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My official last day is August 29

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Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


My official last day is August 29

I submitted my FMLA papers today and my last day is August 29. Chat Icon

Since I have vacation days, my leave will officially start on Sept 5.

I hope Chat Icon gives me some time to relax before his arrival

Posted 8/11/08 11:40 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: My official last day is August 29

yippy skippy!

Posted 8/11/08 11:40 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

i am confused. are the rules different in FL than NY? i am not allowed to start FMLA leave until the day that Chat Icon arrives, but i can take my own time, or unpaid leave, before then.

either way i am jealous!! enjoy your leave Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/08 11:56 AM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

LB:The Family and Medical Leave Act was amended on January 28, 2008.

According to FMLA rules
Employers may require employees to exhaust accrued vacation, sick leave, or personal leave before taking FMLA leave.

I have 3 vacation days and they will be used Sept 2, 3, 4 and FMLA will begin on the 5th.

Time taken off work due to pregnancy complications can be counted against the 12 weeks of family and medical leave.

Check the Department of Labor laws and with your HR. My HR has no problems with my leave beginning on the 5th.

Now I have to get my Aflac short term disability stuff ball rolling Chat Icon

Message edited 8/11/2008 12:18:36 PM.

Posted 8/11/08 12:17 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: My official last day is August 29

hrmm Chat Icon

I was told complications are considered STD.

Which is why if I left early I wouldn't lose any FMLA time. FLMA time starts at birth and secures my job for 12weeks, period (nothing really about pay of course)

But I am required to use my Sick Days before any STD pay kicks in (which is what I'm paid while out on STD or FMLA)

Bottom line, it all worked out for me cuz I could leave 2weeks prior to my due date and be on STD and not burn my FLMA time. Then AT birth FMLA started whenever that may be.

Posted 8/11/08 12:23 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

Hey! Chat Icon What's up with changing the rules 2 weeks after I went out on leave? (my fmla started January 11, 2008). That's just wrong! Chat Icon

But yay for you, Melissa!! I hope you get a nice little rest in before he comes. Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/08 12:27 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

LB:The Family and Medical Leave Act was amended on January 28, 2008.

According to FMLA rules
Employers may require employees to exhaust accrued vacation, sick leave, or personal leave before taking FMLA leave.

I have 3 vacation days and they will be used Sept 2, 3, 4 and FMLA will begin on the 5th.

Time taken off work due to pregnancy complications can be counted against the 12 weeks of family and medical leave.

Check the Department of Labor laws and with your HR. My HR has no problems with my leave beginning on the 5th.

Now I have to get my Aflac short term disability stuff ball rolling Chat Icon

thanks for this mel Chat Icon

i have spoken with HR, and my employer said that their policy only requires me to take my accrued leave in conjunction with FMLA (which won't begin until the day that the baby is born). so i guess it all depends on the employer.

Posted 8/11/08 12:42 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

We all learn something new everyday Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/08 12:51 PM

love my boys!

Member since 2/08

3181 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

very exciting!

Posted 8/11/08 1:02 PM

Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

5349 total posts


Re: My official last day is August 29

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

and I happen to think 8/29 is the best day of the year Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/08 1:29 PM

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