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Mother's day question ( a little long )

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Member since 5/05

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Mother's day question ( a little long )

I know it's a few months away, but here's my question to all the moms. What does your dh do for you(or will do for you if you're a new mom) on mother's day? What about his mom or your mom? Do you include them in your day as well...since you're the new mother so to speak.

Message edited 3/12/2007 5:02:26 PM.

Posted 3/12/07 11:46 AM
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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

We celebrate it with my mom and if my MIL was here we would celebrate all together,
IMO even though I'm a mom they are still our moms and want to be honored that day just as much as we do so it's easier to just do it all together.
My DH and I don't really do big things for these holidays. Just cards, maybe flowers and out to breakfast or dinner.

Posted 3/12/07 11:49 AM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

I think breakfast is reasonable for MIL. After I would spend some time with my mother and enjoy the rest of the day being catered to... But I do think your hub should have stuck with you but I guess he was in a sticky situation.

Posted 3/12/07 11:55 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

What we did last year was we went to my MIL's house in the morning for breakfast and gave her gifts to her, then we went out to lunch, just Todd, Julia and myself, then for dinner we went out with my family so I could see my mom.

I'm sure it will be the same thing this year.....Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/07 11:56 AM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

We usually go out to brunch with MIL. After all, it's his mom and I think it's only right if he spend some time with her.
I know we would definitely spend time with my mom if she were still around.

Posted 3/12/07 12:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

It's not too different than any other weekend.

Usually DH gets me a gift and cards from him and the kids which we open first thing in the morning.

He calls his mom since she lives OOT. I will have sent a gift from him and the kids ahead of time. Chat Icon

We will spend time at the park if it's nice, or playing indoors otherwise.

We usually have lunch or dinner with my mom.

Posted 3/12/07 12:04 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

My first Mother's Day was Andrew's birth Chat Icon The second one was really tough, because I wanted to spend it with DH and my son celebrating his 1st b-day (we weren't having a party until the following weekend), but MIL said it was "her" day, so we hosted a brunch. Last year, Lauren was just born (sense a pattern here) and long story short, it was DH's brother's 40th b-day on Mother's Day, so we spent it with them..

This year Chat Icon Lauren's 1st b-day is on the 6th, Andrew's 3rd is on the 9th and our 5 year anniversary is on the 11th..... I can almost guarantee we won't get to spend any of them as a family ourselves because of other family members... Chat Icon So you ar enot alone and I hear you! The first two weeks are busy for *us*, not to mention its Mother's Day and BIL AND SIL's b-day too!

Posted 3/12/07 12:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

Chat Icon

Message edited 3/12/2007 5:02:42 PM.

Posted 3/12/07 12:14 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

Don't know what we are doing yet for my first Mother's Day as a mom.

Posted 3/12/07 12:20 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

We spend the morning together, me, DH and DS. In the afternoon we have a bbq with everyone

Posted 3/12/07 12:35 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

this may sound horrible but I can't remember what I did last yearChat Icon

not sure what I'll be doing this year either.

Posted 3/12/07 12:40 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

Posted by Stefanie

I'm not trying to ignore the fact that dh doesn't have a mother. It was just my first mother's day and I wanted it to be special.

I am coming from a different perspective completely because of my relationship with my own mom and issues with the day. But I know how hard it is when a MIL doesn't respect that YOU are a mom now too and/or have thoughts and feelings on how to spend the day.

Best advice is, try to find some middleground with your DH on how to incorporate his mom without infringing on the day. Maybe it is best to have her over for breakfast and then have the rest of the day to do what you want to do...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/07 12:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

We have this issue every year. I would love to just spend the day as an immiediate family, but to keep the peace we try to please everyone else Chat Icon

However there is no way I want to be running around to see both moms on that sunday so MIL usually gets a visit on sat then I will go to breakfast/ lunch with my mom on mothers day.

Posted 3/12/07 1:12 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

I come first and our mothers come second. I really dont expect the whole day to me but the last year he made me breakfest and gave me my gift then we stopped at my moms gave her her flowers and card (we happened to have dinner with her the night before so it worked out for us) and then we were on our way to Queens to see my MIL and we stayed for dinner.
I think he needs to realize that you are the mother of his son and you come first even if it is something small like going to the diner, something. I also will not do any holiday alone. Meaning me and him are split.

Posted 3/12/07 3:59 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

My MIL is in Israel- so its not really an issue. We get together with my mom and my sister (we had our first mothers day together).

Posted 3/12/07 4:08 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

We don't go out anywhere special, but I try to do some nice things for DW at home. I've also been making special photos of DS (DS and DD this year) to give to DW. Here are the last two years I did.

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 3/12/07 6:33 PM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

Mother's day morning-
* I get breakfast in bed. This has been our tradition for the past 5 years. We do the same for him on Father's Day.

Then later in the day, we go out to dinner with my parents, brother, grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousins.

My MIL passed away a few years ago. Before she passed, we used to split the day. Brunch with her and FIL, dinner with my family.

Posted 3/12/07 6:35 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

we usually get together with my family since they live closer than his (who live in MI).

This will be my first year as a Mom, so not sure what DH has planned other than that. Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/07 6:47 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

Last year we spent as a family. The three of us.

Since my mom is not living that solves that and since I don't talk to my IL's anymore second problem solved.

This year will most likely just be us as well since the new baby will have just been born.

Posted 3/12/07 7:43 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mother's day question ( a little long )

I haven't really thought about it. I am not really into holidays, especially the ones that are created by card companies. I mean, will it be nice if I get a little something? Yeah, but I will spend it with my mom and my aunts and grandparents just like every other mother's day. I don't think it's that big of a day, more of a day to spend with family. Ya know?

Posted 3/12/07 8:08 PM

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