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MS question about school standards

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My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07

3270 total posts


MS question about school standards

My son attends a ms where they consider any grade below a 2.5 which is a 79 to be failing. Has anyone ever heard of this? I dont understand how the nyc bd of ed would allow this? All other schools follow city standards where a 65 and above is passing.

Posted 4/8/18 11:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


MS question about school standards

Is it a private or charter school? I went to private school and I think anything below a 79 or 81 was failing, I can’t remember but it was one of the 2.

Posted 4/9/18 8:04 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: MS question about school standards

My DD is a NYC public MS. All their grades are based out of 100 and 65 is considered failing. Where is the 2.5 coming from? In NYC elementary they give grades 1-4 and 2 = performing below grade level but i have never seen a half grade like 2.5 there either.

Posted 4/9/18 11:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: MS question about school standards

If the scale is a 1-4 grading scale, a 2.5 out of 4 would be a 62.5%, which would be failing.

Posted 4/9/18 12:40 PM

My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07

3270 total posts


Re: MS question about school standards

No it is not a private school. The 2.5 is from a grading scale they use. For example 2.5 is a 78 not 79
2.4 is 76
2.3 is 75
2.2 is 73

2.6 is 79
2.7 is 81
2.8 is 83
2.9 is 84
3.0 is 85 and so on......

It’s the corresponding number grade to the rubric grade.

Posted 4/9/18 2:10 PM

My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07

3270 total posts


Re: MS question about school standards

It’s not a charter school either

Posted 4/9/18 2:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


MS question about school standards

I would just call the guidance counselor and ask them to explain it to you. Is it failing in that the child would be required to repeat the class?

Posted 4/9/18 2:25 PM

My Son is my world...

Member since 10/07

3270 total posts


Re: MS question about school standards

Posted by MrsT809

I would just call the guidance counselor and ask them to explain it to you. Is it failing in that the child would be required to repeat the class?

In February my son had a 2.4 in math which is a 76 and they sent me a promotion in doubt letter. They have high standards where even through the city standards say 65 and above is passing, by their standards they are not cuz anything lower than 2.5 which again is a 78 is not up to standards which is like saying it’s considered failing.

Now we are at 2.6 which is 79 and I pray it doesn’t go down much. The skills they use to grade them on classroom tests are the same skills assessed on the state tests. My son doesn’t do well on state tests. In elementary school he never did well on the state tests but did well in class. I know there is a huge difference between elementary and MS but I’m just saying that maybe he’s struggling because their curriculum is based on skills assessed on the state tests. He does after school but I’m not sure it’s helping much. He can revise some quizzes and unit tests which we just did and are waiting for a revised grade.

By the way the teacher never told us that quizzes and unit tests could be revised. She finally revealed that to us in the March conferences as something she forgot to tell us.bang:

Message edited 4/9/2018 2:45:43 PM.

Posted 4/9/18 2:43 PM

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