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Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
My face is a!
Because I'm a moron and I've been letting myself get upset lately, I'm swollen and puffy around the eyes and lips, but soooooo dry everywhere else. Even scaly on the bridge of my nose.
How do you calm your face? Any special masks, home remedies, etc?
I have some appointments tomorrow, and I don't want to look like a puffy idiot. PLUS, we have mets tix for tomorrow night - they're going to clinch, and I don't want his Royal Hotness (mr david wright) to see me all puffy. 
Posted 9/17/06 10:53 PM |
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Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: My face is a!
I wish I had some remedies so that you can look all purty for mr. wright!
Just a little sidenote... apparently when he was in the minors, mr. wright used to spend many a weekend at my college as a girl I work with used to date his best friend! Apparently they 'hang out' when he's in town playing the Nats
Posted 9/17/06 10:57 PM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: My face is a!
he seems to like Hofstra chicks too 
Posted 9/17/06 11:00 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: My face is a!
For your teabags under warm water and apply over eyes for 10 minutes.
Posted 9/17/06 11:14 PM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: My face is a!
We're going to the game tomorrow night too!!
Posted 9/17/06 11:23 PM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: My face is a!
Oh, put some cucumbers on your eyes. I've also heard that tea tree oil is supposed to help calm skin.
I also found this article.
Most women have under eye circles they usually try to “camouflage” covering them with under eye concealer. But when we do not have time to hide the darker areas under the eyes what should we do? Go out in the society looking like ghosts that haven't got a good night's sleep for weeks? No. The best solution is, as always, the simplest one: to prevent or treat them naturally. This will free us from concerns about the way we look and the way the others see us. No under eye circles will emphasize the beautiful eyes we are proud owners of and will brighten up our whole complexion.
Dark circles under the eyes have various causes, such as: lack of sleep, diet deficiencies, allergies, prolonged sun exposure, heredity etc. As a genetic flaw, the shadowy circles can appear as a result of bone structure, hyper-pigmentation or vascular inflammation.
The general remedies that will help you get rid of the dark circles under the eyes consist in drinking at least 1,5-2 liters of water daily, having a healthy diet in which vegetables and fruits should prevail, getting enough rest and sleep, avoiding cigarette smoking etc. In a nutshell, leading a healthy life from A to Z. But sometimes this is quite hard for us, while the instant methods are most at hand and not that demanding.
Therefore, try using one of the following natural recipes in your spare time. It only takes a minute, but the effect on our appearance will be worth a hundred years' living.
The most common home-made remedy against shadowy circles under the eyes is applying thin slices of cucumber exactly on the dark area the bothers us. The slices should be left under the eyes for 5-10 minutes. Besides the fact that they will chase away the problematic circles, cucumber slices also sooth and cool the eyes. It is a very efficient method that gets you rid of the redness of tired eyes after a night of hard work on the computer, for example. After removing the slices from under the eyes, rinse with cold water.
Cold teaspoons applied on the skin under the eyes also do wonders. Put two clean teaspoons in the fridge and when they are cold lay on your back and put the spoons on the dark circles. They will refresh both the area and the eyes.
Cool empty teabags on the skin under the eyes are also a very efficient remedy they calm the skin and prevent it from swelling. Of the full herbal teabags the most recommended in treating dark circles are the ones that contain chamomile. Chamomile tea is a natural anti-inflammatory that will leave your face brighter and less swollen.
Besides the remedies applied on the skin under the eyes there are also simple massage techniques that can be performed on your own at home. For example, place the ring fingers at the inner corners of the eyes and press gently for a few times; then move the fingers towards the outer corner of the eyes (the temples). Mildly press the skin with the middle fingers all the way from the inner to the outer corner of the eyes. This will calm down the inflamed areas under the eyes.
Message edited 9/17/2006 11:26:37 PM.
Posted 9/17/06 11:23 PM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: My face is a!
thanks ladies 
I'll try the suggestions in the morning.
Hollie - I'll FM you where our seats are!
Posted 9/17/06 11:47 PM |