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My Birth Story Aug 2007

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Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


My Birth Story Aug 2007

Morning of Sunday August 26, 2007

I woke up this morning to find red blood when I wiped after going to the bathroom. I called Chris into the bathroom and I asked him... Could this be my "bloody show?" He said " I don't know." So I made him get my What to Expect When Expecting Book so I can read up on it AGAIN!

Chris went on the computer and searched "Bloody Show" where it had excellent explainations on that and labor.

I started to get mild cramping, but was not in much pain, so I did not do anything except relax. I did in fact call the emergancy OB number and spoke to Dr. Lee who was on call at the time. Dr. Lee informed me that I have a lot of time and to relax, and keep a watch. He told me not to be nervous, and if anything progresses to call back.

I felt at ease, and was ok with what was going on.

Later that night... around 6-7pm

I started to get the contractions more consistant now, and I had to kneel over the chair at times becasue the pain was unbearable. The contractions came and went came and went and I always knew when they were coming as I felt the buildup. It went from father apart to around 5 mins apart to 2-3 mins apart. Chris and I documented it on paper to keep track of the whole thing,

I called the emergancy OB number again at 10pm and I got Dr. Sylvia Hope Tufano. She told me to take a warm shower, and drink some fluids, and see how I feel, and to wait a few more hours. So, I hopped in the shower, and made Chris stay near as I was worried something may occur. After I got out of the shower, I was still having those contractions now VERY conistant.

So I called back the OB emergancy number and spoke to Dr. Tufano again around 1145pm, and she told me I should now make my way to the hospital.

Now I was nervous, excited, and did not know what to expect. I did think I was going to get checked out and was going to go home, but was not totally sure. All I knew was that I was in pain and the contractions were intense, but dealable.

12:00am Monday August 27, 2007

Chris and I had to go through the Emergancy Room entrance at St. Charles Hospital since the main entrance was closed and would not open again until 530am.

We walked in and the lady at triase said "Christine" I was like hmm do i have special treatment. So they admitted me and sent me upstairs Floor 2 to Labor and Delivery where nurses were waiting for me.

I had to put a hopsital gown on and lay in the bed. I got checked out to find out I WAS NOT DIALTED and MY CERVIX was still closed! I was in shock becasue the contractions I was having were intense at times.

My husband and I were both disapointed but we were ok with the whole thing. I got blood work and my blood pressure taken to find my bood pressure was very high and very sparactic.

Now we had to wait for Dr. Tufano to arrive to check me out. After she arrived the doctor examined me and gave me the OK to go home and rest there where I would be most comfortable.

So..... I changed into my clothes and we were ready to leave. We opened the door and the nurse said with Dr. Tufano sitting there, "can you go back in the room a minute, we are talking about you." hmmmm, I thought, what the heck is that about. So we went back in and waited.

Dr. Tufano and the nurse came back in the room and ASKED ME TO STAY. So I had to change my clothes into the hospital gown again. Dr. Tufano asked me to stay becasue my blood pressure was very high, and with a siezure disorder they wanted to make sure I was ok. The took blood work to make sure I did not have preclamsia. The results came back negative, and I was thankful. I was convinced my blood pressure was high due to nerves, but I was no allowed home.

Dr. Tufano left after 3am and she came back into he labor room after 7am. She checked me out and then told me that my cervix is still closed and I am no dialated, so she is going to give me poticin. I asked if I really needed it becasue I have heard that the contractions come really hard with this drug. Dr. Tufano said I did to get things moving, so I got the poticin and after a little while I never felt pain the way I had with the potocin contractions. My parents and Chris' mom came up to visit me around 11am and the pains were getting worse.

I did not take any drugs, and the nurses kept asking me if I wanted them. One nurse kept asking me about the epideral, but I kept refusing, then she finally asked to see if I would take demerol and i finally gave the ok. At this point the anistesiolost was in surgery doing a c-section so i had to wait for the epidural at this point.

The nurse injected the demerol slowly saying "what you will fill will comfort you, just go with it." as she slowly put all the demerol in my arm. All of a sudden, the demerol made me so dizzy, the room was spinning. I hated it! So the nurse had to get me a cold washcolth and I had to put it over my eyes and on my forehead. I hated it and I felt horrible. It did help with the contactions being a little less painful, but it was not totally away. The contractions still came and I was still in pain.

