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She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
my 1st Dr. appt ?
I go on the 29th for my 1st appt. What should I expect to have done? What should I ask for them to do?
Posted 6/19/05 11:03 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
It seems like every office does things differently. My first appointment was mostly a meet and greet where we went over my history, cycles, etc. I was new to this office also. I was having a lot of anxiety about the pregnancy so they gave me an ultrasound which isn't normal practice for them. Then I was scheduled to go back at 12 weeks for my exam and then you have regular appointments after that. I can't think of anything special to ask them to do. If you aren't sure of your dates they may give you an ultrasound or you can pretend not to know them so you get one anyway . Good Luck!!
Posted 6/19/05 11:27 AM |
She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
Do the do the {gulp} blood test on the 1st appt? I HATE that!
Posted 6/19/05 11:34 AM |
Member since 5/05 2423 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
i went first for a sonogram to determine the age. after thta i went to the drs for my first checkup and to get bloodwork done. i actually have to go to a lab to have the blood drawn, and they told me it would be able 7 vials of blood! YUCK!
Posted 6/19/05 11:49 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
I had bloodwork done a few days after my BFP just to check everything. Then at my first appt. I had an ultrasound where they check the baby as well as your ovaries. They check your ovaries for the cyst that the egg came from since that provides the hormones for the first 10-12 weeks. It's important that the cyst decrease in size and disappear by 12 weeks.
They weighed me, did blood pressure, did a PAP since it was way overdue, and talked to me about the foods and medicines to avoid or I can have. Answered any questions etc.
Posted 6/19/05 11:55 AM |
She's my dancing queen!

Member since 5/05 1752 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
Posted 6/19/05 12:46 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
I acutally think I had my blood work done at my 12 weeks appointment but I had no history of miscarriage and I was 8 weeks at my first appointment with completely regular cycles so they didn't do blood work to confirm but then again I didn't ask them to either.
Posted 6/19/05 2:06 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
I had an vaginal sono, go over history, urine sample and got what I needed to take to a lab to get my blood done - which they told me to do by my next dr appointment (dr appt's aremonthly at first). My office doesn't draw blood there - you have to go to Quest. I had my first appt at 9 weeks - they don't do your first until you missed two periods at my dr's office.
Posted 6/20/05 9:04 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05 759 total posts
Name: Claudine
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
I think everyone covered the major stuff already...but they will also give a script for your prenatal vitamins, if you're not already taking them.
Posted 6/20/05 7:51 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: my 1st Dr. appt ?
skinner- sounds like my place wgw they sent me to a lab and took 7 vials.
Posted 6/20/05 9:48 PM |