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Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Does anyone know about this? Any personal experience?
Posted 9/14/06 2:11 PM |
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Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Here is what a friend told me when I asked:
Basically what this does in our cells is help homocysteine convert into methionine. Homocysteine is very toxic. So converting it from our cells is. Really really important ! It's really important for making new DNA , it helps the cells to know what to do and, it creates neurotransmitters....which not only help us to control emotion...they believe it or not help with implantation...!!! (so interesting, but serotonin levels really play a role in implantation but that's getting off topic lol). Now, MTHFR, needs folate (B9) B6 and B12 to do this conversion. What your doctor is essentially testing you for is a gene mutation. 40% of the population inherit one gene mutuation for this metabolism. That is called being heterozygous for MTHFR. About 12% of the population are homozygous for this , meaning they inherited the mutation from both their mom and their dad. Now if your homocysteine levels are completely normal, the mutation is not really an issue. However, once again, homocysteine should be tested during pregnancy,...because homocysteine can increase. There are some really interesting studies linking elevated homocysteine with autism and alzheimer's and dymentia.. The B vitamins are so very important !!! It bothers me so much when ob/gyn's tell their patients that they can take low doses of folic acid (like flintstone vitamins). The B vitamins help with the circulatory system and nervous system. Basically, the treatment for elevated homocysteine or MTHFR gene mutation as a prevention for elevated homocysteine is prescription folgard (1 mg folic acid, B6 and B12) this is addition to your prenatal. I actually believe most men and women should be on folgard. It helps prevent stroke, and other heart disease. Eating foods rich in folate and the b vitamins also are a good idea.
Posted 9/14/06 2:42 PM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Thanks Lauren-I think I know your friend
Posted 9/14/06 2:51 PM |
Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06 11613 total posts
Name: L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)
Posted 9/14/06 3:34 PM |
Time for me to FLY!

Member since 5/05 13199 total posts
Name: Did I ever tell you that I hate people?
I have it and take Folgard 3x a day...when I remember
Posted 9/14/06 4:41 PM |
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