Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
My Birth Story..September 2006
It seems so long ago that I wrote my birth story...........
I was due on 9/18, well that day came and went and I was growing very impatient especially since I stopped working on 9/15. I had a dr appt on 9/21, I was sure they would admit me so I had my backs packed int he truck! My dr wsant on call until 9/22, so that was my inducement date. After my appt I went to my mom's and was just hanging around and my mom looked at me and said, "you are def going into labor tonight, have a bowl of pasta so you wont be hungry later on"! I told her she was crazy since I was only 1 CM dialated and the dr didnt think I would g naturally.
I got home arond 7:00 and felt fine...I was watching Grey's and was feeling stiffness in my stomach...thought nothing of it since I just had an internal and ususally I am crampy. Around 9:30 I went the bathroom and noticed some blood, AGAIN, didnt think anything of it since I just had an internal and he was rougher than usual....
Around 9:40, I had a cramp like no other so I called my cousin and explained to her what I had been feeling, she asked if I was timing and said, "time what"?, she said your contractions, I told her I wasnt having any....she laughed and told me to call my dr.
My dr called back and told me to head to the hospital...At 10:00, I got my first REAL contraction and I panicked! WE got in the truck and headed to the hospital..NOW I knew what a contraction felt like so I started timing..by the time I got the hospital they were 1 minute apart. They hooked me up to the monitor and the contractions began...I was still only 1cm at that point. The contractions were VERY strong and everytime I was checked I was still 1CM. I asked for epi and the nurse told me they like for the patient t be at leadt 3-4 cm. She offered demirol (sp?), but I refused afraid of getting sick and thowing up..WELL, after 2 hours of contractions, they finally agreed to give me epi since my contractions were very strong. Getting the epi didnt bother me...once the ep was in, with every contraction I vomited.... I never dialated past 4 so around 2:00p.m on Friday (9/22) my dr recommended c-section since the head was high and my baby was big. Because he was big and high, his feet were by my ribs andd i was still feeling contractions.
Before I knew it I was in the OR and my son was born at 3:29 p.mn. weighing 9 libs and 15 ounces.
I stayed at Good Sam..not a fan and will never deliver at that hospital again..The best part of the maternity ward...a good friend delivered the same day and the room was across the hall, another friend delivered and was 2 doors down and one more who was down the hall..it was like block party
My roomate....assummed that it was OK to leave the light on the entire night..My stay at the hospital should of been 4 days, but I got out on the 3rd!
I never thought I could love something so much so quickly..OR love my husband any more than what I already do!!!!
I am a VERY lucky girl!!!!!!!
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Message edited 2/20/2008 7:09:16 PM.