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My planned C-Section- The Birth of my son Anthony John 10/05/10

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

663 total posts


My planned C-Section- The Birth of my son Anthony John 10/05/10

So where do I begin?! My DS2 was born Anthony John on 10/05/10 @ 08:53 am and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. and was 21 inches. And here is his birth story. The family almost died! Well except for DS1! Everything was all good leading up to csection- I got the spinal which took forever to get right! Then just after they finished strapping me to the table- I felt all hot and nauseous and I threw up and then felt chest pains like someone was sitting on it- my blood pressure dropped a little and they called for a crash cart just in case--they gave me something and as quick as it came it left. Then they started the incision and delivered DS2- all was ok at the time- then it came time for them to close me up and I felt real hot again and had a terrible headache and as I was going to throw up again the chest pains came back- this time my blood pressure dropped to 40/20 and they called for the cart again- they gave me something and it left - (I don't remember this as I must have blacked out but apparently my tongue was hanging out and I was white as a ghost DH said) Meanwhile as this was all happening to me they whisked DS2 away and DH thought the cart was for him and he went to go see and then he saw me laying there and they wouldn't let him back in- they even had a 300 lb orderly there to try to stop him from getting to me- DH pushed him out the way and then they locked the doors to me- the nurses had DH follow them w/ DS2 to the nursery and they took DH's pressure and it was 290/173 and they were trying to get him to go to ER and he refused to leave us- He saw DS1 banging on the nursery glass saying daddy- and he made this funny face that made DH laugh and then he started feeling better. Then they told him I was ok and that DS2 had to go to the NICU because he was breathing rapidly using his muscles instead of his lungs and his sugar was low- so they had to hook him up to IV and all kinds of monitoring. Meanwhile I was being wheeled down to cardiology for testing- where they did bloodwork and a EKG that came back fine and I met with the cardiologist that said he didn't see anything as to what happened and after about 2 hours I was able to go back upstairs to Maternity. when I got up there they wheeled my bed in to see DS2 but only for 5 mins. And it sucked to see him like that. Later on that night my OB came in about 7pm and said that there were enzymes in my bloodwork that caused for further cardio monitoring and that I had to go back down to cardio and stay there till they figure out what's wrong- so again I got to see DS2 for 5 mins and then they took me down. The next morning a different cardiologist came to see me and he said it appeared that I had a mild heart attack during the surgery- and he wanted me to have an Angeogram done to see if there were any blockages- so later that afternoon I went for that and that came back negative- The next day I had a doppler test done to see if there were any blood clots in my legs and arms- also came back negative. Finally on the fourth day they released me from cardio to go back up to maternity and I was FINALLY able to see my son and hold him for the first time! Spent the next few days relaxing and recovering. Was sent home still with no answers as to what the cause was- Cardio said technically because of the enzymes I did have a mild heart attack and because there is no blockages or damage to the heart they feel that it was some type of spasm. So yea that was the birth week of my son. We are all home now and doing just fine =) It's going on 3 months later and AJ is almost 14 lbs and I have to follow up with cardiologist next month. Guess Baby #3 will be a loooooong time from now LOL Chat Icon

Posted 12/21/10 7:51 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/07

766 total posts


Re: My planned C-Section- The Birth of my son Anthony John 10/05/10

Wow your experience sounded really scary, sounds like you have a great attitude about everything you went through! Congratulations on the birth of your son!

Posted 1/8/11 8:25 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: My planned C-Section- The Birth of my son Anthony John 10/05/10

That is some story! Glad you and everyone are OK!

My DS is 7 months and we also named him Anthony John but we call him AJ.

Posted 1/9/11 4:44 PM

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