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Name Change ??

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Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Name Change ??

Ok i'm approaching the 5 months married mark and am thinking about changing my name.

I would have put this off longer; but i renewed my passport last year and have until Feb 2012 to make the name change for FREE. Trying to save my $140!

Please tell me this process isn't hard. I already found out that i need to request a certified/offical copy of my marriage certificate from the city and send it off to social security...what else after that?

Posted 9/8/11 1:03 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

you don't need a certified true copy!

all you have to do is go to the social security office.
bring your original marriage license with you and a picture id/state id
they will change it for you 123 and you don't need to pay anything.

if your going to change your name at the DMV, same thing, bring your original marriage license with you and your id.

hope this helps!

Posted 9/8/11 5:12 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

Posted by moonmist09

you don't need a certified true copy!

all you have to do is go to the social security office.
bring your original marriage license with you and a picture id/state id
they will change it for you 123 and you don't need to pay anything.

if your going to change your name at the DMV, same thing, bring your original marriage license with you and your id.

hope this helps!

Really?? Thanks!! I'm reading online about needing a copy of the license. I'll definitely take the day to go down in person to the social sec office!!

Do you know about changing the name on passports? Online says about mailing the certificate; which i really don't want to do and would rather get an extra copy in case anything gets lost. This can't be done in person or can it?

Posted 9/13/11 3:30 PM

Mrs. O'Connor

Member since 6/10

12821 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

Posted by Samira0407

Posted by moonmist09

you don't need a certified true copy!

all you have to do is go to the social security office.
bring your original marriage license with you and a picture id/state id
they will change it for you 123 and you don't need to pay anything.

if your going to change your name at the DMV, same thing, bring your original marriage license with you and your id.

hope this helps!

Really?? Thanks!! I'm reading online about needing a copy of the license. I'll definitely take the day to go down in person to the social sec office!!

Do you know about changing the name on passports? Online says about mailing the certificate; which i really don't want to do and would rather get an extra copy in case anything gets lost. This can't be done in person or can it?

You can just mail in your original marriage certificate. Naturally, there's a slight chance it could get lost in the mail, but I'm willing to risk it to save $40. You cannot change your name on your passport in person.

Posted 9/22/11 12:10 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

Thanks! I'll take a day off to change the ss in person; and mail the marriage certificate to the passport agency for the name change.
I got my birth certificate back when i got my 1st certificate; and received my old passport back when i renewed so i don't feel so bad mailing the marriage license off knowing I'll get it back.

Posted 9/28/11 9:33 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/11

586 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

I have a question on the same topic...

I am filling out the form to change my name on my ss card right now and do I need to fill in the fields asking for my parents' information too (i.e. their ss #s)?? I don't see why it's necessary, but I don't want to leave it blank and send everything in just to have it rejected.


Posted 10/26/11 5:07 PM

Mama x2 <3

Member since 12/10

4946 total posts


Re: Name Change ??

Posted by toniV

I have a question on the same topic...

I am filling out the form to change my name on my ss card right now and do I need to fill in the fields asking for my parents' information too (i.e. their ss #s)?? I don't see why it's necessary, but I don't want to leave it blank and send everything in just to have it rejected.


I went to the SS office in Melville and asked the same question. They said its not needed

Posted 10/26/11 6:13 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 11/12

42 total posts


Name Change ??

I highly recommend buying a twenty dollar bridal name change kit has all letters of notification preprinted you just copy and fill them in or print up with your info from the cd rom that usually comes with it. It was so easy using this that I always give it as a wishing well bridal shower gift. Best of luck and congratulations:)

Posted 12/6/12 6:21 PM

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