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My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

Ok, I went to the specialist last night for my checkup. I go every week now to the maternal/fetal specialist. Anyway, we had a sono and all I can say is my little girl is GORGEOUS! She has these full set of lips, adorable.

Anyway, back to my question? They hooked me up for fetal monitoring and they told me I was having mild contractions about 4-6 minutes apart. The thing is, I wasn't feeling a THING???

Does anyone know what this means?? BTW, I am 35 weeks.


Posted 5/27/05 1:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

It's very possible to have contractions and not feel them. I was monitored 2 weeks ago and when the nurse looked at the readings she said I was contracting. I didn't even feel most of them.

Don't worry.... it's just your body preparing for labor.

Posted 5/27/05 5:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


Re: My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

Thanks! :)

I hope your time is SOON! :)

Posted 5/31/05 11:49 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/14

1 total post


My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

Who do you go to? I know a lot of people who like Ahsan, she was my ex dh doctor from birth until 18 lol.

There's also Stonybrook pediatrics primary care in East Moriches a lot of locals take their kids to they say nice things about doctor Walker.

I wouldn't recommend the 911 building that houses pediatric and adolescent medicine with Dr. Freed and that practice but that's just my opinion...never liked the practice or the people.

I live in Center Moriches but I take my kids to Peds First in love them!

Message edited 12/12/2014 7:47:42 AM.

Posted 12/12/14 7:45 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


My Dr's Visit - CONTRACTIONS??

I also saw the MFM weekly and they would tell me all the time that I was have contractions and yet I couldn't feel a thing. While I was having the NST they would have me feel my belly when I was having them so I could tell the difference in how my belly felt.

I never had a contraction that I could actually feel until my water broke.

I was having them def by 35 weeks. I gave birth at 37 weeks.

Posted 12/12/14 8:45 AM

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