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my kids are looney toons

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LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts


my kids are looney toons

I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 year old. And they are both starting to go looney toons! The meltdowns are insane, they are fighting with each other and me, they listen to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and I'm starting to go crazy! I'm constantly screaming at them, I was hysterical crying yesterday.....our nanny is still coming since I'm working from home, and I'm eternally grateful for the 4 days she is here....but today they started acting out for her too (they're usually worse with me than the nanny, w hich I've chalked up to being the parent so they feel they can abuse me) and I can see she's not happy. Any tips or tricks here parents? I feel like my children right now are the devil's spawn ( -- no joke, and both my husband and I are about to lose it. We are trying to keep them active and happy. My daughter keeps saying she misses her friends so I think some of her acting out is the lack of an outlet --- but I just dont knkow what to do any more. Any good parenting tips to make them listen or stop the constant meltdown and the fighting (each time one touches a toy the other decides it is the exact toy that he/she also needs at that exact time) I'm sorry, I'm truly at my whits end. I very much love my children but this behavior has to stop -- my own mental health cant take it, let alone theirs!

Posted 5/19/20 11:27 AM
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Member since 5/05

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Re: my kids are looney toons

Can you set up zoom calls with their friends and have a parent or nanny read a book while the other family follows along, or get 2 matching art kits to have the kids do the project "together on zoom." If you have a backyard, can they play in it? Can they learn to bake bread or pretzels or cookies?

Posted 5/19/20 11:39 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts


Re: my kids are looney toons

Posted by LSP2005

Can you set up zoom calls with their friends and have a parent or nanny read a book while the other family follows along, or get 2 matching art kits to have the kids do the project "together on zoom." If you have a backyard, can they play in it? Can they learn to bake bread or pretzels or cookies?

We're doing all/most of that but they are still actign out! I have gotten crafts to paint, sidwalk chalk, they play outside, their school finally started doing some zoom last week (although we were zooming with friends before that), they are just out. of. control

Posted 5/19/20 11:55 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

my kids are looney toons

My just turned 6 year old had developed such an attitude you would think he was 16.

Posted 5/19/20 6:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/17

142 total posts


Re: my kids are looney toons

Those are really hard ages. I'm tempted to say nothing works! But, that's not true, things work, but only for like 5 to 10 minute stretches. Hang in there! Some things that work for us (some of the time, not all of the time) - separate them for a while and bring them back together and then repeat. Is your 2 year old still napping? If I am able to give my older kids one on one time while my little one naps, that helps (short term). My kids love to play with water - so that keeps them entertained for a little longer than indoor toys for us. Hide and seek with objects works short term for us (we hide golf balls either in the yard or around the house) and that can buy like 10-15 minutes of time to get work done. They also behave worse when my husband or I am stressed - so I find myself singing "Let It Go" all day long.

Posted 5/19/20 10:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/18

103 total posts


Re: my kids are looney toons

I would start some type of rewards system! Something where you catch them being good and you are constantly rewarding them. Maybe use marbles in a jar or a sticker chart? If they fill up the chart they get a prize?

Posted 5/20/20 11:49 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts


my kids are looney toons

I came on here to write the same thing. I just want to enjoy them, and I feel like they make it impossible. They’re downright nasty to each other, and basically look to get into trouble and destroy things. I already eliminated 3/4 of their toys, but they’re all unphased by punishments.

Posted 6/24/20 11:48 AM


Member since 10/08

4952 total posts


my kids are looney toons

My DD's therapist (we are having zoom calls) said the lack of interaction with their peers is likely causing a lot of behavior issues. They need that stimulation. It's really hard, but do you have any family members or anyone you are comfortable with playing with outside? we have done that with our neighbors and a set of good friends- the kids play outside, mostly social distancing...water balloon fights/bike riding, tossing a ball, things like that.

Posted 6/24/20 12:14 PM
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