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My baby hardly kicks..

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


My baby hardly kicks..

Did anyone have a "quiet" baby when pregnant. My baby hardly ever kicks me at all and when she does, its so gentle. She moves around "enough" the doctor says but I wonder why not as much as other babies.

If you had a quiet baby in the womb..were they the same when they were born?? Just wondering out loud...LOL

Posted 7/1/06 9:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Boys

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Re: My baby hardly kicks..

DS rarely ever kicked me. At night when I would lay down for sleep, he would push his little butt up and you could see it sticking out of my belly. Other than that, he was very active. He did get a lot of "hiccups" though, especially after I would eat something. Now he is 7 months and he is a very calm, quite baby. Doesn't cry much and smiling all the time. I can't say there is any theory behind this all, but wanted to share with ya.

Posted 7/1/06 9:42 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Mine was quiet- and she was most definitely NOT quiet after being born!

If you are concerned do kick counts, that always reassured me.

Posted 7/1/06 9:42 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

My sister and I were due a week apart last baby was crazy on the inside and hers hardly moved--in fact, she had to poke her stomach all the time just to get it moving!

Fast forward almost 10 months...

My daughter is out of control...very active; doesn't sit still for a second (seriously!). My niece could stay put for hours just playing with a single toy. Case in point...this past Thursday, my niece was in a pack n play at my mom's house, just playing with a toy; I put my daughter in and within seconds had not only trampled all over her cousin and knocked her down, but proceeded to try to get out! The whole time, my niece after being tipped over, just laid there and stared at the crazy one!

Long story're probably going to be very LUCKY!!!

Posted 7/1/06 9:43 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Emily was crazy on the inside and is crazy on the outside! She is so active lately that I can barely keep up with her.

Posted 7/1/06 9:52 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Posted by Eireann

My sister and I were due a week apart last baby was crazy on the inside and hers hardly moved--in fact, she had to poke her stomach all the time just to get it moving!

Fast forward almost 10 months...

My daughter is out of control...very active; doesn't sit still for a second (seriously!). My niece could stay put for hours just playing with a single toy. Case in point...this past Thursday, my niece was in a pack n play at my mom's house, just playing with a toy; I put my daughter in and within seconds had not only trampled all over her cousin and knocked her down, but proceeded to try to get out! The whole time, my niece after being tipped over, just laid there and stared at the crazy one!

Long story're probably going to be very LUCKY!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon your daughter sounds like QUITE the cute little character Chat Icon Chat Icon

Noreen, dont worry so much, im sure she's just fine and content and comfy,thats all !
My boy rumbles mostly at nite. He doesnt stop for quite some time.. during the day, he seems to chill out.... YIKES Chat Icon I sure hope he doesnt think nite time is party time Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/1/06 10:21 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

I want to add that my brother's baby is very mellow on the outside, and SIL said she barely felt her kick at all during the pregnancy.

Posted 7/2/06 7:12 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Mine was quiet on the inside. He kicked but it wasn't 24/7. Now his legs are constantly moving when he's awake, always kicking and the arms are always moving around. He's making up for lost times...LOL

Posted 7/2/06 11:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

This one is very mellow to the point I poke at my stomach all day. Jack on the other hand..maniac on the inside and maniac on the outside!

Posted 7/2/06 12:37 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Julia was very quiet in my belly, there were times I would try to move my belly a little bit just so I would wake her and she would move for me--lol
Now shes all over the place, and I cant keep her still, I guess she made up for it. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/06 1:50 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

DD was not much of a mover while PG. I'd feel her kick but it wasn't hard and most of the time it was 3 distinct times a day and here and there in between.

Now...she won't stop wiggling

Posted 7/2/06 2:06 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Posted by MelTodd604

Julia was very quiet in my belly, there were times I would try to move my belly a little bit just so I would wake her and she would move for me--lol
Now shes all over the place, and I cant keep her still, I guess she made up for it. Chat Icon

I have a feeling my DS will be the same way...LOL

Posted 7/2/06 4:18 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

3235 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

My first daughter hardly ever moved. Every now and then I would feel a kick. As a baby, she was just as quiet and calm. Never gave me a problem at all. My second daughter was another story. I thought she had a marching band playing in there. As a baby, she was far more active. They were like night and day.

Posted 7/2/06 6:18 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: My baby hardly kicks..

Posted by nycchic24

Did anyone have a "quiet" baby when pregnant. My baby hardly ever kicks me at all and when she does, its so gentle. She moves around "enough" the doctor says but I wonder why not as much as other babies.

If you had a quiet baby in the womb..were they the same when they were born?? Just wondering out loud...LOL

Did I miss something? Do you know that you are having a girl?

Posted 7/3/06 10:15 AM

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