We have the Sony 27 channel sound monitor. I haven't had any problems with it. I would recommend it. I don't use a monitor at night when we are all sleeping b/c DS room is next to ours and I can hear him if he cries. I did buy a video monitor when DS was a few months old but after I hooked it up I realized that I did not need it. I can hear him with our monitor and if I want to check on him I just go to his room and peek. I think it's a personal decision. IMO the video wasn't worth the $$$. We are in a ranch so everything is on one floor, if I had to run upstairs everytime I wanted to check on him that might be a different story!
Posted 1/22/07 12:40 PM |