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Moving Long Distance with Pets

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Mama x2 <3

Member since 12/10

4946 total posts


Moving Long Distance with Pets

Beginning the research now, and scheduled an appointment with our vet to discuss, but if you've moved long distance with your pets, can you share your story? DH and I are moving over 1,200 miles in a few months, and I'm having anxiety over how this is going to happen. We're driving down, so they will be crated, but do I crate them together? Can I get a sedative prescribed for them both? I'm more concerned with this, than the actual move itself lol.

Posted 6/13/16 3:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Moving Long Distance with Pets

I moved continents with my cats. They were flown in cargo, so I don't have to offer much with that. However, I would give them their own crate. The airlines made us do it for safety reasons, but it's a good idea.

We then moved a 5 hour drive away a few years later with them in the car. We used separate crates again because we had them. Well, good thing because one cat pooped a lot and the other was fine. He just doesn't like car rides. We used wee wee pads so we were able to change the pads when we stopped.

I didn't use any sedatives.

Posted 6/13/16 4:01 PM


Member since 1/14

7997 total posts


Re: Moving Long Distance with Pets

Posted by MrsM429

Beginning the research now, and scheduled an appointment with our vet to discuss, but if you've moved long distance with your pets, can you share your story? DH and I are moving over 1,200 miles in a few months, and I'm having anxiety over how this is going to happen. We're driving down, so they will be crated, but do I crate them together? Can I get a sedative prescribed for them both? I'm more concerned with this, than the actual move itself lol.

I dont think you have to be so worried esp if you are driving.

How do they travel now, are they calm ? do they like to be in the car?

You didn't mention dogs/cats. If its dogs make sure you bring water, toys etc and leashes. I would stop every few hours to walk them.

Cats, keep in their crates, still stop to check on them. offer water, toys.

If you normally crate them together than you should do it this time, if they 're normally separate I would keep them separate.
If they are nervous travelers you can medicate. If you are nervous they are going to feel your anxiety and react

Posted 6/13/16 6:33 PM

Mama x2 <3

Member since 12/10

4946 total posts


Re: Moving Long Distance with Pets

They're cats, so we don't ever crate them. They're both very close, so I thought by getting a large dog crate, I could keep them both in there together, with a small litter box and some food/water.

Both are petrified of the car, and as my DH says, they sing the song of their people very loudly lol. 12 hours a day for 2 days in the car with them upset will not work.

Posted 6/14/16 7:54 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/09

781 total posts


Re: Moving Long Distance with Pets

Just did a 600 mile move to Ohio with my FH and dog. My dog has always been great in the car. He sat on FH's lap the whole time and slept. When we stopped for gas & bathroom breaks I took him for walks

At one of the rest areas we stopped at there was someone walking a cat on a leash

Posted 6/14/16 11:16 AM


Member since 8/08

6851 total posts


Re: Moving Long Distance with Pets

I drove from FL to NY with my 65 lb dog.

I did have her get a vet checkup right before we left. I did get a sedative/Valium type drug. She slept most of the way. Got out/ate at the times I stopped.

For the last part of the my trip, it was only 4 hrs, so I gave her half a pill and it worked great.

She was not in a crate in the car, just spread out in the back seat.

Posted 6/27/16 1:34 PM

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