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LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
I'm sorry for the rant but I have to get this off my chest! I love my DH with all my heart but his brother's wife is a complete snot, witch, grouch, etc. She is constantly making rude and insensible comments about everything pretaining to our lives. For example, I try making polite conversation and mention a Carribbean cruise I booked for DH and I. "You guys actually go on vacation. I thought you just stayed in the house all day." DH and I actually travel 3-4 per year but she never remembers! In addition, she makes comments how she could never work a "boring" job (because, according to her, I have one) and how her taste in fashion, food, decorating, etc. is superior to mine. The rest of the family seems to "laugh off" her behavior but it's truly bothering me. I don't want to create a blow-out and have a feud (her husband will definitely side with her and I know my DH will back me up) but also do not want to contain to facilate this outlandish behavior by biting my tongue!
Posted 11/3/06 6:06 PM |
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Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
She is a complete SNOB. I do think you need to confront her about her rude and insensitive behavior. Pull her aside and address your feelings to her and hopefully she will refrain from making her stupid remarks.
Message edited 11/3/2006 6:09:38 PM.
Posted 11/3/06 6:08 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Does she think she has to have on up on you? I would give her a nice juicy comeback for her to think about (in a nice way)....
Posted 11/3/06 6:09 PM |
"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06 3515 total posts
Name: KT
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
i cant stand people like that!!!
makes me happy DH is an only child...
Posted 11/3/06 6:12 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
I have one of these- she is more passive agressive but you are constantly correcting her about what you REALLY do. She also has these pauses where she has this disapproving look on her face.
Its a shame since DH and his brother are really close but we don't see that often since she drives us nuts.
I have gotten used to it over the years- especially when the rest of the family sees it and you are not alone.
Message edited 11/3/2006 6:15:19 PM.
Posted 11/3/06 6:15 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
oh I would not be able to hold my tongue!
the next snotty comment would get a response like "yea, that's your opinion" and a
Message edited 11/3/2006 6:16:39 PM.
Posted 11/3/06 6:15 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by BabyCote2006
Does she think she has to have on up on you? I would give her a nice juicy comeback for her to think about (in a nice way)....
I really need to get the nerve to do that!
Posted 11/3/06 6:16 PM |
To a healthy 2013

Member since 5/05 21840 total posts
Name: To a brand new year to a healthier me
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
I am sorry you have to deal with her stupidity I would definetely tell her how you feel and maybe she will think before saying unconsiderate remarks.
Posted 11/3/06 6:18 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by CkGm
I have one of these- she is more passive agressive but you are constantly correcting her about what you REALLY do. She also has these pauses where she has this disapproving look on her face.
Its a shame since DH and his brother are really close but we don't see that often since she drives us nuts.
I have gotten used to it over the years- especially when the rest of the family sees it and you are not alone.
Thank goodness, I'm not alone! Problem is, the rest of the family says things like, "Relax. Don't be so sensitive. That's just the way she is. She's still very sweet, you know." UGH!
Posted 11/3/06 6:18 PM |
Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by BabyCote2006
Does she think she has to have on up on you? I would give her a nice juicy comeback for her to think about (in a nice way)....
me too
Posted 11/3/06 6:19 PM |
J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06 32345 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by BellaCosa
the rest of the family says things like, "Relax. Don't be so sensitive. That's just the way she is. She's still very sweet, you know." UGH! that comment would p*ss me off even more than the offenders remarks so condescending
Posted 11/3/06 6:23 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
im so sorry
Posted 11/3/06 6:37 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by lvdolphins
im so sorry
Posted 11/3/06 6:53 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Why do some women have to be such b*tches to each other? Can't we be supportive?
Posted 11/3/06 6:54 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Maybe just slug her one
Posted 11/3/06 6:56 PM |
Feel better my little guy!

Member since 5/05 4476 total posts
Name: Kate
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Wow. I'd let her have it. You're family through marriage yo certainly don't have to love her or even like her.
I'd just get your point across if you wanted her opinion, which so far you ha have agrEed with, you'd ask, so swhy doesn't she shut her loud mouth and do you a favor and take a vacation
Posted 11/3/06 8:07 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
sorry, no advice, since I love my sil as is she were my own blood, but i'm sending some 's sicne i could not imagine what you are going thriugh.
Posted 11/3/06 9:00 PM |
My bunny
Member since 5/06 8777 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
im sorry that your sil is a wench!
i was blessed with wonderful SIL's, its my own sister that makes me
Posted 11/4/06 6:40 AM |
So very blessed!! Thank u !!
Member since 8/06 6524 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Why do people act like that??? I mean really what is the point!She probally is so unhappy in her life!
Message edited 11/4/2006 7:05:09 AM.
Posted 11/4/06 7:04 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
I definitely agree with the title of this post - she is a b*tch.
I think a comeback is in order. I would use a variety so she doesn't think it's just a new phrase you came up with:
1- "and what would make you say THAT?" used with
2- "I'm glad YOU think so" followed by a laugh
3- "Why would you say something so rude?" with a shaking the head with a smile of if you didn't know how insecure she really is
Posted 11/4/06 7:25 AM |
-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06 2830 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
OMG do we have the same SIL and just do not know it???
My SIL is exactly the same. In fact, at MY wedding she said "I (meaning herself) am the prettiest girl here" AND "I don't understand why everybody is making such a big F*C*ING deal about Tracy (me, aka the bride). She doesn't even look that good anyway"
She said this to MY friend! Then her and his brother left 21/2 hours early without even saying goodbye to us and he was IN the wedding.
OMG so anytime you need to vent, feel free to FM me!!
ffor you
Posted 11/4/06 8:03 AM |

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Definitely give her a dose of her own medicine. Just because she's snotty to you doesn't mean that you must lie there and take it. Be snotty back.... perhaps she'll see what an a$$ she sounds like! Good luck!
Posted 11/4/06 8:41 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/06 58 total posts
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Posted by lilqtny
OMG do we have the same SIL and just do not know it???
My SIL is exactly the same. In fact, at MY wedding she said "I (meaning herself) am the prettiest girl here" AND "I don't understand why everybody is making such a big F*C*ING deal about Tracy (me, aka the bride). She doesn't even look that good anyway"
She said this to MY friend! Then her and his brother left 21/2 hours early without even saying goodbye to us and he was IN the wedding.
OMG so anytime you need to vent, feel free to FM me!!
ffor you
So nasty! Our SIL must be "twins"
Posted 11/4/06 11:50 AM |

Member since 3/06 5355 total posts
Name: His Baby
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
Your SIL sounds like she has massive, massive insecurity.....and very childish.
It sux to be around someone like that. It's very hard to substain from punching her in her face for her ignorance
Posted 11/4/06 12:35 PM |
This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06 9562 total posts
Name: Emily
Re: MY SIL is a b*tch! (vent)
sorry this is happening to you...the same thing happened to my cousins. they're brothers and 1 married a complete snot who thinks she's too good for everyone. the other one dated a girl who was very nice but kept to herself alot. the 2 women HATED each other and after a while it was "if she's gonna be there, I'm not gonna be there" and there SO's would have to make excuses for why they werent at family functions. we all knew what was going on but it was heartbreaking to see how it was making my cousins feel.
Message edited 11/4/2006 12:46:56 PM.
Posted 11/4/06 12:46 PM |