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My twin birth story!

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Member since 7/10

8027 total posts


My twin birth story!

After going through infertility treatments and 2 miscarriages, I had the silly idea that my pregnancy would be smooth and enjoyable- I was very wrong, but I wont get into that lol.

I got pregnant with boy/girl twins on my first IVF treatment. At 37 weeks, 1 day, a Monday, I tested positive for protein in my urine and my BP had shot up (it was low the entire pregnancy). I was also experiencing a ridiculous amount of swelling since 30 weeks that got progressively worse towards the end. The doctor told me to do a 24 hour urine collection and bring it straight to the hospital that Wednesday. He said he couldn’t guarantee anything but to come prepared to give birth. We had a scheduled c-section for the following Monday since the twins were breech but I was begging him to take them out sooner. I also had bronchitis for the third time and was using a nebulizer. My sweet baby girl was pushing her head up on my lungs. As desperate I was to get pregnant, I was desperate to not be pregnant anymore.

I arrived at the hospital Wednesday morning with my urine and they were expecting me. They took blood and it all seemed pretty relaxed. An hour or so later, I assume my bloodwork came back. Doctors and nurses started rushing in and out of the room, prepping me for surgery and snapping at each other that things weren’t prepared sooner. My obgyn kept popping his head in, impatient but still cheerful. I didn’t realize at that point, but my platelets were very low and I was officially pre eclamptic. My obgyn and the anesthesiologist wheeled me to the OR, telling me that I was getting special treatment since we usually wait for transport. They kept saying “there’s no reason to wait any longer” which I translated as “things are getting dire”. All in all it was the scariest experience in my life. The c-section was also very scary, being in the OR with everyone rushing around- it seemed to take forever. I just wanted them out! The injection into my spine didn’t hurt. I was struggling to breathe from the bronchitis so it was very nerve wracking. I just kept waiting for DH to be allowed in. After what seemed like forever, DH was sitting next to my head and then they said “it’s a boy!” I waited and waited then I heard the most glorious cry! I asked if he was healthy and they told me “of course!” And then, “it’s a girl!” and another glorious cry! Another healthy baby!!

They took what seemed to be forever to finish but I was just so relieved. This was the moment I’d been waiting for since beginning TTC, a healthy baby (babies!). They took some pictures with DH and told us their heights and weights. Then they wheeled me into recovery and I was put on magnesium for 24 hours. My family came in to see me and my teeth were chattering for a few hours afterwards. My brother and BIL kept making fun of me lol but I couldn’t control it.

I was wheeled to a delivery room to be watched for the next day on the mag. They had a catheter which was awesome since I couldn’t get up from the bed. That day was pretty much a blur, but I did throw up a bunch and was having a little trouble breathing and had bad O2 levels. They took blood every 6 hours. The next morning, I was becoming what they called mag toxic and they took me off of it a few hours early and moved me into a regular room. I was able to start getting up. The first 2 days were rough but I took the advice from here and showered and walked as much as I possibly could and felt better.

My blood pressure remained very high throughout the hospital stay and two weeks pp. My doctor kept a close eye on it and I guess I was surprised that he didn’t put me on meds, but by the second week, it was back down to normal. I lost 50 lbs of water weight from the swelling (and from the babies obviously) and I think that swelling was causing the high bp.

The babies didn’t have to go to the NICU but their glucose levels were a little low the first few days. I was producing colostrum and the LC’s kept coming in to visit (even when I was puking, they were trying to show me how to bf lol). We met with the pediatrician the first day and we decided to have me BF them then feed them formula. However, the nurses fed them formula without consulting me a few times because the babies were jittery. I understood that they needed it but we had a very clear plan and the nurses didn’t stick to it. By the second day, I refused to let them in the nursery because I didn’t trust the nurses! I expressed my anger with them and at some point the nurse manager came in to apologize. By then, three days had passed and their levels seem to normalize. We ended up feeding them formula once and, for me, it was horrible. They spit up almost immediately and I was unhappy because breastfeeding was going so well. By the time they were discharged, their weights had plateaued and the ped was very happy so we are bfing now.
Baby A, boy, was born 5 lbs, 2 b, girl, was born a minute later at 5 lbs, 10 ounces. They are healthy, happy and already spoiled by a ton of family who love them very much!

Message edited 2/4/2013 6:12:11 PM.

Posted 12/28/12 12:47 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

congrats!!! they are beautiful!

Posted 12/28/12 12:59 PM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


My twin birth story!

congrats - they are adorable! glad they are both healthy and you are recovering well

Posted 12/28/12 1:03 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

A lot of work to get them into this world..but goodness those are some beautiful babies!! CONGRATULATIONS!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/12 1:09 PM

This baby is awesome!

Member since 11/10

2467 total posts


My twin birth story!

Congratulations again!!! Beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, happy, healthy babies!!!

Posted 12/28/12 1:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

997 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

Congrats! They are adorableChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/12 2:07 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

I love this Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Those babies are so lucky. I'm so honored to have been there for your journey and to see you now as a glowing mommy. Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/12 7:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

3340 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!


Posted 12/28/12 9:19 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

they are gorgeous like mommy!Chat Icon

Posted 12/28/12 11:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/12

718 total posts


My twin birth story!


Posted 12/29/12 6:27 PM


Member since 6/10

6900 total posts


My twin birth story!

congrats! theyre so cute!

Posted 12/30/12 10:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

Congrats! Beautiful babies!

Posted 12/30/12 7:41 PM

Feeling blessed!

Member since 11/09

3039 total posts


My twin birth story!

They are beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!!

Posted 12/30/12 11:11 PM

Time for Baby #2!

Member since 8/10

4194 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

Such beauties, and even more so in person!

You know if I had been there I would have opened up a can of good old fashioned Mer whoop-ass on those nurses!!!!!!!

Love youuuuuu

Posted 1/7/13 10:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/12

1088 total posts


Re: My twin birth story!

they are completely adorable and I love them.

That's all.Chat Icon

Posted 1/7/13 10:57 AM

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