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Nap problems

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Nap problems new problem is Sidney screams bloody murder when it is nap time. If I miss the 1st signs of sleepiness its all over! I then have to give her the boob....I give it to her for 10 seconds and then slip in the pacifier. Seems to work. I'm hoping to phase out the boob completely. But even this 10 seconds of eating causes problems - cause i don't burp her and she most of the time wakes up crying within 20 minutes.

This just started 2 days ago. I'd like to say its a growth spurt (she is 12 weeks old) but I say that ALLLLLLL the time.


Posted 9/30/05 4:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Nap problems

Try looking for signs of sleepiness after approximately 1 1/2 - 2hrs of wakefulness. Most infants can't handle being awake much longer than that before needing a nap. If by 2 hrs she's already screaming, she's already overtired and it will be much harder to get her to sleep. That's why you have to do the boob.

Try to develop a naptime ritual that guarantees sleep and better yet, teaches her to fall asleep on her own.

For instance, with Jake, I can tell when he's starting to get tired. He starts to get bored or distracted with whatever we happen to be playing and takes more interest in sucking his fingers (soothing himself). At that point I completely stop stimulating him so as not to keep him up. I put him in a sleeping position - in his swing and turn it on, or laying down in his stroller, etc (we haven't graduated to napping in the crib yet) I put a blanket over his legs (he can kick it off if he doesn't want it) and give him his binky. He's out within 5 minutes. No tears, no fussing. Well, most of the time - as long as I catch him early enough.

The 2 hr nap thing - Dr. Weissbluth (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child). The naptime ritual thing, I came up with on my own (with Jake's cues of course) so you'll have to see what works for your baby.

But the truth is that 2 hr thing works almost like clockwork with Jake. Ever since I started doing this, he has been a much much happier baby during the day. Remember, they still need 12 - 15 hrs of sleep a day at this age. Jake turned 12 weeks yesterday.

Posted 9/30/05 8:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Nap problems

WOW....thank you BabyAvocado so much for the detailed response. That is why i love LIfamilies!!!! I remember that you went into labor a few days before me.

Its so hard for me to catch the early warning signs of sleepy.
It was my life's mission today to watch sidney for any clue she was tired. I was like the pacifier pusher. If at any point she seemed distant I would see if she would take the pacifier. She only takes it in that small window of sleepiness and hysteria. I would then put her in the pack and play and hide nearby. If the pacifier ever fell out and she seemed she wanted it back I would pop it back in. Took her about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep.

Only had to give her the boob once Chat Icon

I am hoping to keep this as ritual (but much smoother of course) I am going to get that book (healthy sleep habits happy baby). I just read Baby Whisper in 2 days flat. Its pretty good. It says that I need to put Sidney to sleep in a very bland quiet environment. So far so good.

Posted 9/30/05 9:55 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Nap problems

Awww - it sounds like you did really well! It takes time to learn your baby's cues. Took me awhile also and sometimes I still miss them too. It might also be that she doesn't need the pacifier the whole time to sleep. Jake spits it out when he's done with it. Sometimes that's almost immediately. I don't put it back in unless he really whines for it. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.

Good luck - let us know how it goes!

Posted 9/30/05 10:05 PM

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