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Nap issues

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s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Nap issues

We're having a hard time working with DD on her naps. Sometimes it's perfect - I catch her just as she's "zoning out" and put her down and she falls asleep without a peep.

Sometimes there's no sign until she's rubbing her eyes and it's a fight to get her to fall asleep without crying for a while. Chat Icon

I have noticed that she really can't go more than 2 hours between naps, so I'm encouraging our nanny to try to put her down for a nap just shy of being awake for two hours, same as we do... but that still doesn't always work.

And then some days she'll sleep for two hours, some days 30 minutes Chat Icon

Any suggestions on how to get her to nap better?

Posted 7/13/10 8:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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love my 2 boys

Member since 8/08

10923 total posts


Re: Nap issues

I think what you told the nanny is perfect.. Izzy just has to get used to it. John still needs to be put down every two hours. so put her down a little before.

the duration there is not much you can do. Sometimes I know if John wakes up crying..he is still tired and I rock him back to sleep. Maybe if it's aroun 30 mins and you/nanny sees her sturing..go in and rub her tummy/back to see if she'll drift off again.Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/10 8:37 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Tyler still goes down every two hours, and has been doing this forever.

His naps vary in time though. Sometimes we get a quick catnap, others a 2 hour nap.

Posted 7/13/10 8:40 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Posted by Linda1003

Maybe if it's aroun 30 mins and you/nanny sees her sturing..go in and rub her tummy/back to see if she'll drift off again.Chat Icon

That doesn't work for her... she gets more worked up Chat Icon

Last night she went down at 8, cried for a while, and woke again hysterical at 11pm - she pretty much never does that. She ended up taking 7 oz of formula, which she also never does (she doesn't eat that late and her biggest bottles during the day are 6 oz)! I gave her tylenol too and she slept for 6 hours without a peep.

Posted 7/13/10 8:40 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Posted by Diana1215

Tyler still goes down every two hours, and has been doing this forever.

His naps vary in time though. Sometimes we get a quick catnap, others a 2 hour nap.

Honestly I don't mind the short naps, but it's the fact that she gets so upset when we put her down - but only sometimes! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/10 8:41 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

This might be a dumb question - but is it possible she's teething? She chews on everything, which is normal for her age, and I didn't see anything in her gums... or maybe it's a growth spurt?

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Posted 7/13/10 9:32 AM

Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10

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Re: Nap issues

How old is DD? I ask b/c around 3 or 4 months old, their sleeping patterns mature so that sleep is more like ours (cycles between deep sleep and light sleep) Naps are harder for babies b/c they will tend to wake after a 45 sleep cycle and not be able to fall back asleep. Also, they tend to get OT (over tired) and have trouble settling down to nap. I think watching her WT and determining 2 hrs is the max is great! It'll help eliminate her being OT and will help her sleep better. This disrupted nap cycle usually subsides around 6 months when babies can nap longer and easier. HTH!

Posted 7/13/10 9:34 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/06

1252 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Is she going down in the crib everytime? I know with DD I really wanted to get her on a good nap schedule because DD #1 s*cked at them and would only give 30 minutes and fight me all the time. DD #2 at the beginning would fight me a bit and only nap for 30-40 minutes but after a week or so of consistently doing this she went right out and the naps got progressively longer. What about a sound machine? Does she use anything like that?

Posted 7/13/10 9:37 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Posted by KennysMommy

How old is DD? I ask b/c around 3 or 4 months old, their sleeping patterns mature so that sleep is more like ours (cycles between deep sleep and light sleep) Naps are harder for babies b/c they will tend to wake after a 45 sleep cycle and not be able to fall back asleep. Also, they tend to get OT (over tired) and have trouble settling down to nap. I think watching her WT and determining 2 hrs is the max is great! It'll help eliminate her being OT and will help her sleep better. This disrupted nap cycle usually subsides around 6 months when babies can nap longer and easier. HTH!

She'll be 4 months on Thursday...

I don't even mind the short naps but I don't understand why she goes down so easily for some naps and cries hysterically for others. Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/10 9:39 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

Posted by nov06

Is she going down in the crib everytime? I know with DD I really wanted to get her on a good nap schedule because DD #1 s*cked at them and would only give 30 minutes and fight me all the time. DD #2 at the beginning would fight me a bit and only nap for 30-40 minutes but after a week or so of consistently doing this she went right out and the naps got progressively longer. What about a sound machine? Does she use anything like that?

Yup, she's been in the crib for a while now, I am trying to be consistent but it's hard because I'm not home with her during the day, we have a nanny - who is great and does exactly what I ask her to do but it doesn't seem to be working.

Posted 7/13/10 9:40 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Nap issues

So she went down after two hours at 7:15am, didn't fall asleep till 8am - but then slept till 10am. What the effffffff.... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Why is she fighting sleep?

Posted 7/13/10 10:30 AM


Member since 11/07

15800 total posts


Re: Nap issues

LB, if you find out, let me know. I swear, Izzie and Sienna are twins!

Posted 7/13/10 11:06 AM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: Nap issues

is there a nap routine, like a bedtime routine?

When I was having a hard time with DS naps, I would try our whole bedtime routine, bath, change, song, and instead of giving a feeding, I'd give him a few sips of water from a bottle.

Now if he's really fussy I just give him a sip, if he's terrible, I give him a quick dunk in the bath, sometimes just a change of clothes does it.

Posted 7/13/10 11:13 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: Nap issues

do you think it's the whole 4 month regression thing?

Posted 7/13/10 11:59 AM

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