Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
My Birth Story!
I was due with baby #4 on July 18th. DS#1 I had on my due date, ds#2 was 12 days early, ds #3 was 11 days early....so to say I was eager to have the baby early is an understatement!!! haha
When I was 36 weeks 6 days, I was having contractions, so I had to see the covering dr bc all of my drs were out of the office. When I went to her office, she told me that I would be having the baby that day She said because of was positive for group B, she wanted to make sure I got the medicine in me. I really could not believe that I was having the baby...she didn't even put me on the monitor to see if I was contracting, It was soooo weird.
So I get to the hospital, they hook me up to the antibiotics and told me I needed to be on them for 4 hrs, then they would give me pitocin to start labor. At this point I was being monitored, and I was having mild contractions (which is pretty common for me though!). About 2 hours into having the antibiotics, the nurse came in and told me I was going home She said she had no idea what the dr was talking about, because full term is not until 38 weeks, and my contractions weren't strong enough to start labor...what a whirlwind that was...so to say I was even more anxious to have the baby early is an understatement!
On July 7th, I bent down to change my son, and felt my water start to leak. I called my drs service who told me to go to the hospital. The dr on call was the same dr who told me I was having the baby a few weeks before!!! She did the test to see if my water broke, and she said it "may" have They sent me home.
That night, we had a graduation party. My husband took the boys and I stayed home. I kept on leaking, but I wouldn't say anything to anyone because I thought maybe I was wrong, and didn't want to be sent home again! I know it sounds crazy, but it's how I felt.
I ended up telling my husband when he was on the way home, so he brought the kids to my parents, and I met him there. We finally went to the hospital probably around 11:30-12. I was so nervous when they checked me, but thankfully, this was it!!!
I have never been in labor throughout the night, so this was sooo different for us. Usually we had a huge crowd of people waiting and hanging out in the room with us. My SIL and BIL came up for a little while on their way home from a party, but for the most part, it was just DH and I. It was a really bad thunderstorm that night, and though I wanted the boys there, I couldn't wake them in the middle of the night and have them drive in the bad storm.
I started the antibiotics around 12:30 and was told they had to be in for 4 hours. Around 2:30, the dr came in and I was 7-8 cm. He said if I wanted the epi, I needed to get it asap. Though I wasn't in pain (I know, very lucky! This happened to me with my last 3 deliveries!) I got the epi because I was nervous about what would happen if I didn't. Plus, I wanted to delay labor so that they antibiotics would be in for 4 hours.
I called my parents and they came up around 3 with my sister. I was seriously trying soooo hard to keep the baby in, but at around 3:20, I couldn't do it anymore. My husband called the nurse, and she said I was ready. I swear, less that 3 pushes, out came our absolutely perfect baby boy #4, Christian Andrew. He was born at 3:33 and weighed 8 lbs, 2 oz and was 21 inches. His brothers are sooooo in love with him! Our lives are complete and we could not be more blessed!
Thanks for reading!