Finally, the anestesogist was out of surgery ( she was in with another patient who was getting a C-secttion.) She came in the room and so did the nurse. The nurse was a little mean to me i thought and said I cannot move (which I knew) and that I will have to deal with the contractions until the epidural is in. So the nurse told Chris to exit the room, where he went to our parents and told them I was getting the epidural.

Now I was on the edge of the bed, with the nurse holding me. I suddenly felt a contraction, so I asked to wait a minute. They did. Ok I was ready and dealt with the pains and was so still. The epidural was in! WOW I felt great! No more pains. I then wondered why the heck I waited so long. Very stupid of me, but it was worth it to get.

A little while went by and then I asked the nurse if the pressure I kept getting was my bladder empting. She told me No, it was contractions. They were so painless at this point.

After I finally rested and Chris also rested, Dr. Tufano came in to check me out. She said I was dialated and was doing great. She broke my water, and they discovered that the baby had pooped in my amniotic sack. Chris explained it as seeing a TON of green stuff coming out like pea soup. It kept pouring out. I did'nt see it at all. Now the contactions got more painful again, and I was in worse pain then ever. Unbearable!

Finally, I was a full 10 centimeters, and I was ready to push. This was about 2:00pm, and I told Chris to go tell our parents that I was going to start pushing. One nurse came in and was on my right side, and Chris was on my left. Chris was holding my left leg up and couching me. They told me they had to get a speical nurse in to check out the baby after it was born becasue of the micoin.

I screamed " I want to PUSH!" The nurse said ok.. and up I went to push. HOLY COW harder than I thought. The nurse kinda yelled "you need to hold your breathe and not let the air out." Like its that easy when I am in a tremendous amount of pain. Everytime I went to push my husband counted 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ok relax. The nurse found the baby to be sunny side up so she made me turn onto my left side and push that way and then turn on my right side and push that way to get the baby to turn. Finally I was back on my back. The baby did turn. Thankfully.

Now I continued to push and push and push... and finally they said push one more time.. I did, and out the head went.. Dr. Tufano said wait a minute, and then I ws told to push again. Out went the baby.

On August 27, 2007 at 4:10pm I gave birth. I kept saying what is it .. what is it.. Finally they said " Its a GIRL!" My husband and I both cried.

They placed her on me and I felt her for the first time. I got some gross stuff on my hand from her.. maybe it was parts of the placenta.. anyway, I thought how beautiful she was and how I finally got to meet the baby that kicked me and moved inside of me.

The nurses checked her out becasue she pooped in her sack, but she was ok.. I then told Chris to go tell our parents in the waiting room and press the button to play the lullaby. That announces a new baby is born.

While he was doing that I was being stitched up. I had a 1st degree tear, and wow did that hurt, but I was ok.

We named the baby Olivia Christine! I had loved the name Olivia so I made Chris decide on the middle name and he wanted it to be mine.

The Grandparents came in and got to see Olivia for the first time. What a special moment that was, and to have pictures of it makes it even better. Just a few minutes old and Olivia already got to meet her Grandparents. When my mom walked it I was holding Olivia crying.

Giving birth to a beautiful baby was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I wanted to have a girl so much and when I found out that Olivia was a girl I was very emotional.

Chris and I are now parents to a beautiful 5 pound 12 oz and 19 inches long to a baby girl and are so happy she is in our life!

The nurses kept asking me if I needed any pain medication, but I never did. I was up and walking around by the next day. I even took a shower!!! Then on Wednesday August 29, 2007 I woke up called Chris and said come up here. I want to go home! So he got to the hospital as soon as he could. Then we had to wait to be discharged. My parents came up to take pictures of us leaving the hopsital.

The staff at St. Charles Hospital was very nice, and I am so thankful for one nurse Brenda who got me focused and did lamaze with me as I pushed Olivia out. We went home on August 29, 2007 and started our life as a family.

The whole experience was very special and will never be forgotten.

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Posted 2/20/08 6:09 PM

Mommy to 2 divas

Member since 9/07

3389 total posts


Re: My Birth Story Aug 2007

Christine you made me cry, that was such a beatiful and very DETAILED story Chat Icon Chat Icon

Congrats again, your little one is adorable.

Posted 2/22/08 1:04 PM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


Re: My Birth Story Aug 2007

Thanks LisaChat Icon

Posted 3/24/08 11:07 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: My Birth Story Aug 2007

Funny made me cry too...maybe its bc I know you...LOL
I love the lullaby bell thing...that is soooo cool! Your parents must have been elated when they heard it ring.
So whose next? me or you?...Definitely....YOU Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/08 11:37 AM

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